similar to: cancel fade effect

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "cancel fade effect"

2006 May 24
enumerables problem?
I was wondering whether anybody could please tell me why this is causing an error in IE (works in Firefox): $A(container.getElementsByTagName(''*'')).each( function(el) { Element.cleanWhitespace(el); }.bind(this)); What would be an alternative of achieving the same? Thank you Marco M. Jaeger | Url: <> | E-mail:
2008 Jan 21
scriptaculous fade problem
Been googling trying to find a workaround, with no luck yet ... I hope y''all can help. My goal is to have a semi-transparent background screen on a DIV which will fade in and out over another DIV with a photo for a background. currently I have background-image: url(screen.png) which is a 32x32 PNG24 filled with white at 35% opacity. The problem is that as the div is fading-in, IE
2007 Jun 07
Effect.Fade and innerHTML?
Hi there, I''m now having an odd problem with Effect.Fade not working based on the innerHTML of a div. Take the following for example... <div id="blah"> Nothing here yet. </div> If I then update "blah", hide it and then fade it in, like so: <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById("blah").innerHTML =
2005 Oct 21
scriptaculous website - IE crashes
often when I "try to" visit the scriptaculous, it crashes IE - does anybody else experience this as well? _________________________________________________________________ FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar – get it now!
2005 Dec 28
Sudden Javascript Console noise in firefox
I have been using the latest version of Firefox and Scriptaculous for about a week now, with no problems. Now I get a lot of noise in the javascript console out of the blue: -- ============================ Brian Peiris Brampton, Ontario, Canada or
2007 Jan 28
A patch for minimize plugin.
I've added a new option in minimize plugin, called "Disable Fading". To prevent tearing, damageScreen is used minDonePaintScreen (only if the option is used). The patch is attached. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: minimize-fading.patch Type: text/x-patch Size: 1855 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2006 Jan 18
Dragable without the fade
How do I disable the fade or ghosting effect on my dragable?? I want it 100% opacity on drag. Thanks. ______________________________________________________________________ Alex Duffield . Principal . InControl Solutions . http:// _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list
2005 Oct 11
show message while loading - ajax
Hello, Could anybody please tell me how I would show a message or an image while the ajax request gets processed? thank you in advance for your help. this is what I came up with but it doesn''t really work: function getHTML() { var url = "./scripts/rfiles.php"; var par = ""; var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater("fm-viewdetails", url, {method:
2006 Oct 10
metacity theme opacity
I pushed out some changes to gwd that makes it possible to properly set an overall opacity value for any metacity theme. Making the complete decorations translucent can look bad with some themes. However, I've made it possible to have the opacity fade from opaque to the selected opacity value in a similar way to how the built-in decorations look. This usually looks a lot better. I'll add
2006 Jul 17
RE: scriptaculous appear effect and tiny_mce bug onopera 9
I seem to recall the Effect.Appear setting the final opacity to 0.99 to avoid some bug on some browser; anyone remember the specifics? Seems like we should probably just conditionally check for the broken browser and set to 0.99 for only that one, otherwise leave it at 1.0, but I know I don''t have the full picture of why it was necessary or whether it still is. Greg
2006 Dec 13
Effect.Opacity on Firefox Mac Dims text
Hey everyone, I have a series of thumbnails that have a loading overlay placed over them when they''re clicked on. The overlay is set to an opacity of .7.. .The onclick code looks basically does this: var loading = document.createElement(''div''); = ''loading_image''; $(loading).addClassName(''thumb_loading'');
2007 Mar 30
[PATCH] Fade vs. Animation conflict resolution
Hi, Here is a simple patch that adds an option to the Fade plugin to enable/disable fading on minimize/open/close window events. This option is on by default but can be disabled to avoid conflicts with the Animation plugin. Fading on other stuff (fade during nonresponding app. desaturation, during switcher, and visual bell) shouldn't be affected (which is the main point of this patch).
2006 Jun 13
why some features uses new and some just static function call
Hi, when using prototype and scriptaculous, isn''t it confusing sometimes to remember which ones you have to use new and which ones that are just static function call. For example: new Insertion.Before(...); new Effect.Opacity(...) Effect.Fade(..); Effect.Appear(...); I havent really looked at the implementation, but out of curiosity, I''m just wondering is there a reason some
2005 Nov 05
How to cancel an effect
Hi all, I have a situation where I want to display an error message, and have it fade away after a 2 second delay. My problem is an impatient user could click buttons so fast that multiple Fade effects will be in play. I believe can supports canceling existing effects before starting a new one, but couldn''t find any examples. I tried something like this but it
2005 Jun 24
Executing custom effect for n seconds
Glad to see this list get going! I have a custom effect ''Pulse'' that basically does an opacity fade in/ out. I want to execute this effect with a custom duration. I''m looking for a consistent approach that is inline with and Prototype. Is there a way to do something like this (pseudo code): Effect2.Pulse = function(element) { new
2006 Dec 19
Effect.Pulsate on last scriptaculous
Somone have tested the last scriptaculous version that ships with last prototype? I you make an Effect.Pulsate, the element stays hidden after the effect finish if the element don''t have opacity stablished. This is for the changes on the setStyle method on prototype. The original code is:
2005 Nov 07
IE vs. Firefox - little programming help needed
Hello, I was wondering whether somebody can give me a little hand on this: I have the following code: "var img = this.el.previousSibling.getElementsByTagName(''IMG'')[0];" While IE correctly returns the image object, Firefox returns an error. What I discovered so far is that this.el.previousSibling returns the DIV tag an IE which is correct - however, Firefox
2009 Feb 26
javascript using jQuery.js and prototype.js doesnt work 2get
Hi........ M hving javascript "scripts.js" which uses jQuery.js in rails application. bt when it is used along with prototype.js, one of the javascripts which hs been included first in my application.rhtml fails... Do some1 hv any solution how to make both the scripts work 2gether... I tried using <script> jQuery.noConflict(); </script> bt of no use. problem
2005 Oct 20
cross-fade effect on elements updated by ajax.updater?
Hello. I was wondering if anybody could point me in the right direction of creating a cross-fade effect for Ajax.Updater. If you have an element that gets replaced by a new one with Ajax.Updater, how can we blend one into the other? Many thanks. Tench
2005 Oct 18
Blind... Effects
Hello, is there a way to basically achieve a BlindLeft and BlindRight effect and if yes, how would I do that? Thank you in advance for your help. _________________________________________________________________ Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!