similar to: ENC: atualização

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "ENC: atualização"

2002 Nov 11
Samba and non-ASCII characters
Hi, I'm have my first Samba PDC 2.2.6 up and running (great!) but I have a problem with *some* non-ASCII characters. Here are some details: - Windows (Win98, Win2k and WinXP) clients use Portuguese-Brazillian (pt-BR) as language. - Linux distribuition: Mandrake 9.0 with the latest updates (from MandrakeSoft) and Portuguese-Brazillian support. - 'chcp' from a command prompt give me:
2003 May 05
Help to make a for for index
Hi, I try to make a vector in a for for loop, but it dont work. Look: > a <- 0;for(i in c(1:2)) { for(j in c(1:2)) { a <- i+j; print(a)}} [1] 2 [1] 3 [1] 3 [1] 4 I try to make this a vector, like this: [1] 2 3 3 4 > a <- 0;for(i in c(1:2)) { for(j in c(1:2)) { a[j] <- i+j}}; print(a) [1] 3 4 > a <- 0;for(i in c(1:2)) { for(j in c(1:2)) { a[i] <- i+j}}; print(a) [1]
2010 Aug 03
Returning last value
Hi. I have the following controller of the update action: [code] def update @projeto = Projeto.find(params[:id]) if (@projeto.update_attributes(params[:projeto])) ## Mesmo raciocínio utilizado no create. @permissaoA = Permissao.find(:first, :conditions => ["usuario_id = ?", @projeto.responsavel.to_i]) @permissaoAvancado1 = Permissao.find(:first, :conditions
2008 Apr 03
Re: help needed running visual FoxPro 6 application
Tenho o wine instalado no Fedora 6 e quero rodar o VFP, mas quando executo o VFP aparece "erro ao conectar com SQL. No nodo texto aparece "err:CoGetClass {854d7-bc3d-11d0-b421-00a0c90f9dc4} not registred. O que eu posso fazer? cid:image001.jpg at 01C8625E.FF0BF240 Reginaldo Mendes da Cruz Analista de Suporte e Sistemas Fone:(011) 5503-4206 <mailto:reginaldo at
2014 Feb 28
reverse dns not updated
Hi, SAMBA 4 - reverse dns not update Eduardo Buso
2013 Dec 23
update 4.0 to 4.1
which procedure to upgrade from 4.0 to 4.1? Atenciosamente, Eduardo Buso Tel: (11) 973123297 - 44877825 Administrador de Redes Windows, Linux e Novell T?cnico em Manuten??o de Microcomputador, Impressora, Monitor e No-break. T?cnico em Processamento de Dados T?cnico em Eletr?nica
2005 Aug 25
Problem calling executable with document as argument
Hello all, I'm performing some tests with Wine, since we have only one Windows server in our network, used for specific purposes. One of the services which I intend to migrate to Linux/Wine is called "SIAFI Gerencial", which runs EDM Client to update a local database from a remote database. Here's the deal. I've copied all EDM files to my desktop to perform the testing.
2011 Mar 14
Acessar id através de url
Bom dia a todos. Estou desenvovendo uma app e estou tentando o seguinte mas sem sucesso: No meu modelo de email (closed.erb) que é um email para informar que o ticket foi fechado tenho um ticket_url: <%= ticket_url :host => @host, :id => %> Mas não consigo fazer com que o me retorne na url o ticket em questão. Por exemplo digamos que o ticket 10 foi alterado e
2010 Mar 23
usuários não consegues acessar pastar compartilhadas após upgrade do samba
Oi F?bio. Pelo IP tamb?m n?o acessa. A minha suspeita de que era um problema ligado a interface est? errada. Aleat?riamente usu?rios nas duas interfaces perdem o acesso. Ainda assim, somente usu?rios com Windows XP tem esse problema. Vou testar suas indica??es. F?bio Rabelo wrote: > > > 2010/3/23 Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac <lscarneiro at > <mailto:lscarneiro
2009 Feb 03
Translation pt-br "WIKI - FrontPage"
O que ? CentOS? CentOS Enterprise Linux ? uma distribui??o baseada no Red Hat Enterprise Linux. CentOS Cada vers?o ? suportada por 7 anos (por meio de atualiza??es de seguran?a). CentOS Uma nova vers?o ? liberada a cada 2 anos, e cada vers?o CentOS ? actualizado regularmente (a cada 6 meses) para suportar os hardware mais novos. Isso resulta em uma rede segura, de baixa manuten??o, confi?vel e
2010 Jul 13
RODBC and Excel 2010 xlsx
Hi List, just to know if the issue is only a problem of mine or if it is a general issue due to the new MS Office pack. I'm using R 2.11.1 32 bits in a Windows 7 x64 with the MS office 2010 x64 installed. I can import .xls files normally (the same way I did with my Excel 2007 32 bits). But the function odbcConnectExcel2007 isn't able to import .xlsx files now that I have the new version of
2010 Apr 27
cca standard error species
Dear all, I realised a correspondence analysis with function cca() of vegan library. Just like in Okansen (2010) in the example of R help: library(vegan) data(varespec) data(varechem) vare.cca<-cca(varespec~ Al + P + K, varechem) With plot.cca() function I represented the species matrix in the next way: plot(vare.cca,display="species") Being similar to: plot((c(-2,2)),(c(-2,2)),
2005 Aug 26
Problem Mappig Groups to shares
Hi list, I have a problem here that's make me insane... I have to make a share only available to persons in a group, it means that the directory have to be 0770 permission o Linux, right? Here is my situation: I use samba with LDAP, and everithing is working fine. With smbldap-tools, I created the group and with <net groupmap list> I see that it maps rigth to Unix Group: grupoteste
2005 Oct 18
Two differente networks at the same ethernet pci adapter
Hello all, I need to put an IP alias to the same ethernet card, like this: eth0 - IP1/MASK1/BROADCAST1 eth0:1 - IP2/MASK2/BROADCAST2 In this box I will have another card that conects to a LAN netowork. I need this two alias in eth0 becouse I have two routes do take, but it seens to do not work. This is the script I am using (this scripts works fine when I have two ethernet cards
2013 Feb 26
Multistate occupancy models using Jags
Hi everyone, I am trying to run the example of multistate occupancy model from the book Bayesian Population Analysis using WinBUGS (Marc Kéry and Michael Schaub): This example is available on When I try to run the first line of this section of the model : # Initial values zst
2007 Sep 20
Wine + NetTerm (4.2.a)
Ol? vi uma mensagem sua reportando um problema do netterm + wine, ent?o quero te perguntar se voc? encontrou solu??o para este problema.
2005 May 05
{Virus?} Eu te amo
Warning: This message has had one or more attachments removed Warning: (, minhas_fotos.h.pif). Warning: Please read the "yoursite-Attachment-Warning.txt" attachment(s) for more information. Ola, a quanto tempo! Eu me mudei dai para os Estados Unidos, e faz um tempo que perdemos o contato e consegui seu email atraves de uma amiga sua. Vamos
2010 Apr 23
participar do grupo de estudo ruby on rails
Quero aprender ruby on rails -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To unsubscribe from this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk+unsubscribe-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ For more options, visit
2009 Apr 24
Wine 1.1.19 fonts problems
Hi, I've installed wine 1.1.19 (devel version, with ./configure, make depend && make, make install) and the fonts are weird. Bellow, some pictures: The fonts dir Code: ls /home/wiltave/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts/ Andale_Mono.ttf LiberationMono-Italic.ttf andalemo.ttf
2005 Oct 19
Load balance (two links in one server): why is this not working?
Hello, I am trying to make a load balance at my box using two conections. I have compile my kernel with this patch routes-2.6.13-12.diff (tha I get from this website: The problem is that when I try to balance using weight sintaxe (i will put the script bellow) some conectios just drop. So I can enter some pages but other I could not...