similar to: Clicking a Draggable

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Clicking a Draggable"

2006 Apr 20
Sanity check of my Draggable code
Hi all I''m just getting started with, and prototype etc. My first mini-project was to use Draggable to adjust the column widths in a page. Here''s the code (which seems to work) and any feedback would be appreciated - especially if I''m doing things the wrong way. Here''s the code: var colSpacer function initPage() { colSpacer = new
2006 Feb 27
Disabling anchor clicking in a draggable
Hey guys I have an interesting problem - I have some draggable elements (sortable actually), with links (<A>) inside them. I want the user to be able to click on the link, however if the user drags the element I don''t want the link to get fired. Can anyone think of a way to do this? It only needs to work in Firefox. Cheers -Rob
2006 Feb 28
Question abour Draggables & Droppables - my code example
hi i think my example is very simple and straightforward so i''m not sure if it meets your needs (change revert:true to revert:false from a draggable after I drop it on a droppable so it doesn''t return to its original place.) i did this # 2 divs created here <script language="javascript"> new Draggable(''drag'', {revert: false});
2006 Jan 08
how-to: Draggable
Was looking up the scriptaculous site, but couldn''t find more information on how to use the change option: This is what it says: Callback Description change Called whenever the Draggable is moved by dragging. The called function gets the Draggable instance as its parameter. Could anybody please elaborate on how to use this? Another question: let''s say, I have
2006 Apr 11
IE Sortable Style Problem
Hi Guys, I am having a problem in IE (tested versions 6 and 7 beta) with sortable divs in a container div with overflow set to scroll. It looks like all of the divs have their position set to relative after the sortable initializes, and also after being dragged. When a div (any element?) has a relative position in a containing div with overflow set to scroll, all of the divs with relative
2006 Apr 30
Draggable - how start action on start dragging and end action on droppping
Hi all. I have got situation that I made element draggable - and when element is dragged I want to start some action (e.g. shown AJAX indicator, and change one of CSS class in dragging element). What is the best way to achieve this? I search source code of the Draggable and I saw that there is 2 method: Draggable.initDrag and Draggable.endDrag so it looks like in initDrag method i should
2006 Jul 26
Reorder lists only after clicking link
Yo, I have created the usual list that uses drag and drop to reorder stuff and it all works fine. But I don''t want the list to be draggable until someone clicks a button (or link) to enable the reordering. My only idea so far is to have the drag handles hidden with javascript and the show them onclick, but this is messy. Is there not a clean way to do this? Is there a way to
2006 Jan 20
[protoype] Problem with Effects on draggable element if revert is true
hi, I have a draggable element (cart-item) in a shopping cart <%= draggable_element "item_#{product}_#{i}", :revert => true %> When this element is dragged outside the cart into the "main_div", I want to show a puff effect and remove the element. When it is dragged within the cart, it should revert. So i wrote this code for drop_receiving _element <%=
2005 Oct 17
Passing a draggable element''s attributes to controller on drop
I''ve browsed the list and noticed a few similar questions in the archive about maintaining the position of a draggable element after dropping it ... but I couldn''t find any conclusion about the problem. Has there been anyone found or implemented a solution? Or does prototype still need to be extended to allow the persistence of the draggable object''s position?
2006 Jan 30
Draggable with auto-scroll
Thomas, I''m mostly writing this to you. A couple weeks ago I grabbed the latest SVN version of dragdrop.js because I needed the auto-scroll functionality. I just fixed something in that script that wasn''t working correctly and thought you might want to hear about it. You may have already caught it since I grabbed the script but here it is anyway. In the updateDrag() function
2005 Dec 16
Bug in Draggable in 1.5
I have a Draggable object that contains a SELECT with some OPTION tags. When I select one of the OPTION tags, the entire Draggable acts as though it is being dragged. There is code in the Draggable object to stop this for Firefox: initDrag: function(event) { if(Event.isLeftClick(event)) { // abort on form elements, fixes a Firefox issue var src =
2005 Oct 26
Draggable option elements
Hi, I''m trying to make options in a multi-select draggable so I can let the user drag options between two lists. The lists need to be HTML ''select''s rather than, for example, ''ul''s to support the functionality of the form when Javascript isn''t available. The problem is, while dragging, the options are clipped to the bounds of the
2006 Jan 13
Capturing the position of a draggable element
I would like to capture the position of a draggable element after it''s being dragged, but I am running into problem using several options, such as "change", "revert" and "onEnd". My callback handler would only fire when the page loads, and not when the element is dragged. How can I make this happen? <html> <head> <script
2006 Mar 16
how to distinguish between click and drag?
Hi All I have a sortable <ul> list where each <li> contains a link. e.g. <ul> <li><a>link</a></li> <li><a>link</a></li> <li><a>link</a></li> </ul> How can I go about stopping the click event on the link if the li element has been dragged? Cheers Rob
2006 Jun 14
sortables and onClick events firing
I have a page that I have been tasked with adding sortable support to, and the div elements that are being dragged have a <a href> in them with an onClick handler that opens a new window with a preview. Is there a way to keep that onCLick from firing when a sortable is dropped? Sam D _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list
2005 Oct 19
ghosting draggables
Hi All I''m not sure if this is possible but.... Currently what happens is this *I have a draggable which is ghosted on drag * On release of the draggable the orgional element (the one that doesnt move) disappears and the ghosted element reverts back to the origional elements postion what I''d like is: *have a draggable which is ghosted on drag * On release of the draggable
2006 Jan 26
cloneNode not draggable in IE
Here''s the problem: I have a div, id=mydiv, which I clone using: var clonedDiv = document.getElementById(''mydiv'').cloneNode(true); I then set the id to be mynewdiv: = "mynewdiv"; //not using setAttribute to accomodate IE I then remove the original div: Element.remove(document.getElementById(''mydiv'')); I then insert the new
2006 Feb 14
Another draggable/droppable performance booster
This one is as much for Thomas as for the rest of the list (might be a good one for the official build)... I made a change to the dragdrop.js file that significantly improves overall performance of dragging when there are more than one (or many more) droppables on the page. I modified the Draggables.updateDrag method, and added another method below it, and then in Draggable.updateDrag I
2007 Aug 23
Draggable on IE & Opera
Hi, all! Have anybody problems with draggable in IE and Opera. The problem is i''m creating simple draggable object like this: new Draggable(my_div); In firefox it works very fine. But in IE when I''m moving(dragging) cursor div is stalling and drags very slow. and in Opera it keeping tracks colored in color of the div. Is reason in browser or there is the bug in framework?
2008 Jul 01
Draggable item absolutely positioned inside relative div
Actually, it''s a bit more complicated than that... I have a div (we''ll call it the "portal") of a fixed size and absolute positioning, with an overflow: scroll set. Inside, I have a container div with relative positioning. This inner container has a series of absolutely-positioned elements which are draggable with a vertical constraint. The height of the container is