similar to: refreshing JS libraries on client?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: "refreshing JS libraries on client?"

2005 Aug 29
can a class find out it''s instance name?
Hi friends - a javascript question.... Does the prototype object add some way for a class to find out the variable name of its instance variable? Or does javascript have some built in way to do this? This is confusing to describe - but if I define a variable as some object: var myVariable= new Widget(''fdfa''); can some built-in method inside the Widget class be
2005 Dec 12
possible opera+prototype bug in evalscripts?
Hi all, I use the ajax updater with evalscripts=true. When I load HTML with included <script> tags, I get this error in Opera 8.51: ------------------- snip ----------------------------- Timeout thread: delay 10 ms Error: name: EvalError message: Statement on line 258: Illegal use of eval Backtrace: Line 258 of linked script
2005 Oct 25
InPlaceEditor scrolls to top in Firefox?
When I click an InPlaceEditor field in Firefox 1.0.7, the page scrolls up to the top. That''s disconcerting, and often ends up with the editable field out of the viewable pane. I can duplicate this on both Mac and PC. Is there a way to prevent this? Even the demo at does this. Jay Levitt
2006 Jan 27
Position.clone() duplicate
Haven''t seen anyone ask about this yet... why are there 2 Position.clone() methods in Prototype.js? It seems that the second would overwrite the first, and the second has lots more options. Am I missing something? Thanks, rahul _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2005 Aug 23
using the evalScript option on Ajax.Updater
Hi all, I''m having trouble with the evalScript option on the Ajax.Updater. I''ve removed everything except for the ajax call and a simple alert to try and debug it. It doesn''t appear that the regex is finding my JS in the response... I''m doing an update request and the response is coming back correctly to the updateConent function as this string: <script
2005 Oct 27
Problem passing event object
Hi all, I''m having a problem with an Ajax.Request. I can''t figure out how I can pass an event (an onclick on a checkbox) which causes the Ajax Request, to be recognized in an onSuccess function. Here''s my simplified code: var RequiredField = Class.create(); RequiredField.prototype = { initialize: function(chkbox) { this.chkbox = chkbox; this.chkbox.onclick =
2005 Dec 28
Sudden Javascript Console noise in firefox
I have been using the latest version of Firefox and Scriptaculous for about a week now, with no problems. Now I get a lot of noise in the javascript console out of the blue: -- ============================ Brian Peiris Brampton, Ontario, Canada or
2006 Apr 14
character encoding in ajax submit
Hey all, Anyone got some quick advice on international character submission via Prototype''s Form.Serialize? The base scenario: I set the charset on my page to ISO-8859-1, which seems to be what everyone uses. If I submit a regular form with a standard webpage, I get international characters (like an accented "e", or and AE legature) encoded as 1-byte ascii code
2005 Jul 18
in place text edit
I''ve written a pretty nice Flickr style in place text edit JavaScript control based on the library. API is like this: <span id="editme">Edit me!</span> <script> new InPlaceEditor($(''editme''), ''url/to/action''); </script> Background changes to gray as mouse hovers over the text (like flickr) and the
2005 Oct 12
AJAX and disapear javascript tags
Hello everyone. I''m writing web aplications using AJAX (library prototype and scriptaculous). I have situation that I want to change content of one div in my site. I make ajax request to server and getting new content of that div. The problem is that this div should have javascript code (e.g. looks like that <div><script>js code</script>
2005 Oct 18
responseText Vs responseXML
This is a newbie question. If I have a xml file that I am opening using Ajax.Request, then the response is trapped using responseText. Now this response is a set of xml tags, if I need to traverse through it using DOM, I am not able to use the getElementByTagName method? If I write my own ajax function, then when I do t.responseXML.getElementByTagName(''items'') it works but
2006 Feb 28
browser-crash with Ajax.Updater
Hi, on my page I start an ajax-request which returns rhtml-code (I use Rails) looping over some objects. When I place the following code within the loop my browser (FF) crashs: <script> var set_std_objekt = function (id) { new Ajax.Updater(''divname'', ''/dosomestuff'', { asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true }) } </script> <a
2005 Aug 01
function.prototype.bind return value?
Quick question - how come the function.prototype.bind doesn''t allow for return values? Am I missing some basic understanding of how this works? I searched and couldn''t find an answer. Specifically, I''m binding an object method to an existing form''s onSubmit, but it still actually submits the form, refreshing the page - which is not what I want. If change
2005 Sep 20
radio buttons and event obvsering
Hi, I made a little utility class that turns on a particular div when a radio button is clicked - a RadioButtonDivToggler. As the name hopefully suggests, when a radio button from the same group is clicked, a different div is made visible and the others are hidden. In essence, it toggles on (makes visible) the div associated with the radio button from a group that you clicked. However,
2006 Feb 24
New to Ajax
Hello, I''m very new to ajax and was looking for advice on scriptaculous at their website and they suggested i join your mailing list, I hope that was the right thing to do, I haven''t installed ROR yet but i have downloaded the needed one-click installer which i will setup sometime soon, until such time i would like to work with scriptaculous in its native form in php files, the
2006 Feb 17
Ajax.Updater and loading new javascript functions.
I working on rebuilding my CMS software using AJAX, and have run into a couple problems I cant seem to find the solution to. I am loading up a new component of my system using the Ajax.Updater, and it loads up the HTML fine but as the component I am loading up is fairly complicated I want to load up its relevant javascript functions as well at the same time. I am using the
2006 Feb 17
RE: Ajax.Updater and loading new javascriptfunctions.
<p align=\"left\"><b><font face=\"Arial\" size=\"2\">GFI MailSecurity''s HTML threat engine found HTML scripts in this email and has disabled them.</font></b></p>Also... with the evalScripts method, try assigning your functions differently so they stay in memory (assign them as variables)... myalert = function(txt) {
2006 Mar 01
RE: manipulate <td>''s and their content bygrabbingtheir classNames
> Or... > > var myTDs = new Array(); > $A($("main").childNodes).each(function(tr) > { > $A(tr.childNodes).each(function(td) > { > myTDs.push(td); > }); > }); You''ll probably want to make sure the tr elements are TR tags and the same for the td''s, as empty text nodes are inserted randomly by the gecko engine (and maybe others). Greg
2006 Feb 26
Question abour Draggables & Droppables
Hi, What I need to know is how to change revert:true to revert:false from a draggable after I drop it on a droppable so it doesn''t return to its original place. Something like: [CODE] <!-- Draggable image --> <img alt="Product" id="item" src="icon.png"> <script type="text/javascript"> new
2006 Sep 07
Using "scriptaculous.js?load=effects" on FF
Hi All, For somewhat when I use <script src="scriptaculous.js?load=effects> the effects.js is never get downloaded on FF. So, I can''t use any effect at all. Anyone has the same problem? Please help! Thanks, Palawan --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: