similar to: MaxConnections in IE and Ajax.Request/Sortable

Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches similar to: "MaxConnections in IE and Ajax.Request/Sortable"

2002 Jun 13
Hello, I am using OpenSSH3.1p1 and for limiting the maximum number of simultaneous connections, if i add "MaxConnections " directive in sshd_config, it shows "Bad Configuration" error. How to set the maximun number of simultaneous connections that sshd will handle? regards Kumaresh.
2004 Apr 27
A question on limiting the number of ssh connections to the ssh server
Hello I would like to know if there is a keyword in sshd_config that can be used to limit the number of simultaneous connections an OpenSSH server will accept. There is a MaxConnections keyword in SSH2 but I have not found a similar keyword for OpenSSH. Thanks in advance for your response Amba Giri Symbol Technologies, San Jose P: 408-528-2721 E:agiri at Symbol. The Enterprise
2012 Dec 11
dovcot+offlineimap+gmail: INBOX empty, mail doubled
Hello I have used for years offlineimap-6.2.0 dovecot-imapd 1:1.2.9 in Kubuntu 10.04 Together with a imap server of my university. Yesterday we switched to google, which I know, is not a real imap server. I have 2 problems and the first I think has to do with either an old version of offlineimap or a bad configuration file: - All folders are downloaded+ Gmail[All Mail] so doubling
2007 Feb 21
Xen domU''s and iscsi initaitor problems.
Hello, I have been using Xen now for several months and have been quite successful until attempting to utilize iscsi within my domU''s. My research has turned up many posts of people using iscsi with no problems, and I have found no others with the problem I seem to be experiencing. If this has been covered on this list in the past, please accept my humble apologies. Configuration:
2009 Jan 19
iscsi of a SAN on a DomU
Hi, i have a debian Etch x86_64 with a xen 3.1 on a kernel 2.6.18-xen. I have some DomU with Debian Etch. I installed open-iscsi, configure /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf: --- node.active_cnx = 1 node.startup = automatic #node.session.auth.username = dima #node.session.auth.password = aloha node.session.timeo.replacement_timeout = 120 node.session.err_timeo.abort_timeout = 10
1999 Nov 20
openssh and DOS
It appears that openssh has inherited the dos attack that ssh is susceptible to. This has been discussed on Bugtraq (see for the thread). There does not appear to be an official for ssh. Attached below is a simple, proof of concept, patch that adds a MaxConnections to sshd_config that sets the maximum number of simultaneous
2012 Mar 06
Dovecot saves mails in "wrong" folder.
Hi all I have installed dovecot 1.2.15 and try to use it together with offlineimap and gnus. my problem is that it saves emails into /var/mail/petro instead of ~/Maildir Thanks. Petro. This is my .dovecot.conf default_mail_env = maildir:%h/Maildir And this is my .offlineimaprc [general] accounts = Gmail maxsyncaccounts = 1 [Account Gmail] localrepository = Local remoterepository = Remote
2015 Apr 04
Downloading a great number of files from different rsync servers for good loadbalancing and high efficiency.
Hi all, I'm using Debian, I want to make a local repository which can let me install packages more conveniently. Considering that the rsync tool is the Debian official proposed tool for syncing the files among its different rsync server sites, I use the rsync client to downloading the deb packages from the different rsync servers distributed around the world-wide for good loadbalancing and
2019 Jul 14
Build error due to Waf task dependency cycle in run_after
Dear all, trying to build some Heimdal-based packages for Samba AD DC under openSUSE I am facing some difficulties with the build system: During the installation which is triggered by "make install" waf complains about some task dependency cycle after leaving folder bin/default. Full log including config options can be seen unter
2009 Jul 02
Ubuntu Jaunty samba 3.3.2 print$ no write rights even though I do;-)
I am setting up a OpenLdap PDC with file and print services on Ubuntu Jaunty. Jaunty ships with samba 3.3.2. I configured samba to just use the registry back in which I think is pretty cool! What happend when I use the Add print wizard to add my Windows XP drivers I get the famous "unable to install driver access denied" message. I can ssh into the box with my user id and create files in
2019 Aug 01
Build error due to Waf task dependency cycle in run_after
Am Sonntag, 14. Juli 2019, 22:10:10 CEST schrieb Johannes Engel: > Dear all, > > trying to build some Heimdal-based packages for Samba AD DC under > openSUSE I am facing some difficulties with the build system: > During the installation which is triggered by "make install" waf complains > about some task dependency cycle after leaving folder bin/default. > Full log
2019 Mar 20
build problem with 4.10.0
Hi I want to build samba-4.10.0 for SUSE openLeap 15.1. Config and make works fine but make install sucks: ./configure --prefix=/usr --localstatedir=/var --sysconfdir=/etc --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/lib64 --with-cachedir=/var/lib/samba --with-lockdir=/var/lib/samba/lock --with-logfilebase=/var/log/samba --with-modulesdir=/usr/lib64/samba --disable-rpath --disable-rpath-install
2018 Oct 31
Internal DNS migrate to Bind9_DLZ
Hello Rowland, I have already checked and the DN's are in AD, see attached. SOA: <domain>.corp. 3600 IN SOA psad102zadprh.<domain>.corp. . 9766 3600 600 86400 3600 See below NS, but the 1st NS (zatprdc001) doesn't exsit, and I cannot find it anywhere. NS: <domain>.corp. 3600 IN NS zatprdc001.<domain>.corp. <domain>.corp. 3600
2018 Oct 31
FW: Internal DNS migrate to Bind9_DLZ
Hai,   I've checked out the log you send and i re-read the complete thread.   Based on thats done and what i did see in you logs now, looks like a  * (wildcard)  entry is giving the problem. But i am not sure of that, the wildcard bugs should be fixed, when i look in bugzilla.  (#10435 #12952 )   I've forwarded the mail to Rowland also before we go throw things at you again. ;-)