similar to: Prototype event models and Internet Explorer

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Prototype event models and Internet Explorer"

2006 Feb 03
Rich Text Editor
I know I saw something a while back about a simple Rich Text Editor; did that go anywhere? I''d love to see something as simple as the one google uses in gmail. If not, I''ll get started on it :-D. -Jerod _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2007 May 11
Simulating onmouseleave and onmouseenter with Prototype
Hello. I spent an hour or three chasing down a desired effect that mootools implements, namely the simulation of onmouseleave and onmouseenter events. Why? Lets say you have a Menu. A ul element that contains many li elements. If you want to have a function (maybe an effect) fire when the mouse moves outside of the ul, you are out of luck. Observe the mouseout function like so:
2006 Feb 10
Element.observe () binding
Hey all, I working on a project, but I am not sure I can do what I want to do. The following works beautifully: Event.observe(el, ''click'', function () { this.className += " myClass"; return false; }); I have also tried doing this: this.varname = ''test''; Event.observe(el, ''click'', function () { alert (this.varname); }.bind
2007 Jul 16
Problem with keypress event handling
Hi all, we are writing a cross browser Javascript control that enhances the HTML text input element in order to accept only digits (more or less). Supposing that ''domText'' is the DOM element corresponding to the HTML text input, we wrote the following: Event.observe(domText, "keypress", this.onKeyPress.bindAsEventListener(this)); where this.onKeyPress =
2006 Mar 08
Event.Observer - (was: Ajax.Autompleter not working on IE)
See if I can stir up a little life with a demo. I can''t believe that Ajax.Autocomplete doesn''t work on IE, so I *must* be doing something wrong. Trying to figure this out I added some alerts to control.js and it seems that IE is not getting the onkeypress events. So, here''s a demo: That contains two fields with onkeypress events:
2006 Jan 19
validates_numericality_of positive integer
Hi, What is the simplest way to validate a positive integer? validates_numericality_of :foo, :integer_only => true how do I add the positive part? Do I need another validation statement for pattern matching or do I have to write a validate() funciton for my model? Thanks, Peter
2006 Apr 26
save new model with child model
Hi, I am having a problem saving a new model that has an associated child model. If a new ticket is being created and will have one comment to go with it then I tried this in my action @ticket =[:ticket]) @comment =[:comment]) @ticket.comments << @comment if @notice = "Ticket added. Thanks for
2006 Jul 07
Can a route require POST or GET? / REST problem with routing
Hi, A store front a customer wants to GET /product/5/show. But for the application this is really GET /cart_item/new/5 or even better /cart_item/new?cart_item[product_id]=5 When the customer clicks add_to_cart they POST /product/5/show so that the url doesn''t confuse the user when any validation errors occur. But for the applicaiton this should be POST
2006 Mar 22
currency conversion webservice in a rails app?
Hi, I''m interested in using a currency conversion web service in my rails app. Does anyone have a free service that they use and like? I found this one I''ve tried to make a simple, plain Ruby script to connect to this and get a conversion rate without success. How do I integrate a webservice into my rails app? I
2006 Apr 01
problems getting ActionMailer working (on server)
Hi, I''ve read the Agile Rails book''s chapter on ActionMailer a few times. Seems pretty straight forward. Unfortunately I can''t get my application to actually send mail. I uploaded my application to the web server and tried to get a mail message sent. Nothing happened. I looked in the log file and it says Sent mail: From: To:
2006 Jul 17
RE: scriptaculous appear effect and tiny_mce bug onopera 9
I seem to recall the Effect.Appear setting the final opacity to 0.99 to avoid some bug on some browser; anyone remember the specifics? Seems like we should probably just conditionally check for the broken browser and set to 0.99 for only that one, otherwise leave it at 1.0, but I know I don''t have the full picture of why it was necessary or whether it still is. Greg
2005 Oct 27
Problem passing event object
Hi all, I''m having a problem with an Ajax.Request. I can''t figure out how I can pass an event (an onclick on a checkbox) which causes the Ajax Request, to be recognized in an onSuccess function. Here''s my simplified code: var RequiredField = Class.create(); RequiredField.prototype = { initialize: function(chkbox) { this.chkbox = chkbox; this.chkbox.onclick =
2006 Mar 19
Prototype event observer problem
Hi, I am trying to use prototype.js to observe when a page has loaded and then call a handler function to initialize a javascript dropdown menu. I''ve done it without prototype but I would rather use prototype and remove some of my code. I tried this Event.observe(window, "load", sM.init()); It doesn''t work. What to try next? Thanks, Peter
2006 Apr 26
catch all error for incorrect urls etc
Hi, I am changing a very standard old school website to rails. When I make the change to rails, all of the old urls will not be valid. If a person has a bookmark to an old web page I would like them to be directed to the front page of the new website How do I do this? Do I do something in routes.rb? Thanks, Peter
2006 Jan 26
switching to edge rails
Hi, I want to start using has_many :through. I think that eventually I''ll be removing all uses has_and_belongs_to_many from my project. Here is my situation I''m using SVN I want to use edge rails Reading the wiki about switching to edge rails[1], I can''t figure out which combination of subsections I must perform. Do I want edge rails to reside in the vendor
2006 Feb 09
_marker in dragdrop.js
Hi, I''ve been confused about the purpose of _marker in dragdrop.js for quite a while. It doesn''t really look like it does anything with ghosting on or off. I removed the mark method and didn''t discover any problems. Is all the mark business a relic from some past idea? Thanks, Peter
2006 Jan 23
an image that is a clickable link?
Hi, How do I make an image that is a clickable link the rails way? Is there a view helper for this? Thanks, Peter
2006 Mar 31
Reset events after ajax update
Avoiding real work I decided to try and clean up my html and remove my inline onclick handlers for Ajax.Updater calls. Here''s the inline method I''ve been using: Now, here''s using <script> sections to apply the behavior. (firefox only) Since the links (tabs) are inside the
2006 Jun 15
RE: Yahoo!-like Event object emulation/abstractionin Prototype?
Event.observe(myelement, ''click'', myfunc.bindAsEventListener()); That might fix your wagon. Greg > -----Original Message----- > From: rails-spinoffs-bounces-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/ [mailto:rails-spinoffs- > bounces-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/] On Behalf Of Sam Rowe > Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 11:24 AM > To:
2006 Mar 08
favorite FTP client of railers
Hi, Which FTP client would fit in nicely with OS X and Textmate. Thanks, Peter