similar to: [Prototype] understanding evalScripts

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "[Prototype] understanding evalScripts"

2006 Apr 18
[Prototype] evalScripts not working for me
I think I am experiencing the variable scope problem with evalScripts. I have this block of code being returned from an Ajax.Updater call, as shown by FireBug or one of those other Firefox plugins. I have tried to boil it down to the minimum code. <script type="text/javascript"> test = function() { alert("test"); }; </script> <table
2008 Aug 25
prototype.js Ajax is slow
So I was doing some experimenting with prototype and ajax and discovered something interesting. When I use the first ajax call the response from the server take 53ms. When I use the second on using the prototype functions the request from the server is over 200ms. My question is why, and can it be fixed? <p><a href="#" onclick="serverSideAlert();">Call
2007 Nov 19
Running a script after evalScripts has completed
Hello, (I originally posted this on the Prototype-Core group by mistake, sorry) I am running a request via Ajax.Updater with evalScripts = true and an onComplete function. I find that my onComplete function executes before the script content has been evaluated. Looking through prototype.js (v. 1.5.1) this seems to be caused by the scripts being executed as part of this line (1352):
2006 Apr 15
evalScripts in IE
My Ajax.Updater is set for evalScripts and it receives this: <script language="JavaScript">complete();</script> It works in FF but not IE. Is the above code the proper way to return scripts? Thanks!
2007 Jun 27
Prototype 151; Ajax.Updater vs Ajax.Request and evalScripts=true
Why does Ajax.Updater() and Ajax.Request() differ in how evalScripts is handled? Or doesn''t it, and I just got it wrong? I have a module that generates an Ajax request to insert dynamic content into a div. The dynamic content is plain vanilla HTML with some inline javascript *functions* I cannot get the browser to honor/execute/see those javascript functions when I use .Request() If I
2006 Feb 28
browser-crash with Ajax.Updater
Hi, on my page I start an ajax-request which returns rhtml-code (I use Rails) looping over some objects. When I place the following code within the loop my browser (FF) crashs: <script> var set_std_objekt = function (id) { new Ajax.Updater(''divname'', ''/dosomestuff'', { asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true }) } </script> <a
2005 Dec 12
possible opera+prototype bug in evalscripts?
Hi all, I use the ajax updater with evalscripts=true. When I load HTML with included <script> tags, I get this error in Opera 8.51: ------------------- snip ----------------------------- Timeout thread: delay 10 ms Error: name: EvalError message: Statement on line 258: Illegal use of eval Backtrace: Line 258 of linked script
2005 Dec 31
RJS Templates not conducting callbacks
I''ve run across a weird problem with RJS that I''m trying to figure out: I have an application that was running 0.13.1 that I recently upgraded to Rails 1.0. I wanted to use RJS templates, so I installed the plugin and updated my prototype javascript file via ''rake update_prototype.'' I attempted to test the templates out via the following code, but the AJAX
2006 Mar 21
Javascript Code inside an Ajax response
Hi, i wish to run a function that came inside my Ajax response. I read that i have to use the evalScripts to make this, but still i couldn''t make it work. The error said that my function isn''t declared. I look at the Sergio Pereira tutorial about use the var xxx = function() but still doesn''t work. Someone could help me? In the response this is the code: for (var i =
2006 Apr 27
Execute controller function from RJS
Hi all, I wonder if it is somehow possible to execture or redirect to a controller function from RJS? Right now I do: def foo() render :partial => ''executeagain'' end _executeagain.rhtml <script> new Ajax.Updater(''elmntID'', ''/test/foo/'', {evalScripts:true}); </script> This will loop I know :) How can I achieve the same
2006 Jun 28
Assign CSS class to Link to Remote
I''m trying to get link_to_remote to assign a CSS class to the link it generates. My code is as follows: <%= link_to_remote "Show Full Info", :update => "fullcontact" + reparray.last.to_s, :url => "/cm/full_contact/" + reparray.last.to_s, :classname => "contactlink" %> Which produces this HTML: <a href="#"
2006 Mar 01
ajax doesn''t show at the right place
Hi, I use link_to_remote to create a link to trigger an ajax, things work fine, a new rhtml is created, however, the newly created rhtml doesn''t replace my old zone, it shows instead on top of my old zone...Does someone know why??? my code is like <table> <tr><td colspan="2"><a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Updater(''zone1'',
2007 Oct 24
addClassName and removeClassName
Hi, and sorry for the noob question! I have an unordered list of 4 links where the links use Ajax.Updater in the onclick: onclick="new Ajax.Updater(''ajaxarea'', ''link1.php'', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true }); return false;" How would I go about using addClassName and removeClassName to show the current link? Thanks for any help with this.
2006 Aug 25
RJS Error: Element.update is not a function
Hi, I have implemented some RJS code and I have the same exact code in 2 different places. In one place I get the error "Element.update is not a function" and the other place works fine. Any idea why this error is coming? Breaking my head. -Vinod --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on
2007 Oct 12
Hey all, I''m just checking my understanding. Would someone be so kind as to comment on the following? Event.observe(''this_link'', ''click'', function() { AJAX.Updater(''that_div'', ''my.php'', { evalscripts: true}) }); <div that_div> </div> /////// my.php
2005 Oct 16
More than one parameter with link_to_remote
Hi all, I''m trying to pass more than one parameters using link_to_remote, but I''m getting a behaviour that seems quite strange to me. Here''s the code: link_to_remote ''some text'', :update => ''form'', :method => ''get'', :url => { :action =>
2008 Apr 21
Does String.evalScripts() work on well-formed script tags?
Does String.evalScripts() work when the opening SCRIPT tag of a SCRIPT block contains common attributes? I''ve tried and it does not appear to be working. Here''s an example: <script type="text/javascript" charset="ISO-8859-1" language="JavaScript"> //<![CDATA[ <!-- alert(''look! it works!''); //--> //]]>
2007 Jan 24
Differences between assert_tag and assert_select
Hi all, I can't seem to make assert_select work for the more complex cases for me. Here's a sample: # View <%= link_to_remote 'Add new', :url => new_phone_url, :submit => 'phones_head' %> # Generated code: <a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Request('', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
2008 Jan 23
Rails 2.0.2 + RJS
Hi I had ajax commenting on my app, which worked perfectly on Rails v1.2.6, but does not work the same in Rails 2.02. Basically the comment gets added, but the visual effects do not work (ie lines 2 + 3 of create.rjs) create.js page.insert_html :bottom, ''comments'', :partial => ''comment'' page.visual_effect :appear, "comment_#{}"
2007 Sep 06
semi-nube help request
just to show i''m not a complete dork: i receive emails from the list through gmail and i''ve already searched for the answer to this problem and since i''ve been a member i''ve not received an email about it. Google search results are mixed at best. so this is my problem: i have a form: <div id="container"