similar to: Fetching data from MySQL via odbcConnect - Error in as.POSIXlt.character(x, tz, ...) :

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Fetching data from MySQL via odbcConnect - Error in as.POSIXlt.character(x, tz, ...) :"

2009 May 21
Error in importing table from SQL to R
Hi Friends, I am trying to import a table from SQL server to R(2.9.0), however i am getting errors while running the below codes. Can anyone identify and let me know where did i go wrong??? Thanks in anticipation :) library(RODBC) myconn <- odbcConnect("RDATABASE") myconn RODB Connection 6 Details: case=nochange DSN=RDATABASE Description=Database for R UID=Madana_Babu
2003 Aug 04
as.POSIXct Bug when used with POSIXlt arg and tz= arg (PR#3646)
Tracking down this bug was joint work with Jermoe Asselin (jerome at and Patrick Connolly (p.connolly at We collectively were able to determine that this is a problem in both Windows 2000 and in Linux and by testing it in our three time zones that it seems to be daylight savings time related. Conversion of POSIXlt datetimes to POSIXct appears to have problems.
2011 Nov 07
Problema with Excel files
Hi, I have a Excel file with three spreadsheets: PlanA, PlanB and PlanC. I'm trying to read the three spreadsheets and then adding them together. But, when I try read the PlanA there is an error message: rm(list=ls()) setwd('C:/Test/Dados/Teste') require(RODBC) Arquivo = odbcConnectExcel('T070206_1347.xls') (Geral = sqlFetch(Arquivo, 'PlanA')) (Lactacao =
2010 Jul 14
POSIXlt error for 1982-01-01
Hi, I am encountering a strange error in POSIXlt... anyone got a clue? > as.POSIXlt("1982-01-01") Error in as.POSIXlt.character("1982-01-01") : character string is not in a standard unambiguous format > as.POSIXlt("1992-01-01") [1] "1992-01-01" > as.POSIXlt("1972-01-01") [1] "1972-01-01" > as.POSIXlt("1962-01-01")
2010 Jul 14
POSIXlt error
Hi, I'm encountering a strange error in POSIXlt... anyone got a clue on this? > as.POSIXlt("1982-01-01") Error in as.POSIXlt.character("1982-01-01") : character string is not in a standard unambiguous format > as.POSIXlt("1992-01-01") [1] "1992-01-01" > as.POSIXlt("1972-01-01") [1] "1972-01-01" >
2007 Feb 16
Request: make as.POSIXlt generic
In the base package, as.POSIXct() is an S3 generic function, but as.POSIXlt() is not. As shown below, the current implementation is already crying out to be refactored into a generic function with methods for various classes. It calls "inherits" five times. Not only is this bad style, it also disallows me or anyone else from making as.POSIXlt() work with other kinds of time-ish
2013 Apr 03
sqlSave writes, but only for sqlFetch
I've been having some issues with sqlSave, and I think I've found an clue that may identify the problem. In the code at<>, I connect to a Netezza instance, make a simple table, and query it. Despite sqlSave succeeding without error, sqlQuery tells me the table doesn't exist. Also, when I query the database outside of R, I
2012 Oct 30
sqlFetch doesn't read the whole objects.
Hi everyone, I connected a data in FileMaker server with odbcConnect. When I call the data "CANCERS" using sqlFetch, it looks okay. However, the number of obs was different with the actual number. If I read the same data from Microsoft Access, there are 656 obs. in it but srt() shows me 600 obs. Does anyone know why this happened and how to read all obs. from R? Thank you in advance.
2002 Aug 28
RODBC: sqlFetch and its argument sqtable
Calling function "sqlFetch" in library(RODBC) and specifying a character string as 2nd argument, I get an error I don't understand: library(RODBC) channel <- odbcConnect("mydatabase.mdb", case="msaccess") sqlFetch(channel, "mytable") # this works fine tabname <- "mytable"; sqlFetch(channel, tabname) # this gives an error: # Error in
2013 Apr 02
sqlFetch works but sqlQuery doesn't
I've been having some issues with sqlSave, and I think I've found an clue that may identify the problem. In the code at, I connect to a Netezza instance, make a simple table, and query it. Despite sqlSave succeeding without error, sqlQuery tells me that the table doesn't exist. Also, when I query the database outside of R, I see that the table doesn't
2002 Sep 05
AW: Passing dynamic sql statement to RODBC functions
You could construct your SQL statement as a character string using paste() and pass this as an argument to sqlQuery. Maybe something like this will work for you: >data1<-2.5 >sql.statement <- paste("SELECT * FROM somewhere WHERE something=", data1, ";", sep="") >library(RODBC) >channel <- odbcConnect(...) >sqlQuery(channel, query =
2002 Sep 04
Passing dynamic sql statement to RODBC functions
Hi, Does anyone know how to pass dynamic sql statement to RODBC function "odbcQuery()" or "sqlQuery()"? eg.: under R session, I did: >library(RODBC) >channel<-odbcConnect(...) >data1<-2.5 >data2<-5.0 I want to construct the INSERT sql statement using variables "data1" and "data2" and pass this statement to odbcQuery() . Can I do this?
2009 Jul 15
POSIX, timezones and R-ODBC
Howdy- I recently upgraded to R 2.9.1 and did the updates for all of my packages. A few of them now *suggest* the TZ variable to be set, which I did: > Sys.getenv("TZ") TZ "" > Sys.setenv(TZ="America/New_York") > Sys.getenv("TZ") TZ "America/New_York" Next up: library(RODBC) library(quantmod) channel <-
2014 Jun 30
Getting data from Table in RStudio
Hello, I am new to R progaming and have just started using this program since last week. What i want to achieve is to use R to determine patterns in sales/ customer complaint etc. information located in a mysql database. I am not sure how to approach this or which technique i should use to do so. However, i had proceeded to add a dataset to RStudio using the following code: library(RODBC) 
2002 May 11
RODBC sqlFetch
Hi, Thanks for showing me how to use RODBC and odbcConnect. Now works nicely. The question I've got now is: noms <- list.files(pattern=".DBF") # removing extension names: noms <- sapply(noms, function(x) as.character(strsplit(x,".DBF")) , USE.NAMES=F) for (i in 1:length(noms)) { s <- sqlFetch(bdades, noms[i]) # etc. } But it seems that sqlFetch()
2002 May 10
RODBC for importing dbf
Hi I know that it is very easy to import data from a dbf file to R, by saving the data as csv, for instance. However, I have several hundreds of files to do that. So, I thought of using RODBC to read the dbf files and save it as data.frame. However, I cannot even start (this is my first time using such package): > library(RODBC) > bdades <- odbcConnect("prova.DBF") Warning
2006 Mar 05
Sweave and long strings
Dear R-List, I use Sweave (which is wonderful) and I have a problem with the strings when they are too long according to the width of the page. For example when I do in my .Rnw document : <<UsingRODBC,echo=TRUE>>= channel <- odbcConnect(dsn="database",uid="root",pwd="password") df1 <- sqlFetch(channel,"table1",rownames=TRUE) df2
2003 Jul 09
RODBC and Oracle: error "table does not exist"
Dear r-helpers! I have trouble reading data from an Oracle data base using RODBC Version 1.0-3, R Version 1.7.1, Windows XP, Oracle8 ODBC Driver Version > library(RODBC) > channel <- odbcConnect(dsn="PAV32", case="oracle", believeNRows=FALSE) > # ok, this was succesful > x <- sqlTables(channel) > x[37, ] TABLE_CAT TABLE_SCHEM TABLE_NAME
2006 Sep 19
RODBC Connections closed automatically in background
I am having a problem with RODBC's connections. It appears that my connection to the database is closed by R automatically before I am done with it. Here is my code: foo <- function(dsn) { db <- odbcConnect(dsn) odbcSetAutoCommit(db, FALSE) data <- someDatabaseOperation(db) data2 <- someLongCalculation(data) anotherDatabaseOperation(db, data2) # This often fails b/c the
2007 Mar 20
odbcConnect - no data source and default driver
I am trying to connect sybase sql databast from R using RODBC pkg and getting the following error ( i chnaged names to my*** but when I actually execute it, I put down names explicitly not calling some character strings) > channel = odbcConnect(dsn='mydsn',uid='myid',pwd='mypasswd') Warning messages: 1: [RODBC] ERROR: state IM002, code 0, message [iODBC][Driver