similar to: issue with $() and child nodes on ie

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "issue with $() and child nodes on ie"

2005 Dec 28
Problem with IE
Hi there, let me introduce myself, i am a web developer from venezuela, my english is not the best, sorry by that... i am developing a form builder, is simple, just dragging form elements to a droppable container, all works well but im showing to my friends and... surprise!!! doesn''t work in Internet Exploiter, i am a linux user with firefox, im looking in internet how fix it but i dont
2006 Mar 22
Ajax.Updater dropping first <OPTION> on IE?
I am attempting to use Ajax.Updater to update the innerHTML of a SELECT - that is, to feed it a list of <option>..</option> sets generated from a partial. It works as expected on FF1.5, but in IE6 it renders as an empty select. When I use the DOM viewer (or an alert()) to dump the value of innerHTML, it appears intact EXCEPT that the first <option> is missing with no
2002 Feb 12
Win2K -> Win2K rsync
Has anybody out there set up a rsync environment that allows mirroring of files between two Windows 2000 servers? Douglas Hornyak Senior Systems Architect Spring Lake Consulting, LLC
2006 Sep 19
Problem using POST with IE 6
Hey guys, hope one of you can help me. I have the following code that works with Firefox but not within IE. The basic premise is that when using a POST to send to my page, IE doesn''t seem to send it and therefore doesn''t fire the database update. GET''s work fine in IE but due to the potential volume of text, a GET is not realistic. In Firefox, GETs and POSTs work as
2006 Mar 10
Problem with ajax and textareas on firefox but works on IE
Hi folks, I''ve been trying to figure this one out for a few hours now and can''t seem to understand what I might be doing wrong here. Basically, I have a textarea which has a little icon next to it which will fire off a reset of the original comment if pressed. It works under IE so that when the user types some garbase in to the textarea, and clicks the icon, the contents
2006 Jul 22
Prototype error. replace content inside a <TR> in IE
Does anyone know of a fix for the issue with prototype and replacing table rows in IE? render :update do |page| page.replace "row_#{params[:id]}", :partial => ''wireless_request/wrequest'', :locals => {:wrequest => @wrequest} end This ends up making IE throw an "rjs error [object error]" Searching around I found a couple of posts about
2002 Feb 07
List of rsync output / error messages
Is there a good place to get information about the list of all possible output and error messages rsync generates? Or should I just muck around the source code (which I haven't looked at yet) and find them? I am doing something where I would like to parse rsync's output using Perl into a set of data structures. I already have something that works under normal conditions. Eventually
2006 Feb 24
possible Slide and Blind IE bug
Hi, I''m new to this list, new to but pretty comfortable with javascript. I''m trying to get a combination of Effect.SlideUp and Down and Effect.BlindUp and Down to well... it''s hard to describe, maybe have a visit here (try in firefox first): Click on "next month" a couple times, then click on
2006 Feb 20
[Prototype] onSuccess Event and Ajax.Updater bug in IE
Hi all, Is there a known bug with Ajax.Updater not working in IE6? I''m having trouble with a Autocompleter control that calls a function that contains an Ajax.Updater as an AfterUpdateElement callback. It works fine in firefox, but I don''t think Ajax.Updater gets called under IE. 1. function updater(input, item) { 2. var
2007 Apr 23
getElementsBySelector problem in IE
I''m having this problem with IE and getElementsBySelector, but am a relative js novice, so quite possible -- likely even -- that I''m doing something stupid. Either way, a fresh pair of eyes would help. Basically I''m duplicating a fieldset within a form (so you can upload more than one photo). [BTW, the fieldsets have a CSS id which relates to the object id of the
2006 May 08
replace_html on a select fails on IE and Opera
I am using an rjs file to do a page.replace_html on a select field as follows: @inrhtml = options_from_collection_for_select( @widgets, "id", "name") page.replace_html "type_select", @inrhtml I have it working on firefox and safari but it doesn''t work on IE and opera? My javascript defaults are up-to-date. I would appreciate any help. thx, -hkn --
2006 Nov 13
Problems with Prototype in 1.6.5
Hi, When I''m using the Prototype version attached to 1.6.5 (Prototype 1.5.0_rc1 revision [5462]) I get some "Object doesn''t support this property or method" in the Effect.BlindDown method (when the method tries to get the dimentions). If I''m using the version of prototype that was attached to 1.6.4 I do not get this error. Is this a known
2006 Jun 27
iframe ... does it have an innerHTML ?
If I dynamically create a hidden iframe, how could I add a document in a string to that element? e.g., var sDocument = ''<html><head></head><body>Hello world.</body></html>''; I''ve tried several variations of appendChild, innerHTML, document.innerHTML, createTextNode. Argh! _______________________________________________
2006 Feb 21
RE: [Prototype] onSuccess Event and, Ajax.Updater bug in IE
Joe, After removing all occurrences of charset=utf-8 from my headers I am still getting the same bug in IE. Currently, it''s Content-Type: text/html Any other suggestion? Nathan. > Message: 2 > Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 09:13:57 -0500 > From: "Joe Hudson" <joe-x8g0hQFNjJhWk0Htik3J/> > Subject: RE: [Rails-spinoffs] [Prototype] onSuccess Event
2006 Jun 27
Ajax - Inserting selected elements from request.responseText
After retrieving a URL using an Ajax.Request... function onComplete (request, json) { // request.responseText holds the entire page Only the content contained in elementID = ''source'' is intended for display At this time, the following code works, but it disturbingly copies the entire page from the source URL into the target DIV $(''target'').innerHTML =
2007 Apr 13
inplace editor and textarea
Hi, I have an inplace editor and I can access the innerHTML value of the created form. However the innerHTML gives "<textarea>....</textarea> ..." How can I access the textarea value? I tried to do innerHTML.textarea.value but it didn''t work. Any ideas will be appreciated. Thanks, Joe -- Posted via
2006 Apr 29
Event.observe mystery
Hi, I have a class ''Menu'' with a method ''addItem''. The method (simplified) looks like this: addItem: function(itemId, text) { this.container.innerHTML += ''<div id="''+itemId+''">''+text+''</div>''; Event.observe(itemId, ''mouseover'',
2005 Sep 27
Hi *, We don''t know if you guys are the right audience, but we got a problem with prototype.js we need to solve. Essentially, it is a compatibility bug with the IE. We wrote a component so it updates itself periodically using AJAX. we used the prototype.js to accomplish this (using the periodicalUpdater object). now the component works fine using firefox or opera, but NOT with IE. the
2006 Apr 12
innerHTML and scripts not running
Hello, I''m having an issue with getting embedded javascript code to actually run when loaded via an Ajax.Request() call and the callback function inserts the generated HTML and js code to my current page. It seems that the javascript code is not properly parsing. For example, I''m using the following function showinfo() to return some html code. function showInfo(go_url){
2006 Jan 30
RE: sortable list question
Assuming that $(ids[i]) is the hidden input field, wouldn''t the following line need to reference it as a form element? > $(ids[i]).innerHTML = i; I would assume it should be (the "'''' + " makes it a string, not sure if you can set a form element value to an int, maybe you can): $(ids[i]).value = '''' + i; Or maybe I''m not