similar to: Form.EventObserver Incorrect?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Form.EventObserver Incorrect?"

2005 Nov 04
prototype EventObserver on radio option elements
Hi all, I just started using prototype 1.3.1. I''ve successfully used Form.Element.EventObserver on a select list and recently tried to add it to radio options. However, I think there is a flaw in how it works with radio options. Radio options are a little unusual in that there are multiple distinct elements, tied together by a common name, where changing one element causes a
2006 Feb 07
Help needed with conflicting EventObserver
Hello everyone, I have a page that populates/updates make, model and year select lists via Ajax.Updater and I think that an EventObserver is causing a conflict. Here''s what I''m trying to do. I''m using this page as a create and edit page for a car database. If I''m calling the page in edit mode, I''ll want the make, model and year set (using the
2005 Jun 24
Executing custom effect for n seconds
Glad to see this list get going! I have a custom effect ''Pulse'' that basically does an opacity fade in/ out. I want to execute this effect with a custom duration. I''m looking for a consistent approach that is inline with and Prototype. Is there a way to do something like this (pseudo code): Effect2.Pulse = function(element) { new
2005 Dec 09
Prototype Enumerable, Array and Hash Documentation
Hey guys, I recently published an article documenting some of the more useful and interesting parts of Prototype''s Enumerable, Hash and Array objects. You can find it here: 2005/12/07/prototype-meets-ruby-a-look-at-enumerable-array-and-hash If you have any feedback or suggestions, fire away. Cheers, -Justin Palmer
2006 May 06
Storing additional data on join tables with Rails
Hi there I need to store additional attributes on join table. Searching the Wiki [1] revealed two possible methods: 1) push_with_attributes, as described by Justin Palmer [2]. Unfortunately, "this method is now deprecated" [3]. Even if it wasn''t, there seem to be inherent problems with that approach, for example with updating those additional attributes, though Joshua Muheim
2005 May 17
acts_as_tree elegant tree printing
Hi, I''m working with acts_as_tree to print an unordered list of items: Root -- Child ---- Child I''ve got this working, however I''d like to know if there is a more elegant fashion that I''m unaware of: #Takes a parent category and recursivley returns all children def find_all_subcategories(category) if category.children.size > 0
2005 Apr 24
Typo 2.0
I''m proud to announce the 2.0 release of the typo web logging engine. What started as a toy project while I was waiting for a client at starbucks now became a prestige open source project with tons of modern features a dedicated dev team and even its own hosting service! Get it at The 2.0 release has been long coming. Here are some of the new
2006 Jan 11
RE: - unordered list problems
Hi Marco (I forwarded this also to the mailing list and removed the picture as it wasn''t necessary to include to the mailing list so everyone can hear the general techniques), I recently had a very similar problem with my project. The problem arises because whenever you move the mouse to ANY element, the previous element that the mouse was over gets a mouseout event, even if it
2005 Nov 22
Element.findElement - confusion
Hello I''m kind of confused on how to use Element.findElement. I''ve something like this: if (Event.findElement(event,''A'')) { var elm = Event.findElement(event,''A''); alert(elm.nodeName); } else { alert(''no link''); } var elm = Event.findElement(event,''A''); alert(elm.nodeName); returns
2006 Jan 11
RE: RE: - unordered list problems
I just realized I made a mistake... in the first numbered solution, the != should be == ________________________________ From: rails-spinoffs-bounces-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/ [mailto:rails-spinoffs-bounces-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/] On Behalf Of Ryan Gahl Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 2:28 PM To:
2009 Jul 07
[PATCH server] Update app to work with rails 2.3.2
Note that this does not fix gettext for app, that will be done separately in another patch as F10/F11 require different setups for that. In the meantime gettext works if manually changed in environment.rb to gettext_rails instead of gettext/rails Signed-off-by: Jason Guiditta <jason.guiditt at> --- src/app/controllers/application.rb | 200 --------
2006 Nov 28
observe_form, observe_field, dynamic forms help
I made a pretty lengthy post on what I''m doing here: Short version: I have a radio_button group of two. If one is clicked another pair of radio buttons is added, if the other is clicked it is removed. observe_form does not work for elements added after initial page load. observe_field does not work
2006 Apr 15
Ticket #4140? observe_field issue.
Take these two basic bits of HTML. <input id="user_email" name="user[email]" size="30" type="text" value="" /> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ new Form.Element.EventObserver(''user_email'', function(element, value) {new Ajax.Request(''/account/validate_user_email/0'',
2003 Jan 07
Usernames with dots
Now that I have winbind working, life is good. However, I've hit upon a real kick in the pants. As you can see from my email address, we have a convention here of usernames being firstname.lastname. So, when I go to change the owner ship of a file: $ chown chris.palmer myfile Linux thinks I mean user chris, group palmer, and says "invalid group" (there is no palmer group,
2005 Jul 28
autocomplete: how to access a child element of <li>
hi. i promise this will be my last question for the day. still playing with autocompleter, everything is working ok, but i''m having difficulties accessing just the href attribute of <a> element, which is a child of <li> in the autocomplete response, i.e: <div class ="autocomplete"> <ul> <li><a href
2003 Jan 08
Default domain for winbindd?
Hello once again, I've got winbind doing authentication not just for the samba service but also sshd and login. It's great. However, I have to give a fully-qualified username (e.g. "GENEEDINC+chris.palmer") as the username when logging in via these methods. I wondered, Is there any way to get winbindd to insert the domain and the separator for the user, when none is provided? I
2010 Dec 02
foreman dropdown menu broken
Hi, i just installed foreman from the git repository and the dropdown menu does not work. Don''t know xhtml well but opera tells me: Uncaught exception: ReferenceError: Undefined variable: Form Error thrown at line 3, column 0 in new Form.Element.EventObserver(''settings_dropdown'', function(element, value) {window.location.href = value;})
2006 Mar 22
event:selectors VS Behavior
This looks quite nice at first glance.. I would love to hear some of your comments pro or con on how this compares to Behavior. ______________________________________________________________________ Alex Duffield . Principal . InControl Solutions . http:// _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs
2009 Jun 14
Unable to make observe_field work
I can''t make it work. <%= text_field_tag :friend %> <%= observe_field :friend, :url => friendships_url, :on => :click %> <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> Raises the error:Can''t find variable Form. The generated html is: <input id="friend" name="friend" type="text" /> <script
2007 Nov 28
Prototype 1.6: Selector.matchElements Issue?
I haven''t been able to find any discussion about this. It looks as if Selector.matchElements is broken (which means that Selector.findElement, Element.down(elt, cssselector) dont work properly. What I''m seeing is that (line 3310) the Selector.findElements is not called with the root node of the node you are wishing to find elements under (its not called with a parameter at all)