similar to: Re: Rails-spinoffs] Ajax.Updater asynchronous => false

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Re: Rails-spinoffs] Ajax.Updater asynchronous => false"

2006 Apr 07
Ajax.Updater asynchronous => false
I was just working on a project where I needed to use Ajax.Updater with a synchronous request. It appears like all one would need to do is set the asynchronous option to false. I tried this and noticed that the content was being requested synchronously but the content was never injected into the DOM tree like one would expect from Ajax.Updater. In order to get the content returned by
2006 Feb 08
Tooltip.js problems
I''m starting to play with the tooltip.js library from The libarary seems to work pretty well except that when I use a tooltip on a web page that has a form and submit buttons, the submit buttons stop functioning and won''t respond to click events anylonger. So far I''ve only been able to reproduce this under Safari.
2006 Apr 25
asynchronous False and Ajax.Responders object (bug)
Hi all. In my apps I''m using Ajax Call synchronous, (both Ajax Request and Ajax Updater). There is bug in prototype (discused in mailing - list: here and here trying to put data from server to my html properly, I need call
2006 Aug 02
RJS not cross browser compatible?
I have an RJS template that does the following page.insert_html :bottom, "some_id", ''<tr id="some_id"><td></td></tr>'' This works just find in safari and firefox. In IE and Opera it doesn''t work so great. Any ideas? Am I doing something wrong here? -- Posted via
2005 Oct 05
Ajax.Updater form values
Hi I came across this while testing which may be somewhat unnatural but could be useful. I wanted to see the html that was being sent back to the browser by Ajax.Updater, so I was specifying a <textarea> as the target container. This worked fine in Firefox both platforms, but not in Safari or IE6. After investigating it seems that setting the innerHTML property of form objects
2007 Jan 21
Safari doesn't pass the headers.
When I try to update content through ajax It doesn''t work on Safari. I''ve opened a ticket for full reference. The test case is the next: /app/controllers/problem_controller.rb class ProblemController < ApplicationController def index render :action => ''index'' end def myrequest render(:update) {|page|
2005 Sep 02
Hello, I have just subscribed to the list. I am having problems with the Ajax.InPlaceEditor. I am getting different results when I use Firefox and IE. The problem is: On IE, when I click submit in the InPlaceEditor form, the form posts to itself (my InPlaceEditor code is on /test/index.html, and the form posts to /test/index.html) and passes a paramater of ''value''
2005 Aug 23
using the evalScript option on Ajax.Updater
Hi all, I''m having trouble with the evalScript option on the Ajax.Updater. I''ve removed everything except for the ajax call and a simple alert to try and debug it. It doesn''t appear that the regex is finding my JS in the response... I''m doing an update request and the response is coming back correctly to the updateConent function as this string: <script
2005 May 19
[OT] Sqlite2 question
So, under Sqlite2, if I want to update a database''s schema, I have to dump the DB, modify the table''s structure, then go and modify EVERY insert statement. The insert statements look like (from memory): INSERT INTO my_table VALUES (''some_id'', ''some_val'', '''', '''', '''', ''some_other
2010 Dec 21
Fetch without setting flags
Hello, I'm customizing squirrelmail and I want to print a line from the message in front of the subject in mailbox listing (like gmail). the problem is, when I use 'FETCH {SOME_ID} BODY[]' the message gets marked as seen. How can I fetch without setting the senn flag ? Thanks Behrooz
2006 Jul 19
Passing objects to drb, does it keep the existing db connection?
I have a simple question. Let''s say I do this in one of my models: after_save drb_conn.some_method(self) end When that object gets over to the background process is it the exact same as?.... Model.find some_id #in the background process As far as my background process is concerned passing the object is not any different than passing the id and using the find method? Because
2006 Feb 14
problem with sortable lists and IE
* I sent this message previously from the wrong address so it didn''t go through so, I apologize in advance if a duplicate shows up * Hello, I am very new to and prototype but was trying to implement some of the cool ajax functionality with Webwork. I have been having a little trouble with the sortable element demo. I have the following code below: <html>
2010 Jul 15
Asterisk Manager Problem
I am originating a call to a Local channel using an Originate Action: Action: Originate Channel: Local/dial at outdial Context: outdial Exten: answer Priority: 1 Timeout: 45000 ActionID: some_id In my dialplan, I have this: [outdial] exten => dial,1,Dial(${DIAL_STRING}, ${DIAL_TIMEOUT}) exten => dial,n,NoOp(Dial Status = ${DIALSTATUS}) exten =>
2005 Sep 19
AJAX update_method support
Hello everyone, I ran across as a possible solution for a bug I''ve been having with IE 6 with Prototype 1.3.1. He submitted this patch to RoR and it seems it was fixed in RoR and works correctly. I''m not a RoR user, but use Prototype with Perl and wondered if there were any
2006 Jul 17
RJS template help
Does anyone know where I can find good documentation on how to use RJS template. I know I can do various things with the page object: page.visual_effect :shake, ''some_id'' Is there a list of method I can run on the page onject and what parameters they are expecting? I can''t find this anywhere. Thanks for your help. Thank You, Ben Johnson E:
2006 Jun 13
HTTP validation regexp, possible solution
There was an old email thread from the end of January 2006 discussing regular expressions for matching URLs. I took some of the sample expressions and tweaked them a bit to the point where I think they are pretty useful. They pass all of my tests anyway. :-) For a reminder, here''s a sample message from that thread. My code is below it. On Jan 26, 2006, at 5:28 AM, Nathaniel S.
2006 Apr 08
What does SystemExit mean in this context?
I''m using the very cool Exception_Notification plugin to receive error reports. Occasionally, I get one of these: <pre> A ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid occurred in [controller]#[view]: SystemExit: exit: SELECT * FROM table WHERE (some_id = 1335) ORDER BY position LIMIT 1 [RAILS_ROOT]/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter.rb:120:in
2006 Nov 23
[ wxruby-Feature Requests-6826 ] Add a traverse method to Wx::TreeCtrl
Feature Requests item #6826, was opened at 2006-11-22 19:06 You can respond by visiting: Category: None Group: None Status: Open Priority: 3 Submitted By: Nobody (None) Assigned to: Nobody (None) Summary: Add a traverse method to Wx::TreeCtrl Initial Comment: There is no simple way at the moment to iterate all
2007 Oct 20
Proper timestamps in callbacks
Yay, another Task model: ## the model class Task < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :lots, :of, :stuff, :but, :not, :finished_at, :and, :finished before_save do if @before_save end def finish self.finished = true @before_save = proc { self.finished_at = } end end ## usage t = Task.find(some_id) t.finish (same code on pastie:
2008 Dec 04
rsync Failure
Hello All: I'm having an issue with rsync in that it recently (11/29/2008) started to crash during a daily cron job backup. Below is some info on how rsync is being used to backup our servers. Version: 2.6.9 Execution: Called daily via a wrapper script, and up until about 2 weeks ago, ran fine. The wrapper script just loops through a series servers to backup. The first server