similar to: prototype: leak with Element.extend

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "prototype: leak with Element.extend"

2006 Mar 03
[PATCH] Effect.Accordion (not from the wiki)
Hello boys and girls In the ever-loving spirit of OSS, here''s another feature for s.a.u. In particular it''s called Effect.Accordion, and is a scriptaculified version of openrico''s Accordion. Work in progress, I''ll submit further modifications as the come in, but this is 90% of what needs to be done. I anticipate some bugs when I start using it more. Tested
2006 Feb 21
accordion (outlook bar thingy) help
Does anybody have a solution that really works nice? I know about: but I was hoping someone had worked out the kinks. I''m really looking for something like: Thanks for your time. Joe _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list
2006 Jan 21
scriptaculous accordion feature - Jump?
Trying the accordion feature as offered at: The objective is to remove the "jump" reported in the Rico accordion feature. My demo of the scriptaculous feature, however has a noticeable jump when tested if FireFox. and IE Win. See: Have I implemented this incorrectly? Jim
2006 May 20
Changing the height of LI elements to achieve such an effect?
Hi Everybody, I was wondering if there is such a work done with Scriptaculous/Prototype before and if not how to achieve it? Example : It is done with codes borrowed from moofx and his own codes. Thanks in advance Danial _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2005 Dec 13
new classes
Hi list, I made some classes for I think some of them are useful. Please try them and feed me back, like bug report etc. Check it out at: Thanks. Kaoru _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 Feb 22
''this.initialize'' is null or not an object
Hi, working on the accordion widget and it''s actually working nice (doesn''t seem to be jumpy) now but I am receiving a javascript error in IE 6. Does anybody have any ideas why it is happening? Thanks <script language="javascript"> sbr_stretch(el) { thisBodyId = + "_body"; thisBody = $(thisBodyId); if
2009 Jun 12
Obtaining puppet and facter for RHEL5/Centos5
What''s the correct yum repo to use for installing Puppet & Facter on RHEL5 and Centos5? I used to get them from the dlutter-rhel5 repo but this seems to be massively out of date now - latest version of puppet-server in there is 0.24.5-1.el5 and facter 1.5.4-1.el5. In Epel I see puppet-server 0.24.8-1.el5.1 and facter 1.5.4-1.el5 which is better but isn''t 1.5.4 the version
2003 Apr 18
kjournald panic in 2.4.20 RedHat 7.2
Hi, If this is a redundant post I apologize. I am running 2.4.20 on what has been a very stable Athlon machine for months, tried to move a 2 GB file from an ext2 partition to an ext3 and kjournald crashed. Here are the last reminants of my shell scrollback: [*ROOT* mofo /mnt/sda1/mysql/fd 641 ] ll oldmail/ total 2363288 -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 2147483647 Jan 23 18:04 maillog.MYD
2007 Jan 22
getElementsBySelector broken in IE
Hi all: getElementsBySelector appears to be broken in 1.5 final on IE. getElementsBySelector works as expected in FF 1.5 final and also it works correctly in IE in 1.5 RC2. Here''s my simple code fragment: var els = element.getElementsBySelector(''[recnum]''); The variable els is undefined in 1.5 final on IE. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You
2006 Nov 13
Problems with Prototype in 1.6.5
Hi, When I''m using the Prototype version attached to 1.6.5 (Prototype 1.5.0_rc1 revision [5462]) I get some "Object doesn''t support this property or method" in the Effect.BlindDown method (when the method tries to get the dimentions). If I''m using the version of prototype that was attached to 1.6.4 I do not get this error. Is this a known
2006 Jul 26
insert_html inserting fragment twice
Has anyone had trouble with inline RJS insert_html with the latest version of Rails? My problem is that insert_html inserts the html fragment twice. For example, render :update do |page| page.insert_html :top, "some_list", "<li>booyow</li>" end would render "<li>booyow</li>" twice. Thanks. -- Posted via
2006 Mar 09
[prototype] how i send Dynamic form field values??
I want to know how can i send the values of form fields build dynamic with prototype. i have the form as follow: <form id="id" method="post" action="url"> <div id="dynamicFields"></div> </form> with prototype i fill the dynamicFields DIV with <input> and <select> tags, but when i submit the form the values of
2007 Jun 09
Element extending problem
Okay, I posted about this a few days ago but couldn''t replicate it in my test case. I have this page, which everything works fine on... except some of the prototype methods. They do not appear to exist on an extended Element. ie: Element._extended = true Element.up = undefined Element.addClassName = function Element.getElementsBySelector = undefined I''ve been trying to figure
2006 Feb 08
InPlaceEditor - IMG for OK / Cancel?
Hi all, Is it possible to use images instead of plain text for the "OK" and "Cancel" controls? Thanks, Best Regards, EJC _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 Feb 10
Element.observe () binding
Hey all, I working on a project, but I am not sure I can do what I want to do. The following works beautifully: Event.observe(el, ''click'', function () { this.className += " myClass"; return false; }); I have also tried doing this: this.varname = ''test''; Event.observe(el, ''click'', function () { alert (this.varname); }.bind
2006 Apr 05
Help with new EventSelectors in prototype
Hello, I can''t seem get to work the newly inctroduced EventSelectors of protoype. I downloaded the latest release via SVN. And included both prototype and scriptaculous. This is a short extract of my test: <body> <div id="footer">This is a footer</div> <script type="text/javascript"> var Rules = { ''#footer:loaded'':
2006 Mar 31
Property not supported error with newest prototype.
I''m getting an error from IE on the following line in the newest prototype... element._extended = true; IE is saying that ''Object doesn''t support this property or method''. I''m using IE6. Has anybody else had similiar issues?
2006 Jun 23
Help please-draggable
I asked the other day about this problem but haven''t received a response. Trying again: I just downloaded 1.6 and can''t get a simple draggable to work, which is weird. I know it''s not my browser since the demos are working. Here is my simple code. I''ve also had the "new Draggable" between the select tags. Didn''t change anything.
2006 Feb 24
possible Slide and Blind IE bug
Hi, I''m new to this list, new to but pretty comfortable with javascript. I''m trying to get a combination of Effect.SlideUp and Down and Effect.BlindUp and Down to well... it''s hard to describe, maybe have a visit here (try in firefox first): Click on "next month" a couple times, then click on
2006 Apr 25
issue with $() and child nodes on ie
I''m working on a framework that builds off of the latest snapshot prototype.js for use where I work. It contains parts that: - Repeat a set of html code and inserts it as the innerHTML of an element - Adds a method to each element that will return child elements by id I''ve found that in ie, after I alter the innerHTML, if I then use my child by id routine to grab an