similar to: liquid positioning of draggabels

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "liquid positioning of draggabels"

2010 Dec 21
liquid include error please help
Hi All, I have been trying to get my following code working for almost 4 days and glad if you could help me. Basically what I want to do is to use liquid ''include'' tag I''m getting this error Liquid error: No such template ''test'' my code is as follows in my app/views/page/index.erb <% file_system =
2008 Apr 20
Liquid & Rails 2.0.2
Hello, I am using Rails 2.0.2 and the liquid template engine does not work properly. The template is not interpreted as a liquid template, but like an erb template. template name : view/pages/template_1column.html.liquid def index render :action => ''template_1column'' end The template is loaded by rails, but not interpreted by the liquid template engine. Any ideas ?
2006 May 16
liquid: passing objects
I''ve got Liquid installed and maybe since I''m not coming in with Django experience, I''m completely mystified by how to pass anything worthwhile to a template. In my controller: def preview @customer = Customer.find(1) @letter = Letter.find(1) @liquid_body = Liquid::Template.parse(@letter.body) @x =
2003 Feb 21
Live a healthy life with VERIUNI nutritionals. Tasty liquid multivitamin (PR#2567)
Live a healthy life with VERIUNI nutritionals. Tasty liquid multivitamin ensures you'll get nearly every daily nutrient required for prolonged health.Powerful antioxidant unleashes the power of red wine extract and polyphenols for the ultimate mind and body energizer. All-natural ingredients. No sugar or artificial preservatives. For more information, check out
2006 Feb 15
Liquid - form helpers? multiple liquid templates?
Hi, Its taking me a long time to get my head around the Liquid plugin. I have a couple of questions which hopefully someone can help me with... - How difficult would it be to add some kind of Filter or Tag which would allow other Liquid templates to be included into the current Liquid template (eg. similar to render(:file => "filename") - How difficult would it be to add
2006 Jan 31
Liquid templates and forms
I have started to experiment with Liquid templates and all goes fine as long as I just display my stuff. But I want to get user input (using forms), and I couldn''t figure out so far whether and how liquid facilitates the use of forms, something like the form helper tags in .rhtml. Anybody knows about that ? -- Roberto Saccon - -------------- next part --------------
2009 Sep 15
Liquid assign_to
Hello using liquid markup i am trying to do the following. {{ ''holiday'' | album_thumbs | assign_to ''asset_list'' }} {% for asset in asset_list %} "link: " + {{ asset | asset_path }} {% endfor %} It should return a list with all assets for the loop, but the asset_list variable never gets set. It just returns #### (number of records) on this line:
2006 Jan 24
Liquid templates and RJS
Does anybody know whether Liquid templates can be combined with RJS ? -- Roberto Saccon - -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Feb 08
Liquid with database?
Hello, Just wondering if someone here as successfully ported Liquid to use with a database. I would like to try it out but not sure how Liquid integrates with current templates. Thanks Frank --------------------------------- Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Apr 17
Do liquid templates play well with RJS?
Im looking to use liquid template for security reasons, our coding & designer teams work in semi-isolation. We are looking to use some RJS goodness but I''m not sure if you are faced with the same problem as with Rhtml, ie. you are running ruby code which can do anything it is told to do, eg. delete all files on the hardrive. Can anyone confirm this is the case? -- Posted via
2007 Jun 12
rspec 1.0.x and liquid?
Is anyone else using liquid with the > 1 rspec? This seems to fail: it ''should render show'' do response.should render_template(''buyers/show'') get :show, :id => 1 end with an error like 1) NoMethodError in ''/buyer GET should render show'' You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! The error occurred
2006 Feb 09
Draggables and Droppable performance (tips)
Hi all. I have some performance tips to share. I had been having problems with the overall performance of the drag/drop objects. This is due largely to the fact that my project really pushes the limits (potentially thousands of draggables and hundreds of droppables in the document at a time, although that is the extreme case). Something I discovered is that the performance of dragging goes WAY
2006 Feb 04
helping with scriptaculous/Thomas Fuchs MIA?
Hi, In the last few days I''ve been working a lot on rewriting the dragdrop.js code. I''ve made changes for what I think is stronger object-oriented design and made more parallels between how Droppbables and Draggables are coded and instantiated. I have multiple selection and dragging of draggables working and droppables can accept multiple draggables in one drop. There are some
2008 Jul 01
Draggable item absolutely positioned inside relative div
Actually, it''s a bit more complicated than that... I have a div (we''ll call it the "portal") of a fixed size and absolute positioning, with an overflow: scroll set. Inside, I have a container div with relative positioning. This inner container has a series of absolutely-positioned elements which are draggable with a vertical constraint. The height of the container is
2006 Feb 14
Another draggable/droppable performance booster
This one is as much for Thomas as for the rest of the list (might be a good one for the official build)... I made a change to the dragdrop.js file that significantly improves overall performance of dragging when there are more than one (or many more) droppables on the page. I modified the Draggables.updateDrag method, and added another method below it, and then in Draggable.updateDrag I
2005 Oct 17
Draggables Question
Hello guys, I am creating a file browser using the libraries. I am having a problem with the draggables. When start dragging a draggable in firefox it puts a line under the dragable and does not remove it. I have the draggables on span tags with an a tag as the child and an image and some text as the child to the a tag. Is anyone else having these problems. Thanks Jon
2006 Apr 06
0 V1.6.1
V1.6.1 (2006-04-06): Sortable Trees, Prototype 1.5.0_rc0 (fixes IE mem leaks)! New features in V1.6.1 and V1.6.0: * Update to Prototype 1.5.0_rc0 * Sortable trees [thx Sammi Williams, sammi-EeRYXuc1dym5PgFUrJwY1aU/] See the functional test (test/functional/sortable_tree_test.html) and the CHANGELOG for more information! * Add Draggable object as third parameter
2017 Jul 01
How to replace match words whith colum name of data frame?
Dear ?, I'm sure that there are many ways to do what you want; here's one: > cbind(concept_df, category= + ifelse(apply( + sapply(chemical_df$chemical, + function(x) grepl(x, concept_df$concept)), + 1, any), + "chemical", "")) concept category 1 butan
2006 Feb 01
Sortable onUpdate problem
Hi, I have two sortables with different options (but same tags. just ''li''). When I drag an item from sortable1 to sortable2 I want it to gain the options that the sortable2 items have. I''ve tried all day to understand how Draggables and their observers are destroyed but I keep gettting buggy behavior. Part of the problem is the draggable and the draggableObserver are
2006 Feb 24
declaring draggable object that holds it position
Hi i posted this question earlier on how to create a droppable div(New to Ajax), and i have just realised that my code does work, however the function doesn''t work the way I expected it to, I would like my draggable to remain where it was dropped, currently I have a draggable div and a droppable div. I would like to try create a puzzle type game which has a set amount of droppables and an