Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Extracting values from a ecdf (empirical cumulative distribution function) curve"
2017 Jun 18
R_using non linear regression with constraints
(Cran's optimization task view -- as always, you should search before posting)
In general, nonlinear optimization with nonlinear constraints is hard,
and the strategy used here (multiplying by a*b < 1000) may not work --
it introduces a discontinuity into the objective function, so
gradient based methods may in particular be
2017 Jun 18
R_using non linear regression with constraints
I ran the following script. I satisfied the constraint by
making a*b a single parameter, which isn't always possible.
I also ran nlxb() from nlsr package, and this gives singular
values of the Jacobian. In the unconstrained case, the svs are
pretty awful, and I wouldn't trust the results as a model, though
the minimum is probably OK. The constrained result has a much
larger sum of squares.
2017 Jun 18
R_using non linear regression with constraints
I am using nlsLM {minpack.lm} to find the values of parameters a and b of
function myfun which give the best fit for the data set, mydata.
mydata=data.frame(x=c(0,5,9,13,17,20),y = c(0,11,20,29,38,45))
and using nlsLM
lower = c(1000,0),
2004 Oct 17
ecdf with lots of ties is inefficient (PR#7292)
Full_Name: Martin Frith
Version: R-2.0.0
OS: linux-gnu
Submission from: (NULL) (
I have large vectors containing 100,000 to 20,000,000 numbers. However, they
only contain a few hundred *distinct* numbers (e.g. positive integers < 200).
When I do ecdf(v), it either runs out of memory, or it succeeds, but when I plot
the ecdf with postscript, the output is unnecessarily bloated
2017 Jun 18
R_using non linear regression with constraints
I am not as expert as John, but I thought it worth pointing out that the
variable substitution technique gives up one set of constraints for
another (b=0 in this case). I also find that plots help me see what is
going on, so here is my reproducible example (note inclusion of library
calls for completeness). Note that NONE of the optimizers mentioned so far
appear to be finding the true best
2017 Jun 18
R_using non linear regression with constraints
> On Jun 18, 2017, at 6:24 AM, Manoranjan Muthusamy <ranjanmano167 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am using nlsLM {minpack.lm} to find the values of parameters a and b of
> function myfun which give the best fit for the data set, mydata.
> mydata=data.frame(x=c(0,5,9,13,17,20),y = c(0,11,20,29,38,45))
> myfun=function(a,b,r,t){
> prd=a*b*(1-exp(-b*r*t))
2007 May 30
Sort in ecdf
I've noticed the ecdf() R code (R ver. 2.5.0) contains two call to sort:
--- [R-code] ---
ecdf <- function(x)
x <- sort(x)
n <- length(x)
if (n < 1)
stop("'x' must have 1 or more non-missing values")
vals <- sort(unique(x))
rval <- approxfun(vals, cumsum(tabulate(match(x, vals)))/n,
2005 Nov 17
ECDF values
Dear UseRs,
maybe is a silly question: how can I get Empirical CDF
values from an object created with ecdf()?? Using
print I obtain:
Empirical CDF
Call: ecdf(t)
x[1:57] = 4.1, 4.4, 4.5, ..., 491.3,
Thanks in advance.
Diventare costruttori di soluzioni
Became solutions' constructors
"The business of the statistician is to catalyze
the scientific
2017 Jun 15
"reverse" quantile function
thanks for the response. In your response the quantile function (if I see correctly) runs on the columns versus I need to run it on the rows, which is an easy fix, but that is not exactly what I had in mind... essentially we can remove t() from my original code to make "res" look like this:
res<-apply(z, 1, quantile, probs=c(0.3))
but after all maybe I did not explain
How to count from larger value to smaller value in ecdf (Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function)
2008 Feb 19
How to count from larger value to smaller value in ecdf (Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function)
Hi, all
ecdf function (Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function) in "stats"
package counts from smaller values to larger values.
However, I want to draw it by counting from larger value to smaller values
and I couldn't find options for this purpose.
How can I draw ecdf or ecdf like graph by counting from larger values to
smaller values.
Thank you in advance.
Hyunchul Kim
2017 Jun 18
R_using non linear regression with constraints
I've seen a number of problems like this over the years. The fact that the singular values of the Jacobian have
a ration larger than the usual convergence tolerances can mean the codes stop well before the best fit. That is
the "numerical analyst" view. David and Jeff have given geometric and statistical arguments. All views are useful,
but it takes some time to sort them all out and
2017 Jun 16
"reverse" quantile function
It would depend on which one of the 9 quantile definitions you are using. The discontinuous ones aren't invertible, and the continuous ones won't be either, if there are ties in the data.
This said, it should just be a matter of setting up the inverse of a piecewise linear function. To set ideas, try
x <- rnorm(5)
curve(quantile(x,p), xname="p")
The breakpoints for the
2001 Jun 18
approxfun(*, ties=) returning "random" result (PR#986)
Platforms : SunOS and Linux, both using gcc 2.95.[23]
R versions : 1.2.3 and "R-devel"
I came accross this when trying to debug a somewhat sub-optimal behavior of
ecdf() from package stepfun.
What happens is that approxfun(*, ties = <function>)
does not always return the same result for identical arguments.
I tried "min", "max", and "mean" all of
2010 Nov 09
Help with Iterator
Dear Experts,
The following is my "Iterator". When I try to write a new function with
itel, I got error.
This is what I have:
> supDist<-function(x,y) return(max(abs(x-y)))
> myIterator <- function(xinit,f,data=NULL,eps=1e-6,itmax=5,verbose=FALSE) {
+ xold<-xinit
+ itel<-0
+ repeat {
+ xnew<-f(xold,data)
+ if (verbose) {
+ cat(
2007 Jan 26
Using functions within functions (environment problems)
Hi everyone,
I've been having difficulty writing wrapper functions for some
functions where those same functions include other functions with
calls where the environment is specified. A very simple example using
function lmer from lme4:
lmerWrapper <- function(formula, data, family = gaussian, method =
"ML", "PQL", "Laplace",
2006 Jan 26
Prediction when using orthogonal polynomials in regression
I'm doing fine with using orthogonal polynomials in a regression context:
# We will deal with noisy data from the d.g.p. y = sin(x) + e
x <- seq(0, 3.141592654, length.out=20)
y <- sin(x) + 0.1*rnorm(10)
d <- lm(y ~ poly(x, 4))
plot(x, y, type="l"); lines(x, d$fitted.values, col="blue") # Fits great!
all.equal(as.numeric(d$coefficients[1] + m
2005 Oct 04
Problem reading in external data and assigning data.frames within R
Hey there,
I apologize if this is an irritatingly simple question ... I'm a
new user. I can't understand why R flips the sign of all data values
when reading in external text files (tab delimited or csv) with the
read.delim or read.csv functions. The signs of data values also seem
to be flipped after assigning a new data.frame from within R (xnew <--
edit(data.frame()). What am
2010 Apr 22
Convert character string to top levels + NAN
Dear all,
I have several character strings with a high number of different levels.
unique(x) gives me values in the range of 100-200.
This creates problems as I would like to use them as predictors in a coxph
I therefore would like to convert each of these strings to a new string
x_new should be equal to x for the top n categories (i.e. the top n levels
with the highest
2001 May 23
Passing a string variable to Surv
I am trying to write a function to automate multiple graph
generation. My data looks like:
Table of numeric values with the following headers:
timeM1 statusM1 xM1 timeM2 statusM2 xM2 timeM3 statusM3 xM3
Where M1,M2, M3 hve no similarity except they have a max string length
of 7. Examples are mcw0045, adl0003, lei0101.
Now, what I want to do is
Function(M1, M2,
2008 Jan 11
Adding weights to ecdf
I would like you consider that the function ecdf
could be extended in the following way to handle weights
when computing Empirical distribution Functions. There
exist particular cases that supports this kind of
extension, see for example:
Rao, C. R., 1997.
Statistic and True. Putting chance to work.
World Scientific Publishing.
Cox, D. R., 1969.
Some Sampling Problems in Technology.