similar to: InPlaceEditor and the progress indicator

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 70000 matches similar to: "InPlaceEditor and the progress indicator"

2006 Jan 22
Bug in Scriptaculous 1.5.1 (InPlaceEditor)?
Hello guys, I''m experiencing a bug in 1.5.1, confirmed by me in IE and others on the Rails general list in Safari. It does not manifest itself in Firefox. In IE and Safari, clicking an Ajax.InPlaceEditor causes two form elements to be created, rather than the one expected. I''ve examined the code in controls.js and determined that the event handler "enterEditMode" is
2006 Jun 07
Including scriptaculous.js causes page to "hang"
When I say hang, I mean the browsers spinner keeps spinning and Firefox''s info bar at the bottom says "Transfering data from ...... " I''m just including the js like this: <script src="/js/prototype.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/js/scriptaculous.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
2008 Jan 31
Ajax.InPlaceEditor via PHP via prototype widows class = HELP :-)
my window comes up fine and builds a page from some PHP which is all kosher. this is what the source of the "window" looks like: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://">
2006 Feb 27
update a second div with Ajax.Updater, when Ajax.InPlaceEditor has just finished to modify another first div
Hi, I''m a newbees in javascripting with scriptaculous, but I wonder someone to help me on that simple (not for me of course !) case : I''d like to update a second div with Ajax.Updater, when Ajax.InPlaceEditor has just finished to modify another first div ? How could I do this in this kind of code : <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
2006 Jan 22
Bug in'' Ajax.InPlaceEditor?
Guys, I am likely going to submit this as a bug, but wanted to see if anyone else is experiencing it. I''m trying to use an Ajax.InPlaceEditor. In firefox, it works great, but in IE, it adds two form elements when clicked instead of one. In other words, you have two text fields, two ok buttons, and two cancel links after clicking an element to be edited. This even happens when
2008 Jun 02
Ajax.InPlaceEditor <br>-Tags in a textfield
Hey, i''ve got a problem using the InPlaceEditor as a textarea with the current version of and prototype. I have some formated text (using <br>) in the div. After i updated scriptaculous today it doesn''t convert the <br> to \n for correct formating in the textarea if i click into for editing. Instead of this i can see the <br>-tags in the
2006 Feb 08
[PATCH] Allow InPlaceEditor to only be activated by externalControls
Hey guys. I was builing an application with which I wanted to use InPlaceEditor, but it was preventing navigation because sometimes the bits the admin could edit were the only ways to follow a link. Etc. So I patched controls.js to have a new option "externalControlOnly", to that only the externalControl can edit the text entry. Patched against scriptaculous 1.5.1 from the website.
2006 Feb 09
inPlaceEditor ISSUES!
I have run into a problem that I have never created before. I am using the scriptaculous inPlaceEditor If I hit the cancel button, and rehit the editor it then creates two textboxes, and if I repeat three input boxes, etc.! Must be stupid simple, but I AM STUMPED! DECO
2005 Oct 26
Troubleshooting inplace editor
I can''t get the inplace editor to do anything for me. The output appears as regular formated, unclickable text. Maybe I am missing something simple. 1. I just downloaded <> 1.5_rc3 and copied it to my javascript folder. 2. To set up a simple test, I created a new test page containing only the copied from demo1 from the
2005 Sep 02
Hello, I have just subscribed to the list. I am having problems with the Ajax.InPlaceEditor. I am getting different results when I use Firefox and IE. The problem is: On IE, when I click submit in the InPlaceEditor form, the form posts to itself (my InPlaceEditor code is on /test/index.html, and the form posts to /test/index.html) and passes a paramater of ''value''
2007 Jul 10
Other parameters on InPlaceEditor
Hi to all, I have a doubt on like passing other URL parameters to InPlaceEditor function. For Ajax.Updater I can use "parameters:", but for InPlaceEditor (or InPlaceCollectionEditor) I cannot use "parameters". How I make to pass other parameters to the page that callback? A sample code: ---------------------------------- var editor= new Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor(el, url,
2006 Jan 13
Ajax.InPlaceEditor Could someone explain to me the necessary steps in getting this to work. -- Thank You In Advance, Frank D''Elia
2007 Sep 28
Ajax.InplaceEditor ( / Prototype)
I am new to and prototype and I am having problem using it. It only has problem in IE. There is no problem in Firefox and it works fine. I am using InPlaceEditor and it always returns object expected as an exception. What I could debug so far is I could see element and url which are the parameters. I could see object in Ajax.InPlaceEditor after creating class but
2005 Nov 29
InPlaceEditor form value
As I understand it the name of the <input> element created when using the InPlaceEditor is "value". When creating an instance of Ajax.InPlaceEditor I have a callback function that looks like this (to send the value using a different parameter name): function(value) { return ''name='' + value;} Using etheral to see what''s getting sent back to the server
2005 Nov 14
InPlaceEditor question
I''ve noticed some strangeness when using the InPlaceEditor. Here''s my code: <p id="storyTitle"><%= storyTitle %></p> <script type="text/javascript"> new Ajax.InPlaceEditor(''storyTitle'', ''editBlog.jsp'', { callback: function(value) { return ''v=edit&user=<%=
2005 Oct 25
InPlaceEditor scrolls to top in Firefox?
When I click an InPlaceEditor field in Firefox 1.0.7, the page scrolls up to the top. That''s disconcerting, and often ends up with the editable field out of the viewable pane. I can duplicate this on both Mac and PC. Is there a way to prevent this? Even the demo at does this. Jay Levitt
2005 Oct 01
Ajax.InPlaceEditor on Safari & Firefox
Hi, I''ve downloaded the latest svn trunk and was glad to see that Ajax.InPlaceEditor forms can now be correctly submitted on Safari as well, with the server response being correctly displayed as well. The problem is, however, that clicking again on the same element (after sumbitting it first) will duplicate the submit form. The next attempt will triplicate it etc, etc... Could
2008 Apr 07
trying to use Ajax.InPlaceEditor
Hi, I''m programming a Ruby on Rails project where I am on the edit page of /boxes/1/edit and I''m trying to make an InPlaceEditor for the color property. (E.g. red box, blue box, etc.) My problem is that after successfully saving the value in the database, the response I get from the server is javascript, and it''s being rendered in the place where the updated value is
2005 Dec 07
InPlaceEditor update of page contents ?
Hi all ! InPlaceEditor refreshes only the element that was updated. Is there any way to make it update tons of other stuff ? I have a table where changing a value in it causes changes in most other cells (weight to percentage to money). Thanks for any help ! -- François Beausoleil _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list
2005 Oct 05
InPlaceEditor crash on Safari
Quick question.. I often crash my Safari when using ''Enter'' on InPlaceEditor''s for submitting. Works fine on firefox(win & Mac) - no javascript errors. Anyone else seen this behavior? (Maybe it is just my alterings of InPlaceEditor :-) Best Regards Michael Krog