similar to: About K-means Clustering

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "About K-means Clustering"

2010 Aug 18
Plotting K-means clustering results on an MDS
Hello All, I'm having some trouble figuring out what the clearest way to plot my k-means clustering result on an my existing MDS. First I performed MDS on my distance matrix (note: I performed k-means on the MDS coordinates because applying a euclidean distance measure to my raw data would have been inappropriate) canto.MDS<-cmdscale(canto) I then figured out what would be my optimum
2001 Aug 01
clustering question ... hclust & kmeans
I am using R 1.3.0 on Windows 2000. For an experiment, I am wanting to find the most diverse 400 items to study in a possible 3200 items. Diversity here is based on a few hundred attributes. For this, I would like to do a clustering analysis and find 400 clusters (i.e. different from each other in some way hopefully). From each of these 400 clusters, I will pick a representative. I expect
2008 Feb 05
K Means Clustering Weighted by Frequency
*Apologies if this is not the right way to ask a question, I'm a first timer posting here. Does anyone have a solution to this? I'm having trouble figuring out how to use weighting with K Means Clustering. So say if my dataset is: Column 1 = x coords Column 2 = y coords Column 3 = frequency each coordinate occurs So I'm basically trying to weight the points more heavily if
2007 Nov 14
Help with K-means Clustering
Hello, I'm new using R. I'm trying to develop a K-means Clustering with R for some data I have, however each time I use that instruction with the same data my cluster means, clustering vector and within cluster sum of square change and I don't understand why because I use the same parameters and the same data. Can anybody explain me why does it happen? Thank you Act. Calef
2010 Jan 11
K-means recluster data with given cluster centers
K-means recluster data with given cluster centers Dear R user, I have several large data sets. Over time additional new data sets will be created. I want to cluster all the data in a similar/ identical way with the k-means algorithm. With the first data set I will find my cluster centers and save the cluster centers to a file [1]. This first data set is huge, it is guarantied that cluster
2013 Jun 24
K-means results understanding!!!
Dear members. I am having problems to understand the kmeans- results in R. I am applying kmeans-algorithms to my big data file, and it is producing the results of the clusters. Q1) Does anybody knows how to find out in which cluster (I have fixed numberofclusters = 5 ) which data have been used? COMMAND (kmeans.results <- kmeans(mydata,centers =5, iter.max= 1000, nstart =10000)) Q2) When I
2005 Apr 22
algorithm used in k-mean clustering
Hi, I have used the kmean fucntion in R to produce some results for my analysis. I like to know the specific underlying algorithm used for the implementation of the function kmean in R. I tried looking for some documents but could not find any. I obtained the kmean result for k ranging from 2 to 10. When i did this initally it worked perfectly. When i tried running again i get the error
2009 Jun 11
Cluster analysis, defining center seeds or number of clusters
I use kmeans to classify spectral events in high and low 1/3 octave bands: #Do cluster analysis CyclA<-data.frame(LlowA,LhghA) CntrA<-matrix(c(0.9,0.8,0.8,0.75,0.65,0.65), nrow = 3, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE) ClstA<-kmeans(CyclA,centers=CntrA,nstart=50,algorithm="MacQueen") This works well when the actual data shows 1,2 or 3 groups that are not "too close" in a cross plot.
2004 May 10
Colouring hclust() trees
I have a data set with 6 variables and 251 cases. The people who supplied me with this data set believe that it falls naturally into three groups, and have given me a rule for determining group number from these 6 variables. If I do scaled.stuff <- scale(stuff, TRUE, c(...the design ranges...)) stuff.dist <- dist(scaled.stuff) stuff.hc <- hclust(stuff.dist)
2003 Feb 13
k- means cluster analysis
Hi all, I am trying to run the k-means cluster analysis using the function kmeans in the package cluster. The data are: x = c(-0.26, -0.23, -0.05, -0.20, 0.30, -0.84, -0.10, -0.12, 0.10, -0.31, -0.19, 0.18, -0.26, -0.23, -0.37, -0.23) I've got two different solutions when I ran this function over a few times: kmeans(x, centers=2) The first solution gives the following: $cluster [1]
2012 Aug 28
K-Means clustering Algorithm
I was wondering if there was an R equivalent to the two phased approach that MATLAB uses in performing the Kmeans algorithm. If not is there away that I can determine if the kmeans in R and the kmeans in MATLAB are essentially giving me the same clustering information within a small amount of error? -- View this message in context:
2013 May 21
keep the centre fixed in K-means clustering
Dear R users I have the matrix of the centres of some clusters, e.g. 20 clusters each with 100 dimentions, so this matrix contains 20 rows * 100 columns numeric values. I have collected new data (each with 100 numeric values) and would like to keep the above 20 centres fixed/'unmoved' whilst just see how my new data fit in this grouping system, e.g. if the data is close to cluster 1
2008 May 09
K-Means Clustering
Hello, I am hoping you can help me with a question concerning kmeans clustering in R. I am working with the following data-set (abbreviated): BMW Ford Infiniti Jeep Lexus Chrysler Mercedes Saab Porsche Volvo [1,] 6 8 2 8 4 5 4 4 7 7 [2,] 8 7 4 6 4 1 6 7 8 5 [3,] 8 2 4
2007 Mar 19
k-means clustering
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era indicato... Nome: non disponibile Url:
2006 Mar 29
which function to use to do classification
Dear All, I have a data, suppose it is an N*M matrix data. All I want is to classify it into, let see, 3 classes. Which method(s) do you think is(are) appropriate for this purpose? Any reference will be welcome! Thanks! Best, Baoqiang Cao
2001 Mar 13
kmeans cluster stability
I'm doing kmeans partitioning on a small (n=26) dataset that has 5 variables. I noticed that if I repeatedly run the same command, the cluster centers change and the cluster membership changes. Using RW1022 under Windows NT & Windows 2000 >kmeans(pottery[,1:5], 4, 20) [...snip] $size [1] 7 3 9 7 [...snip] $size [1] 7 10 4 5 [...snip] $size [1] 6 10 5 5 yields a different
2011 Aug 10
Clustering Large Applications..sort of
Hello all, I am using the clustering functions in R in order to work with large masses of binary time series data, however the clustering functions do not seem able to fit this size of practical problem. Library 'hclust' is good (though it may be sub par for this size of problem, thus doubly poor for this application) in that I do not want to make assumptions about the number of
2010 Aug 09
Need help on heatmap, K-means and hhierarchical clustering methods
Hi folks, I am new to the R software. I have been going through different materials to know more about R. I have the R software installed on my windows machine.I would like to know the R source code for the following problems on iris flower data set. I need to do the cluster analysis project with the iris data set. The goal is to cluster the flowers according to their Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width,
2009 Dec 11
cluster size
hi r-help, i am doing kmeans clustering in stats. i tried for five clusters clustering using: kcl1 <- kmeans(as1[,c("contlife","somlife","agglife","sexlife",                         "rellife","hordlife","doutlife","symtlife","washlife",                       
2010 May 05
Dynamic clustering?
Are there R packages that allow for dynamic clustering, i.e. where the number of clusters are not predefined? I have a list of numbers that falls in either 2 or just 1 cluster. Here an example of one that should be clustered into two clusters: two <- c(1,2,3,2,3,1,2,3,400,300,400) and here one that only contains one cluster and would therefore not need to be clustered at all. one <-