similar to: Prototype $$() on arbitary DOM element ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Prototype $$() on arbitary DOM element ?"

2006 Apr 26
DOM events not firing in IE6 with floated divs
Hi All Not strictly Scriptaculous but I came across this whilst trying to implement some Scriptaculous code. I am hoping some XHTML guru out there might be able to shed some light. If you load up the attached file in IE6, you''ll see the events only fire in the middle section of the title bar when your over the border ! - FF1.5 is fine.. Any thoughts / comments appreciated.. Cheers
2006 Jan 08
URL/Site structure
Greetings, I''m fairly noob with rails and making my first DB driven site with it. I''m using the scaffold generator to develop the admin side of my site (admin_controller) I have three sections that I want to have the administrator edit, and I want to call these from the admin controller that has a layout with navigation to these three sections. When using the scaffold
2007 Dec 21
dom movement methods, unattached objects
Hey guys I have a bunch of element fragments (ie this might be a div, with children of an image, another div) etc which aren''t attached to the document yet.. and can''t seem to call the dom manipulation methods on them: down(''img.icon'') returns undefined but if I look at the innerHTML of the element, there is clearly an image there with that class. Is this is
2007 Sep 27
transportXML returns null?
Hi, I want to load an XHTML file into DOM. I issue Ajax.Request and on success do: var response=transport.responseXML Response is null. On the other hand: var response=transport.responseText; // has the data. Why is response=transport.responseXML returns null? Here is the code: function display() { url = "http://" + location.hostname + port + "/fusion/
2006 Jul 24
XML Question
I''ve got an XML file which is pretty well structured. I need to retrieve specific elements from that file to fill out empty HTML elements on a page. I think what I need is xPath? Or - is that overkill? Is there some easier way to locate an XML element? What I have in mind is pulling the XML file using Ajax, then xPath to get the bits I need. Am I on the right path and does
2005 Oct 18
responseText Vs responseXML
This is a newbie question. If I have a xml file that I am opening using Ajax.Request, then the response is trapped using responseText. Now this response is a set of xml tags, if I need to traverse through it using DOM, I am not able to use the getElementByTagName method? If I write my own ajax function, then when I do t.responseXML.getElementByTagName(''items'') it works but
2009 Jun 14
Basic AJAX Response (Mootools)
Hi, I''ve done AJAX calls to Rails'' Controllers before yet never required to generate a response back to the view. In this respect, I have tried to keep it moronically simple and just add a node to see that it works, yet the response doesn''t come through / isn''t interpreted as it should. Long story short, code : // Have to use Mootools to integrate a
2007 Mar 02
Rsyncing to arbitary locations using modules
Hi, I have been experimenting with the various rsync options and so far have had no luck, so I thought I would ask the experts out there. We have remote devices out in the field and communicate with them via GPRS. I am writing an app that will push new audio files out to remote devices using rsync. The app also periodically uses rsync to grab log files. So here is my scenario: The Remote
2005 Sep 07
XMLHttp question
I''m continuing my work on integrating fckeditor with Rails. Currently I''m working on implementing the filebrowser / upload features, but I''ve ran into this problem. The response I get back is being loaded into the "responseText" property instead of the "responseXML" property. I''m trying to figure out why this is the case, but am coming up
2006 Jun 18
Put an arbitary hash into ActiveRecord
Did someone encountered a problem of putting a hash of values into AR, into a certain field? Essentially I need some denormalized, freeform serializable hash to which the user can add keys and values, and handle accessors from there would be lovely too. I remember that AR has "serialize" but did someone actually use it? I heard nothing but complaints about rich objects in AR
2006 Feb 23
prototype ajax + xml response
Hi, I am looking for a solution to use ajax.request object. Return response text will be in xml format and I like to know how to parse that xml information, so that I can put those info into the "span" or "div" tags of my html page. Is there any easy way to parse that xml info using prototype library? Thanks, kevin. -- Posted via
2008 Mar 25
responseXML not working on XML file
When creating an Ajax.Request(''/path.xml'') i don''t get responseXML. I''m confused what I am doing wrong. If i change the response variable and dump responseText, it shows the file, it just doesn''t recognize it as xml. function xml(url){ new Ajax.Request(url, { method: ''post'', parameters:''resultSet=simcall'',
2006 Jan 29
Questions about Sortable javascript
Hi, I''ve been playing with sortable, the demos on and reading the javascript. I hope I''m not just missing the documentation somewhere but I can''t find it. I want to do something like Sortable for the admin side of an open source ecommerce project I''m working on [1]. I''m relatively new to DHTML but understand the basic ideas. If someone
2007 Jun 23
[1063] trunk/wxruby2/swig/classes/EvtHandler.i: Add a public ''connect'' method for handling arbitary user-defined events
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><style type="text/css"><!-- #msg dl { border: 1px #006 solid; background: #369; padding:
2005 Oct 13
Tweaks of Array.prototype
Hi all, I encountered a big problem when trying to use Scriptaculous and Htmlarea in the same page. The Htmlarea code uses a lot of "for (var i in array_variable)" to iterate on array elements. Problem is that prototype.js augments Array.prototype, which then show up in the iteration, severely breaking htmlarea. The easy workaround is for sure to use "for (var i = 0; i <
2008 Mar 18
Can an object obj-arbitrary respond to a method with arbitary name?
For example: I create an object c. Now, if I call, ruby just raise an exception ''method missing'' But, I want it return nil, for each method which is not pre-defined. Is there a way I can gain this ? Thanks! --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To
2009 Sep 06
ggplot2::qplot() -- arbitary transformations of coordinate system?
Hi, Does anyone know how to do a coord_trans() in which the y-axis is tranformed into (for example) -1000/y? Thanks, _____________________________ Professor Michael Kubovy University of Virginia Department of Psychology USPS: P.O.Box 400400 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4400 Parcels: Room 102 Gilmer Hall McCormick Road Charlottesville, VA 22903 Office: B011
2008 Jan 16
Ajax Response responseXML is null in IE
This may be a Prototype question but is probably a general JavaScript question. I am creating an Ajax.Request and getting back a response that should be evaluated as XML. But in IE, in my onSuccess function, the response.responseXML object is null. In Firefox it works properly. I have checked the three things that are supposed to determine whether the browser interprets the response text as
2006 Apr 28
Serialize / deserialize an associative array
Perhaps I missed something but I don''t see an easy way to do this ? Basically just wanna hold some ui state in a cookie. Did I miss something obvious ? Best Matt *********************************************************************************** The Royal Bank of Scotland plc. Registered in Scotland No 90312. Registered Office: 36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YB. Authorized and
2006 Apr 17
Serve static XML files how?
Hi, a Javascript in one of my Rails templates needs to load a static XML file. I tried several places to put the actual XML file, and I also tried to make the file a rails template (tried both .rhtml and .rxml) and access it via a controller action. None of these ways worked. Does the lighttpd server know how to serve XML files, or do I need to configure it first? Or, is there a good workaround?