similar to: Yahoo!-like Event object emulation/abstraction in Prototype?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Yahoo!-like Event object emulation/abstraction in Prototype?"

2006 Jun 15
RE: Yahoo!-like Event object emulation/abstractionin Prototype?
Event.observe(myelement, ''click'', myfunc.bindAsEventListener()); That might fix your wagon. Greg > -----Original Message----- > From: rails-spinoffs-bounces-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/ [mailto:rails-spinoffs- > bounces-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/] On Behalf Of Sam Rowe > Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 11:24 AM > To:
2006 Jun 15
RE: Yahoo!-like Event object emulation/abstractioninPrototype?
If that doesn''t work, then you''ve done something wrong somewhere. ''Cause it works for IE for me and everyone else. The only advantage I see with the YUI toolkit is that it''ll defer attaching events to elements that do not yet exist in the DOM. Big whoop, only a sloppy programmer would try to attach an event to a non-existant element. With Prototype, you can
2006 Jun 12
Cross Broswer Fire Event
Is there a standard way of programmatically firing an event on an element? I think this code works in IE but not FF: myElement.fireEvent(''onclick''); I really only care about IE and FF, but anything else is a bonus. I didn''t see anything in prototype/scriptaculous for this, but I might have missed it. Thanks. Joe Athman
2006 Mar 14
Returning Javascript
I have a page with some links on it that when clicked, loads a "subpage" in a div. This subpage contains some html and javascript. I see how using ajax.updater with evalscripts will run any standalone javascript on the subpage, but I do not have access to any of the javascript functions on that subpage. Is there some way I can make those javascript functions available to the page?
2006 Mar 03
event.keyCode broken in prototype?
I ran 2 tests. One using proto''s Event.observe, and another using an in-line handler of the "keydown" event in a textbox. Using .bindAsEventListener, the event.keyCode is always returning a capital letter, no matter what. The in-line event handler returns lowercase vs. uppercase correctly... What''s going on? I guess I find it hard to believe no one has tried
2006 Feb 02
this pointer in Event.observe function
Hello, please consider the following code example. It applies the onclick handler to all image tags, and through window.event it ensures that it works in IE too: -------------------------------------------------- var imgs = $(''foo'').getElementsByTagName(''img''); for(var i=0; i<imgs.length; i++) { // Apply onclick handler imgs[i].onclick=function() {
2006 Jan 23
Performance Issues with Autocompleter
Hi All, I am currently using and Autocompleter for a project which I am dealing now. I faced a situation for which I couldnt find any solution and I could not see any reference regarding this issue in the enhancement/bug lists of either. Autocompleter component is working perfectly, if the information returned from the server does not exceed ~1000 LIs.
2006 Mar 15
prototype.js Event.stopObserving
anyone have any information on how to effectively use this? Event.observe() doesn''t return anything, and nothing I''ve tried is actually removing the event listeners from the objects. -Jeremy -- Jeremy Kitchen ++ kitchen-RA8HwDor7flnDGu+y90WmgC/ In the beginning was The Word and The Word was Content-type: text/plain -- The Word of Bob.
2007 Sep 20
Element.addMethods functions swallowing exceptions (IE6 + 7)
IE6 and IE7 are not correctly handling the ''throw'' command for functions attached to Element via Element.addMethods. Firefox and Safari are fine. See the example below. For IE6: functions called with no attributes (ie: funcName()) correctly handle thrown errors. Funcions called with attributes (ie: funcName("foo")) will respond to the throw command and pass execution
2006 Mar 04
RE: Question about event listener highlighting withchild elements
1. Create a separate class that has your highlight/unhighlight behavior in it, and extend just the element you want to highlight with that class... like this (also allows you to easily apply this behavior elsewhere when you need it in the future): Object.extend(this.el, HighlightBehaviorClass.prototype) 2. When defining your event handlers, assign them to variables so you have a
2007 Jun 22
Waiting For Completion
I am writing an application that will display a series of images. When a link is clicked the images will fade away, and new images will fade in. I am starting by trying to simply fade the images out then back in through a function: function ChangeImage() { Effect.BlindDown(''MyElement'',{duration:0.5}); Effect.BlindUp(''MyElement'',{duration:0.5}); } This
2005 Oct 21
{ afterfinish }
Hi, 1. can someone give me an example usage of { afterfinish: }? I tried several ways and just can''t get it. I was trying to deploy an effect after another one had finished and just couldn''t do it. Effect.dropout (myElement, {afterfinish: function(element) { Effect.Appear(anotherElement); } } ); a) why doesn''t this work? b) what''s the element argument for?
2006 Jun 21
Implementing a boolean "switch" in a Class
I need a single boolean which would be "globally" accessible to all instances of a class. Seems like the boolean should be in the class prototype, but I was troubled by the difficulty of setting the prototype boolean to true. Maybe I''m missing something? var MyObject = Class.create(); MyObject.prototype = { bSwitch: false, ... other methods and properties } var oMyOb1
2006 Sep 14
scriptaculous Toggle Appear rate
I have the following code to toggle a basic appear of a div: <a href="#" onclick="Effect.toggle(''d3'',''appear''); return false;">Toggle appear</a> I want to edit the rate in which the effect runs. I can''t for the life of me figure it out. I would like to make the effect complete faster, like .5 seconds. I''ve
2006 Jan 16
resizable window/div - some help needed
Hello I have been working on a little window dialog script - please see <> for a preview. the necessary files can be downloaded here: <> .I''ve included just the basics - please change the path in
2006 Jan 18
BlindDown on a div with overflow: auto...
I have a div with overflow: auto... BlindUp works fine. But BlindDown simply waits the duration and shows the div at full size (no blinding down effect). If I remove overflow: auto it works fine. Why would this work for BlindUp but not BlindDown? Sincerely, Ryan Gahl Design Engineer Camtronics Medical Systems (an Emageon Company) Ryan.gahl-nlycWCgr5/
2006 Mar 31
Reset events after ajax update
Avoiding real work I decided to try and clean up my html and remove my inline onclick handlers for Ajax.Updater calls. Here''s the inline method I''ve been using: Now, here''s using <script> sections to apply the behavior. (firefox only) Since the links (tabs) are inside the
2006 Jan 12
Draggable performance issues
Using the Draggables, I''m noticing they are a bit less than fast. I drag them around on the screen and they jump and glitch to catch up with the mouse. Has anyone else noticed this, and are there any optimizations that have been identified that I can apply? I''m using v. 1.5 Sincerely, Ryan Gahl Design Engineer Camtronics Medical Systems (an Emageon
2006 Feb 17
Released: window dialog script
Hello, First, please let me thank you to Ryan Gahl and Jerod Venema for their patient help - really appreciated their input - I couldn''t have done this script without their support. Today I released a dialog script based on scriptaculous and prototype. A demo can be seen here: . Please see the readme and changelog file for details. Your
2006 Jan 09
Interfacing R and C++
I have a single c++ file that contains a class and a "wrapper" function that has C-like syntax for interacting with the Class. Basically, this wrapper function just makes an instance of the class and then organizes the data for return to R. #include <math.h> void myFunc(double *data, int *n, double *prm, double* intervals, int* max, double *plot) { ... } myClass::myclass(...)