similar to: sortable trees and rjs updates

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "sortable trees and rjs updates"

2006 May 30
The ARTS Plugin: Another RJS Testing System
If you missed it, I''ve written a plugin for testing RJS that uses (basically) the same syntax as the RJS templates themselves. Here''s a taste: assert_rjs :alert, ''Hi!'' assert_rjs :assign, ''a'', ''2'' assert_rjs :call, ''foo'', ''bar'', ''baz'' assert_rjs :draggable,
2006 Nov 04
Dynamically updating a sortable list using RJS
I''ve got the following sortable list in one of my views: <ul id="sortable_list" class="sortable_list"> <%= render(:partial => ''section'', :collection => @sections) %> </ul> <div class="new_section" id="new_section"> <%= form_remote_tag(:url => {:action =>
2006 May 28
RJS template / page.insert_html problem
Hiall, I have a rjs template which is calling page[:xxx].replace_html ... a couple of times and this works perfectly. However, in the same rjs file I have two calls to page.insert_html, which do not work. No error in development.log, nor error message in browser, the new content for the div simply isn''t changed at all. This is my code: ... action = "save_" +
2006 Nov 18
RJS page.delay timing issues
Hi. Has anyone ran into issues with the timing of page.delay. I have been testing in firefox, for the most part, and it seems that there is no reliability on when the page.delay timings kick in. What happens is that sometimes it will work fine, and the countdown looks great; other times it will just jump to the end and display everything at once, other times it will be jerky. I''m on a
2005 Dec 15
RJS Templates and the Replace semantics
I have an issue with the way replace_html works in an RJS template. This is a copy of a post on my blog ( <> ) that describes the problem and my working solution to the problem. If I have a collection of things that are output like this: <div id="things"> <% @things.each do |thing| %> <%= render :partial =>
2006 Jul 21
RJS Failing
This code was working before I created the update_link_list method in the helper below (everything was in the controller). I can successfully create a new link but I get a TypeError when I leave all form fields blank -- I expect to see validation error messages. --- #link_controller.rb: def create link =[:link]) saved = num_links = Link.find(:all).size
2006 Apr 19
RJS replace_html auto-closing tags
I''m using the following RJS template to spit out a div containing a list of projects: page.replace_html ''results'', ''<div>'' @projects.each do |p| page.insert_html :bottom, ''results'', + "<br/>" end page.insert_html :bottom, ''searchresults'', ''</div>''
2006 Jul 03
Rjs $("aaa").insertHtml is not a function error
Hi, I''ve searched the list and found that someone had the same problem as me I''m have in my page a link like this <%= link_to_remote ("Add #{image_tag(''add.png'')}",:url=>{:action=>''addProduct''})%> and in my controller def addProduct ..................
2006 May 02
Very simple RJS not working in IE
My HTML: <div id="search_div" style="display: none;"> <table> <tbody id=''search_results''> </tbody> </table> </div> My RJS: page.insert_html :bottom, ''search_results'', "<tr><td>Test</td></tr>" "search_div" Now, everytime this gets called, it adds a
2006 Jun 19
RJS Templates
I have a page that when a form gets submitted, I use page.insert_html to stick a div in another div. The problem is, when I want to refernce it later on, the IDs are not unique. So to get around this, I concatenated the id of the item to the end of the div name. Which is fine. I did the same in the RJS template as well, but it''s not finding that div. I tried it with string
2008 Sep 22
syntax error in RJS
I''m new to Ruby on Rails and came across a problem I could not solve alone. I''ve a pretty simple RJS file that looks like the following: 3.times do page.insert_html :bottom, ''messages'', ''test'' end ''updateMessageWindow'' However this snippet gives a syntax error: ActionView::TemplateError (compile error D:/Eigene
2006 Apr 05
RJS and remote forms
I''ve run into what I think is a browser bug related to using remote_forms pushed in an RJS update. In my controller, I have an action that creates a new model and returns a form for one of its children: def create_party party = Party.create render :update do |page| page.insert_html :top, ''party-list'', :partial => ''party_header'',
2006 Jun 15
Drag and Drop Sortable Tree
I''ve gone through Chad Fowler''s recipe for creating a drag and drop sortable list, and have been trying to extend this to a sortable tree. Has anyone come up with or seen code which allows drag and drop sorting (altering the position and parent_id variables of the relevant objects) but for data in a nested tree rather than a list form? - Justin
2006 Nov 02
RJS error in internet explorer
hey all, got a rails app i''m finishing up. i have a little ajax on one of my pages where the person can choose a doctor from a drop down list and if the doctor isn''t there they can click a link which blinds down a little form to add a doctor. after they submit that mini-form the page updates the div which houses the drop-down so the doctor shows up. works very nicely IN FIREFOX.
2005 Dec 25
RJS not working?
I''ve been attempting to add a simple rjs ''delete'' method to my project. However, no matter what I try, it simply doesn''t work. Even the easy, easy stuff seems broken. (Yes, <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> is being included in the template.) For example, from: VIEW: <h1
2006 Apr 11
RJS adds comment but doesn''t update form
Hi, When a user adds a comment i want to add the comment to the end of the comments list using ajax so there is no full page refresh. The code i have below adds the comment to the database but doesn''t update the comments div with the new comment. Can anyone help? This is my first use of rjs templates and i have read
2009 Mar 07
RJS: pass javascript variables in ruby calls
Hey, I have this link_to_function which takes an RJS block as follows: page.insert_html :bottom, :documents, :partial => "upload_fields", :locals => { :doc =>, :index => ''UNIQUE_ID'' } It adds a partial to a div. I need index to be a unique id, but can''t generate one. I have an actual javascript function next_index() that will
2008 Sep 29
RJS is not loaded
Hello, I have here an issue which is really critical for me (it for my university work and I would like to not delete this feature). It based on a Rails 1.x tutorial which I use now under Rails 2.x. It contains the refreshment (adding content or records) of an div via RJS/JS. I access the RJS via (Controller): respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to :controller =>
2006 May 08
Can you apply effects to elements create in same RJS file?
I am trying to create a new element in a list and highlight it. I am doing the following in my rjs file: page.insert_html :after, ''bananalist_header'', :partial => ''banana'' page.visual_effect :highlight, "banana#{}", :duration => 1 The first line creates a new element with the id= ''banana3'' say... The second line then
2006 Jul 19
render :partial inserting new line in RJS
Struggling a bit with rendering a partial in an RJS template. I''m having to feed the javascript directly to the page object as couldn''t find a way to have insert_html work directly on the proxy object returned by select. However, that''s not the problem. The code for doing that is below and it all works fine, except that a new line is being inserted after the