similar to: why some features uses new and some just static function call

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "why some features uses new and some just static function call"

2006 May 05
Effects in IE
I mentioned this before, but it would seem that in IE no matter what I do, if elementNode.setOpacity() or elementNode.getOpacitiy() is called then IE will throw a run time error saying that the function does not exists. This makes it quite hard to work with any of the effects that fade elements in and out. Is there a remedy for this? I know if you do Element.getOpacity or Element.setOpacity it
2006 Feb 09
cancel fade effect
I was wondering whether it''s possible to pass some arguments to the effect.cancel() - e.g. when canceling fading, I think the opacity should be reset to the default value or 1. Thank you _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2007 Jun 07
Effect.Fade and innerHTML?
Hi there, I''m now having an odd problem with Effect.Fade not working based on the innerHTML of a div. Take the following for example... <div id="blah"> Nothing here yet. </div> If I then update "blah", hide it and then fade it in, like so: <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById("blah").innerHTML =
2006 Jan 18
Dragable without the fade
How do I disable the fade or ghosting effect on my dragable?? I want it 100% opacity on drag. Thanks. ______________________________________________________________________ Alex Duffield . Principal . InControl Solutions . http:// _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list
2006 Jul 14
migration and inserting default data
Hi, I''m wondering is there a way to load default data in the migration script? So, for example I''m creating new table to store the order status, I also want to pre-populate the table with some data from a sql file. I have done a quick search on the list but cannot find anything. thanks, - reynard -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Jan 21
scriptaculous fade problem
Been googling trying to find a workaround, with no luck yet ... I hope y''all can help. My goal is to have a semi-transparent background screen on a DIV which will fade in and out over another DIV with a photo for a background. currently I have background-image: url(screen.png) which is a 32x32 PNG24 filled with white at 35% opacity. The problem is that as the div is fading-in, IE
2006 Jul 20
RJS where to put helper method?
Hi, If I want to have helper method for my rjs, where''s the best place to put it? so for example: --- bla.rjs: page.replace_html ... page.visual_effect ... --- somewhere: (currently I put in application_helper.rb) def replace_with_effect(page) page.replace_html ... page.visual_effect ... end --- bla.rjs: replace_with_effect page and is there a way to define the helper so we
2006 Jul 17
RE: scriptaculous appear effect and tiny_mce bug onopera 9
I seem to recall the Effect.Appear setting the final opacity to 0.99 to avoid some bug on some browser; anyone remember the specifics? Seems like we should probably just conditionally check for the broken browser and set to 0.99 for only that one, otherwise leave it at 1.0, but I know I don''t have the full picture of why it was necessary or whether it still is. Greg
2006 Aug 15
Testing deleting files
In unit or functional test, is there a way to check that a file has been deleted? It seems that running the test does not really execute deleting files, which is good because I don''t want it to actually delete the files. But can I check that the deletion should have been performed in test environment? thanks, - reynard -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was
2005 Nov 07
Element.setOpacity Question
Why does the setOpacity function do this when the value = 1? els.opacity = ''0.999999''; That just seems weird to me. Can someone please explain? Thanks, <> Jon Whitcraft Indianapolis Motor Speedway jwhitcraft-1LwPDYEpVrH2eFz/ Phone: (317) 492-8623 :: Fax: (317) 492-6419
2006 Jan 13
anyone interested in an Effect.Slideshow?
I had to make a sort of slideshow for a site I''m working on, and I was thinking of making it into a Scriptaculous object. Anyone think of reasons why I shouldn''t? You''d have to pass in all the image urls and a div id, with an optional delay parameter to determine how long to leave each image up before moving on. I could also have a ''randomize''
2005 Oct 20
cross-fade effect on elements updated by ajax.updater?
Hello. I was wondering if anybody could point me in the right direction of creating a cross-fade effect for Ajax.Updater. If you have an element that gets replaced by a new one with Ajax.Updater, how can we blend one into the other? Many thanks. Tench
2005 Dec 17
problems with quotes and escaping
First of all I''d like to say thanks for all the great work everyone has put into scriptaculous, I''m having a lot of fun playing with the framework, and easily moving into Web 2.0 territory. I''ve just hit a snag on my project though. So here''s my code: ... var newEvent= "<div
2006 Jan 16
how di i stop a running effect?
Hi, i need some help with Effect.Appear/Effect.Fade i would like fade in and out an element on hovering an element(-> tooltip behavior), but when i''m using Effect.Appear/Effect.Fade both effects will continue to play and overlap each other, resulting in unpredictable behavior. <code> <button onmouseover="Effect.Appear(''test_div2'')"
2006 Feb 06
Urgently Need Solution
I''m using scriptaculous'' SlideUp and SlideDown effects to animate a menu. Specifically, I SlideUp, make some CSS changes, and SlideDown. All works well, except that for a split second in between, the element''s display becomes ''none'' and the other menu item jump into the space. I haven''t been able to find any way to force an element to retain
2006 Jan 25
Slideshow beta
Ok, I finally got the slideshow code to a state worth showing it off. The site is a very rough cut of a site I''m building for my wife''s photography, so ignore the unfinished design for now :) To see the ajax version, go to: To randomize the order the images show: To change
2006 Jan 23
Transition between effects
Peepz, I was looking into how handles effect to write a tutorial and for a current project I wanted to make transition between PAIR effects possible. These PAIR effects are (Appear/Fade, SlideUp/SlideDown, BlindUp/BlindDown) the effect that toggle can handle. calls queue.loop each 40 milliseconds, and that calls all the effect.loop for all effects in the
2005 Oct 11
Drag & Drop probs
Hi, I''m just trying out the possibilities of / prototype having two problems... I have a draggable element with revert:false-property and two dropzones. (The draggables are in a <td> and the dropzones are <div>s if that is important.) 1. I want the draggable element to snap back to its original position when it gets dropped anywhere out of a dropzone. 2.
2006 Feb 03
Scriptaculous: Newbie question - Effect.fade
Hi there, Is it possible to do an effect.fade without removing the hidden document from the flow when in becomes invisible? I have a line of images (initially all invisible) [] [] [] [] [] And a list of links - link 1 - link 2 - link 3 - link 4 - link 5 And what I want to happen is to have the images appear on link mouseover and disappear on mouseout but for the images to maintain their
2006 Dec 13
Effect.Opacity on Firefox Mac Dims text
Hey everyone, I have a series of thumbnails that have a loading overlay placed over them when they''re clicked on. The overlay is set to an opacity of .7.. .The onclick code looks basically does this: var loading = document.createElement(''div''); = ''loading_image''; $(loading).addClassName(''thumb_loading'');