similar to: Two R editiosn in Unix cluster systems

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Two R editiosn in Unix cluster systems"

2012 Jun 06
non ascill characters in plots. no alternative but plotmath?
A student entered some data with text characters like epsilon and alpha. On her Windows system, the Greek letters did not display properly in a plot. There were some ordinary ASCII instead. I asked her to send me the code so I could test. For me, the plot looks ok on the screen. Format1 <- c(320,500,700,1000,500,320,700,500,320) Format2 <- c(800,1000,1150,1400,1500,1650,1800,2300,2500)
2013 Mar 25
ifelse can't return a list? Please explain (R-2.15.3)
I hope you are doing well. For me, this was an unexpected problem. I've hoped for quite a few wrong things today, but I'm only asking you about this one. Why does ifelse(1, list(a, b, c), list(x, y, z)) return a list with only a, not list(a, b, c) as I hoped. I wish it would either cause an error or return the whole list, not just the first thing. Working example: > x <- 1 >
2014 Aug 06
portableParalleSeeds Package violation, CRAN exception?
I'm writing to ask for a policy exception, or advice on how to make this package CRAN allowable. Yesterday I tried to submit a package on CRAN and Dr Ripley pointed out that I had not understood the instructions about packages. Here's the part where the R check gives a Note * checking R code for possible
2012 Apr 16
I wish xlim=c(0, NA) would work. How about I send you a patch?
I'm looking for an R mentor. I want to propose a change in management of plot options xlim and ylim. Did you ever want to change one coordinate in xlim or ylim? It happens to me all the time. x <- rnorm(100, m=5, s=1) y <- rnorm(100, m=6, s=1) plot(x,y) ## Oh, I want the "y axis" to show above x=0. plot(x,y, xlim=c(0, )) ##Output: Error in c(0, ) : argument 2 is empty
2016 Feb 12
configure statement for R-devel with updated zlib in user account
I'm aware R-devel no longer includes zlib. This works find on up-to-date Linux systems. On the older Centos 6 cluster at KU, they have zlib tool old for R-devel. The R-devel configure fails thus: checking if zlib version >= 1.2.5... no checking whether zlib support suffices... configure: error: zlib library and headers are required In other software, I've seen this kind of thing, so
2016 Feb 08
something wrong in package submission procedure/website
Yesterday I uploaded new rockchalk_1.8.97. Then I received email saying that I needed to confirm the submission. Here's the message. Dear Paul E. Johnson Someone has submitted the package rockchalk to CRAN. You are receiving this email to confirm the submission as the maintainer of this package. To confirm the submission to CRAN, follow or copy & paste the following link into your
2012 Dec 11
Debian packaging and openblas related crash when profiling in R
Hello R-sig-debian and (hopefully) Dirk: On Debian wheezy, I have the R packaging that CRAN (you) provide. I run into a little trouble while trying to fiddle with alternative BLAS. I know you and I went around on this last year and I think perhaps I've found something wrong in the framework, or I've just done something wrong. I installed the packages openblas-base and openblas-dev, and
2015 Aug 27
Proposed change in file.exists() to tolerate Windows
I'm writing to ask if R Core would make file.exists more Windows tolerant when the argument has a trailing slash. This has been discussed by users a few times here, I know it is not a new topic. But it is not a solved problem, yet. I acknowledge that CRAN packages exist which fix this by replacing file.exists(), but it seems more elegant to me to fix the problem in R itself. R Core goes to
2012 Aug 11
device "mismatch", coordinates trouble with X11 and pdf devices
Greetings. I'm trying to understand a problem on a Dell Laptop. Details below, also uploaded the R working example that I pasted below. > sessionInfo() R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22) Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) locale: [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 LC_NUMERIC=C [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8 LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8 [5]
2013 Apr 01
example to demonstrate benefits of poly in regression?
Here's my little discussion example for a quadratic regression: Students press me to know the benefits of poly() over the more obvious regression formulas. I think I understand the theory on why poly() should be more numerically stable, but I'm having trouble writing down an example that proves the benefit of this. I
2016 Oct 17
Cluster: Various GCC, how important is consistency?
On a cluster that is based on RedHat 6.2, we are updating to R-3.3.1. I have, from time to time, run into problems with various R packages and some older versions of GCC. I wish we had newer Linux in the cluster, but with 1000s of nodes running 1000s of jobs, well, they don't want a restart. Administrator suggested I try to build with the GCC that is provided with the nodes, which is
2012 Mar 07
multi-platform equivalent of x11() ?
I want to write an R help example that throws up 2 graphs in separate windows, for comparison. In Linux I plot one, then run x11() to spawn a new on-screen device. Is there some generic equivalent so I can write an example that will work for Windows and Mac users as well? If there is none, don't you think it would be fun if there were? pj -- Paul E. Johnson Professor, Political Science
2012 Aug 15
shade overlapping portions of circles (or other shapes)
I'm making some illustrations and it would be convenient to automatically shade the overlapping portions of circles. These illustrations are for Social Choice theory, a field in political science and economics. I've wrestled together some examples so you can see what I mean, but have not mastered the "color overlapping sections" problem (as you will see):
2012 May 17
Windows Task Scheduler and R updates. Need basic tips
This is a basic Windows system administrator problem, asked by a Linux guy who is helping out in a Windows lab. I want to keep R packages up to date on MS Windows 7 with a job in the "Task Scheduler". I have an R program that I can run (as administrator) that updates the existing packages and then installs all the new ones. I do not understand how to run that in a dependable way in
2009 Jan 16
Sweave documents have corrupted double quotes
I'm attaching a file foo.Rnw and I'm hoping some of you might run it through your R & latex systems to find out if the double-quotes in typewriter font turn out as black boxes (as they do for me). If you don't use Sweave, but you have a system with a working version of R and LaTeX, the file gives the instructions you need to use to process the file. The The file itself explains
2015 Nov 23
MKL Acceleration encouraging; need adjust package builds?
Dear R-devel: The Cluster administrators at KU got enthusiastic about testing R-3.2.2 with Intel MKL when I asked for some BLAS integration. Below I forward a performance report, which is encouraging, and thought you would like to know the numbers. Appears to my untrained eye there are some extraordinary speedups on Cholesky decomposition, determinants, and matrix inversion. They had
2016 Mar 31
Ask if an object will respond to a function or method
In the rockchalk package, I want to provide functions for regression objects that are "well behaved." If an object responds to the methods that lm or glm objects can handle, like coef(), nobs(), and summary(), I want to be able to handle the same thing. It is more difficult than expected to ask a given fitted model object "do you respond to these functions: coef(), nobs(),
2012 Aug 30
tcltk capability
There are quite a few packages that make use of tcltk and although - most R distributions have tcltk capability - its possible to query this via capabilities()[["tcltk"]] - attempting to build a package that needs it on such an R distribution will give a message letting one know users still seem to have problems with this. There was recently an R bug report submitted that likely
2014 Jan 13
predict.glm line 28. Please explain
I imitated predict.glm, my thing worked, now I need to revise. It would help me very much if someone would explain predict.glm line 28, which says object$na.action <- NULL # kill this for predict.lm calls I want to know 1) why does it set the object$na.action to NULL 2) what does the comment after mean? Maybe I need a pass by value lesson too, because I can't see how changing that
2012 May 29
trouble automating formula edits when log or * are present; update trouble
Greetings I want to take a fitted regression and replace all uses of a variable in a formula. For example, I'd like to take m1 <- lm(y ~ x1, data=dat) and replace x1 with something else, say x1c, so the formula would become m1 <- lm(y ~ x1c, data=dat) I have working code to finish that part of the problem, but it fails when the formula is more complicated. If the formula has log(x1)