Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Order of factors with facets in ggplot2"
2013 Mar 07
ggpliot2: reordering of factors in facets facet.grid(). Reordering of factor on x-axis no problem.
Hi everyone (again),
before you all start screaming that the reordering of factors has been
discusse on several threads and is not particular to ggplot2, hear me out.
I can easily reorder my x-axis factor in facet.grid() in ggplot2. What I
cannot reorder are the factors represented on the strips. I can see that the
graphs are changing, so I am afraid of what it is I am doing. Why is ggplot2
2010 Sep 11
Setting scales for ggplot2 with facets
Faceting in ggplot2 seems to permit different scales for different
facets, but I fail
to see how one could control ylim and xlim ranges for each facet
For instance, I would like to set the ylim = c(0,10) for facet "A"
and ylim = c(42,102) for facet "B". Since the data is out of these
setting facet_grid(factor ~ ., scales = "free_y") does not
2009 Aug 11
ggplot2: override facet names in facet_wrap?
just a quick question (to which I suspect the answer is "no"):
does anyone know if, in the ggplot2 package, there's a way to
override the default names of the facets in facet_wrap (which
correspond to the levels of the factor used to facet)? I know
that I go back and change the levels of the factor, but it would
be convenient to be able to supply a vector of level names at
the time
2009 Jan 07
Problem with ggplot2 - facet_wrap and boxplot
Hello R users and Hadley,
Back again with a little problem in ggplot2 =o) (ggplot 0.8.1, R 2.8.0)
Here the problem :
df <- data.frame(id = 1:100, x1 = c(rnorm(50), rnorm(50, 1)), x2 =
c(rnorm(50), rnorm(50, 1.5)), x3 = c(rnorm(50, 0.5), rnorm(50, 2.5)), group
= as.factor(rep(c("a", "b"), each = 50)))
df.melt <- melt(df, id = c("id",
2013 May 11
boxplot with grouped variables
my dataset looked like this in the beginning:
V1 V2 V3
1 Dosis Gewicht Geschlecht
2 0 6.62 m
3 0 6.65 m
4 0 5.78 m
5 0 5.63 m
I need box plots for V2 with all combination of V1 and V3, so I deleted the
first row, and tried this:
but it does not work and I
2011 Oct 11
controling text in facets (ggplot2)
Hi R-helpers!
Here is my problem:
I have a graph with 3 different facets where there are 3 different
regression line. My goal is to mention separately in each facet each
equation that describes my lines.
So far, I managed to add a line and the same equation to all my facets but
that's not unfortunately what I want.
Is there a way to do that? Any suggestion would be gladly welcome!
2009 Oct 06
ggplot2 applying a function based on facet
Look at the bottom of the message for my question
#here is a little function that I wrote
USGS <- function(input="discharge", days=7){
#021973269 is the Waynesboro Gauge on the Savannah River Proper (SRS)
#02102908 is the Flat Creek Gauge (ftbrfcms)
#02133500 is the Drowning Creek (ftbrbmcm)
#02341800 is the Upatoi Creek Near Columbus (ftbn)
#02342500 is
2008 Feb 27
how to specify ggplot2 facet plot order
Hi, new to R and ggplot2. I've been trying to get a facet plot in which the
order of the facets is as I require, rather than ordered numerically,
alphabetically, by Roman numerals, mean (answers to these were posted here
after much searching). Here's some test code to demonstrate what I get.
series = c('C2','C4','C8','C10','C15','C20')
ids =
2009 Feb 26
gplot problems with faceting
Dear R-Listers,
I am very confused with what seems to be a misuse of the faceting options with gplot function and I hope you might help me on this.
z contains various simulation results from simulations with different set of parameters.
I melt my data to have the following data.frame structure :
> str(z)
'data.frame': 12383 obs. of 5 variables:
$ vID : num 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2013 Jan 24
Insert segment only on particular facets in ggplot
Dear R users,
I am working on a data-set with 3 species. They are apple, orange and
I want to annotate the facets only on the bottom panel. However, by default
I am getting annotations on all the plots. I was able to get text
annotation only on the desired plot. However, I am confused what I need to
do for the arrows / segments.
Here is my code:
2010 Oct 28
ggplot2: facet_grid with only one level does not display the graph with the facet_grid level in title
Hi All,
Here is the code that I'll be referring to:
p <- ggplot(wastran.data, aes(PER_KEY, EVENTS))
(p <- p +
facet_grid( pool.short ~ .) +
stat_summary(aes(y=EVENTS), fun.y = sum, geom="line") +
opts(axis.text.x = theme_text(angle = 90, hjust=1), title="Events
(15min.) vs. Time: Facet pool", strip.text.y = theme_text())
Now, depending on preceding
2009 Nov 22
"Over-coloring" facets on persp() plot
Dear R Community:
Recently, I have managed to plot some really useful graphs of my
research data using persp(). I have even figured out how to overplot
rectangular regions (corresponding to submatrices) with a different
color. This is accomplished by using par(new=T). I am now searching
for a way to "highlight" a set of (possibly non-contiguous) facets with
a specific color,
2010 Aug 23
change order of plot panels in faceted ggplot/qplot
I have a 5-paneled figure that i made using the facet function in
qplot (ggplot). I've managed to arrange the panels into two rows/
three columns, but for the sake of easy visual comparisons between
panels in my particular dataset, I want to have the two plots on the
bottom align on the right hand side of the figure instead of the left.
Here's an example:
m <-
2011 Jun 08
How to suppress factor labels
I am using ggplot2 to make a boxplot that overlays a scatterplot:
pp = qplot(time, error, data=times, size=I(1), geom="jitter", main=title,
ylab="Error (min)", xlab="Time before ON (min)", alpha=I(1/10),
pp2 = pp + with(times, facet_wrap(~ runway, ncol=2))
print(pp2 + geom_boxplot(alpha=.5,
2011 Sep 30
ggplot2 - extracting values of smooth
Suppose that I'm working on Hadley's diamond dataset and I want to
review the relationship between price, colour and carat.
I might run the following:
#plot scatter and add some hex binning
q<-qplot(carat,price,data=diamonds, geom=c("hex"),
main="Variability of Diamond Prices by Carat and Colour")
#facet to get one scatter for
2018 Jan 19
Split charts with ggplot2, tidyquant
Hi Charlie,
Thanks. This is helpful. As mentioned in my original question, I want to be
able to plot a few such charts on the same page,
say a 2 x 2 grid with such a chart for each of 4 different stocks. Using
your solution I accomplished this by making
a list pLst of your ggplots and then calling cowplot::plot_grid(
plotlist=pLst, nrow=2, ncol=2 ) That worked fine.
The one issue I have is that
2007 Oct 30
Facets and/or Nested Describes
I have to confess that I did not know about facets before reading
Ashley Moran''s post:
Not knowing about the facets solution, I made a couple of feature
requests for nested describes:
2008 Mar 04
qplot (ggplot2) faceting histogram with missing values
I've run into a difficulty with qplot function (in the ggplot2
package). I can facet histograms even when the faceting variable
contains missing values, but only so long as the faceting variable is
not a factor.
y1 <- rnorm(10)
x1 <- c(rep(1,5), rep(2,4), NA)
x2 <- factor(c(rep(1,5), rep(2,4), NA))
qplot(y1, geom = "histogram", facets =
2013 Jan 31
facet plot
Hi all,
I want to plot a facet plot with column names as x and column values as y.
One plot for each row. here is part of my dataset:
Gene T0h T0.25h T0.5h T1h T2h T3h T6h T12h T24h T48h NM_001001130 68 95
56 43 66 62 68 90 63 89 NM_001001144 0 1 4 0 1 1 1 4 1 2 NM_001001152 79
129 52 50 24 45 130 154 112 147 NM_001001160 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
NM_001001176 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NM_001001177
2018 Jan 20
Split charts with ggplot2, tidyquant
For this kind of control you will probably need to move to base graphics
and utilize the `fig` argument in par(), in which case you would want to
run the plot() command twice: once with your first outcome and once with
your second, changing the par() settings before each one to control the
On 01/19/2018 01:39 PM, Eric Berger wrote:
> Hi Charlie,
> Thanks. This is helpful. As