Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Possible POSIXlt / wday glitch & bugs.r-project.org status"
2007 Dec 17
wday not honored in cron trigger
Hey guys,
I was playing with the cron trigger, and I noticed that wday is not
honored. Looking at the code confirms this. Has anyone else seen this?
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2011 Feb 11
tzone and DST
I'm reading in ~3 years worth of data that includes hourly timestamps.
Presumably to avoid DST confusion, all the data is in PST time zone -- no
discontinuities in the spring or fall.
The data comes in a csv file, which I'm reading with
myvariable <- read.csv("my_data_file.csv",header=FALSE,
2016 Sep 27
Error al buscar datos saltados
El problema que tienes es en esta sentencia:
No la estás asignando a nada.
Lo suyo es que hagas algo así:
TEM$myTimeStamp <- ymd_hms(TEM$TIMESTAMP)
Y crees el intervalo (seq...) on esta nueva variable.
El error que obtienes es que "TEM$TIMESTAMP" al leerla del fichero es un
string, pero en la lectura automáticamente (salvo que le digas que no lo
2020 Jan 02
Como cambiar el formato de fecha de ymd_hms a dmy_hms
Buen día para todos,
Tengo un dataframe nombrado como mydata en donde una de sus variables en
columna de nombre *date* tiene una secuencia de fechas en formato *ymd_hms*.
Ahora quiero convertir este formato a *dmy_hms * en toda la variable *date.*
Me podrían ayudar a saber como debo hacerlo?
Quedo atento a sus comentarios.
*"En los
2014 Sep 25
Campo Fecha y paquete openair
Sorry, la función por el formato que tienen tus fechas debe de ser
Carlos Ortega
El 25 de septiembre de 2014, 18:14, Eduardo Bieñkowski <edukoski en gmail.com>
> Si lo proceso con date<-ymd_hms(dato$actualizado) no me da error pero la
> transformación no es la correcta
> > head(dato$actualizado)
2014 Sep 25
Campo Fecha y paquete openair
Me parece que el problema es el locale para TIME y la interpretación de %p,
para no tener ese problema lo que tengo que hacer en mi caso es cambiar
> Sys.getlocale()
> Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME",
2023 Nov 06
strptime with +03:00 zone designator
try using 'lubridate'
> library(lubridate)Attaching package: ?lubridate?
The following objects are masked from ?package:base?:
date, intersect, setdiff, union
> x <- "2017-02-28T13:35:00+03:00"> ymd_hms(x)[1] "2017-02-28 10:35:00 UTC"
Jim Holtman
*Data Munger Guru*
*What is the problem that you are trying to solve?Tell me what you
2023 Nov 06
strptime with +03:00 zone designator
OK, so the consensus is
(1) One cannot make strptime accept ISO8601-compliant zone designators
(2) The lubridate package can
(3) Or one can hack away with regex.
Lubridate it is, then.
But I do regard strptime's inability to process ISO8601-compliant zone
designators as a bug.
On Mon, 6 Nov 2023 at 13:18, jim holtman <jholtman at gmail.com> wrote:
> try using 'lubridate'
2023 Nov 06
strptime with +03:00 zone designator
Thanks to all who replied.
On Mon, 6 Nov 2023 at 18:37, Richard O'Keefe <raoknz at gmail.com> wrote:
> OK, so the consensus is
> (1) One cannot make strptime accept ISO8601-compliant zone designators
> (2) The lubridate package can
> (3) Or one can hack away with regex.
> Lubridate it is, then.
> But I do regard strptime's inability to process
2007 Jan 25
Error in loadNamespace(name) (PR#9464)
Full_Name: Ross Darnell
Version: 2.4.1
OS: Linux
Submission from: (NULL) (
rdarnell at pc:~/Data$ ls -al .RData
-rwxrwxrwx 2 root root 13551 2006-12-06 08:58 .RData
rdarnell at pc:~/Data$ R
R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)
Copyright (C) 2006 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to
2008 Dec 11
getting ISO week
Hi all,
Is there a simple function already implemented for getting the ISO
weeks of a Date object?
I couldn't find one, and so wrote my own function to do it, but would
appreciate a pointer to the "default" way. If a function is not yet
implemented, could the code below be of interest to submit to CRAN?
Best Regards,
2008 Jan 25
Using bquote: question
Hi all
x <- c(1,2)
y <- c(1,-1)
phi <- 1
p <- 2
par( mfrow=c(1,2))
plot(x , y, main=bquote( paste( p==.(p)," and ",phi==.(phi)) ) )
plot(y ~ x, main=bquote( paste( p==.(p)," and ",phi==.(phi)) ) )
par( mfrow=c(1,2))
On my system (details below), the first plot is correct (in my
understanding), and produces a title reading "p=2 and phi=1"
2024 May 09
Strange variable names in factor regression
On converting character variables to ordered factors, regression result
has strange names. Is it possible to obtain same variable names with
and without intercept?
mydf <- data.frame(date = seq.Date(as.Date("2024-01-01"),
as.Date("2024-03-31"), by = 1))
mydf[, "wday"] <- weekdays(mydf$date, abbreviate = TRUE)
mydf.work <- subset(mydf, !(wday
2013 Jul 24
Error al utilizar twitteR
Buenas tardes a tod@s,
Estoy incursionando en el analisis de tweets utilizando el paquete twitteR
y siguiendo http://www.webmining.cl/2012/07/text-mining-de-twitter-usando-r/
Desafortunadamente cuando ejecuto
# cargar librerias
# recolecta tweets de @camila_vallejo
tweets = userTimeline("camila_vallejo", 2000)
Error in
2020 Jul 10
Strange behaviour of methods::slot() when returning a tibble
I have an S4 object class defined in a Bioconductor package which contains multiple slots, some of which are tibbles, whilst others are vectors. If I call
slot(object, name)
where 'name' is an slot that contains a vector, everything works as expected. However, when I call slot(object, name) where 'name' is an slot that contains a tibble I get the following warning:
2014 Mar 12
Lectura de texto
Hola a todos,
Me gustaria leer el texto que se encuentra en
He intentado
txt <- 'http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9601860/txt.txt'
r <- scan(txt)
#Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings,
# invalid multibyte string at '<ff><fe>M'
r <- read.table(txt, header = FALSE)
2013 Oct 04
Tab Separated File Reading Error
I have a seemingly simple problem that a tab-delimited file can't be read in.
> annoTranscripts <- read.table("matched.txt", sep = '\t', stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings, :
line 5933 did not have 12 elements
However, all lines do have 12 columns.
> lines <-
2009 Dec 17
segfault in glm.fit (PR#14154)
Bug summary:
glm() causes a segfault if the argument 'data'
is a data frame with more than 16384 rows.
Bug demonstration:
-------input ---------------
N <- 16400
df <- data.frame(x=runif(N, min=1,max=2),y=rpois(N, 2))
glm(y ~ x, family=poisson, data=df)
------ output ---------------
*** caught segfault ***
address (nil),
2014 May 29
mcmapply Core Usage
I have a minimal example that shows a problem I'm having with parallel processing.
mcmapply(function(x, y)
}, as.list(1:10), as.list(10:1), mc.cores = 16, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
I see "Running" printed once every ten seconds. I read the documentation for mcmapply, but I don't understand why it wouldn't
2018 Sep 24
Fwd: Bug report: cbind with numeric and raw gives incorrect result
Hi there,
using cbind with a numeric and raw argument produces an incorrect result.
I've posted some details below,
kind regards,
> cbind(0, as.raw(0))
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0 6.950136e-310
A longer example shows that the result is not a rounding error, is not
consistent, and repeated applications get different results.
> cbind(0, as.raw(1:10))