Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Random Projection"
2003 Jan 16
Announce: pmg -- menu driven GUI using RGtk
Hello all,
I've put together a quick and dirty menubar + dialogs + spreadsheet
GUI for R using the RGtk package. Performance is not great (OOP is a
real memory hog?), the design may be worse, but the hope is that it
will be useful in an introductory stats course while we await the
arrival of a real gui with ObveRsive and SciViews.
The package can be found at
2003 Jan 16
Announce: pmg -- menu driven GUI using RGtk
Hello all,
I've put together a quick and dirty menubar + dialogs + spreadsheet
GUI for R using the RGtk package. Performance is not great (OOP is a
real memory hog?), the design may be worse, but the hope is that it
will be useful in an introductory stats course while we await the
arrival of a real gui with ObveRsive and SciViews.
The package can be found at
2017 Jun 18
dist function in R is very slow
Hi Stefan,
Thank you very much for pointing me to the wordspace package. It does the job a bit faster than my C code but is 100 times more convenient.
By the way, since the tcrossprod function in the Matrix package is so fast, the Euclidean distance can be computed very fast:
euc_dist <- function(m) {mtm <- Matrix::tcrossprod(m); sq <- rowSums(m*m);? sqrt(outer(sq,sq,"+") -
2012 Jun 16
Efficient distance calculation on big matrix
Hi All,
I'm working on analyzing a large data set, lets asume that
dim(Data)=c(1000,8700). I want to calculate the canberra distance
between the columns of this matrix, and using a toy example ('test' is
a matrix filled with random numbers 0-1):
> system.time(d<-as.matrix(dist(t(test), method = "canberra", diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE, p = 2)))
user system
2002 Nov 18
R on Sharp Zaurus 5500?
For what it is worth, here are my experiences.
When I first got my zaurus I compiled R version 1.4.0 for the it. It took
some time to do, but managed with the skiffclusters at familiar.org.
(libf2c was the hardest part). Compilation should be easier now that there
are onboard compilers but I haven't tried.
I thought this would be neat to have in the classroom. (It did get one
student to buy
2005 May 30
trouble with cumsum?
Dear R users,
I am using R version 2.0.1 (2004/11/15) on an i386-pc-mingw32 platform. I
encounter the following problem while using cumsum:
> a <- rep(0.01, 100)
> b <- cumsum(a)
> sum(a) == 1
[1] TRUE
> b[100] == 1
Am I missing something? Should cumsum have such an outcome?
Thanks in advance for any clarifications any of you can offer.
Makram Talih
2010 Jan 21
"stack imbalance in ..." when loading a workspace
Hi all,
I just failed in loading a saved wordspace (13MB of size), and received
these errors:
Warning: stack imbalance in 'missing', 52 then 51
Warning: stack imbalance in 'if', 50 then 53
Warning: stack imbalance in 'as.environment', 57 then 59
Warning: stack imbalance in 'ls', 54 then 53
Warning: stack imbalance in '.Internal', 54 then 53
Warning: stack
2012 Apr 13
Odd characters at beginning of file
I'm use RPostgreSQL to access data on a Postgres server. I would like to
keep my SQL statements in external files, as they're easier to write and
debug in pgAdmin, then I use readLines to bring them into R and feed to
Here's the problem. When I create a SQL script with pgAdmin, then load it
in R, the ensuing script fails when I feed it to dbGetQuery. When I inspect
2005 Jul 13
Efficient testing for +ve definiteness
Dear R-users,
Is there a preferred method for testing whether a real symmetric matrix is
positive definite? [modulo machine rounding errors.]
The obvious way of computing eigenvalues via "E <- eigen(A, symmetric=T,
only.values=T)$values" and returning the result of "!any(E <= 0)" seems
less efficient than going through the LU decomposition invoked in
2010 Dec 01
How to pass selection criteria in a function
Suppose I have the following data
name score
Abel 88
Baker 54
Charlie 77
stored a table called myData.
I want to write a function that will create a table which is a subset of myData containing those have a score > 75.
I know I can do this with the following command:
subset(myData, score > 75)
But I would like to do this via a function, something like:
2009 Feb 25
run latent class analysis with R
What's the best approach to running latent class analysis with R? I've downloaded both randomLCA and poLCA packages, but I am interesting in running a standard LCA with individual records (not frequency table) as input data.
Wen Gu
John Jay College of Criminal Justice445 West 59 StreetNew York, NY 10029
2001 Jul 25
pch with plot and legend
I'm trying to plot a scatterplot of two variables using pch to plot
different characters based on a third factor. Here is my example
> data("ToothGrowth")
> attach(ToothGrowth)
> levels(supp)
[1] "OJ" "VC"
> plot(len ~ dose,pch=as.numeric(supp))
> legend(locator(1),pch=as.numeric(supp),legend=levels(supp))
The command as.numeric(supp) returns 2 2
2003 May 11
what does boxplot draw?
Dear r-help,
Unfortunately I cannot find in the documentation what determines
ranges of a 'box' in the box-and-whisker plot.
It is said in "Simple R" (http://www.math.csi.cuny.edu/Statistics/R/simpleR)
that they are 1st and 3rd Qus usually.
I tried to add to boxplot lines with (quantile(x,probs=0.25)), but
lines do not coincide with edges of boxes.
2003 Mar 07
New version of pmg -- Poor Man's GUI
For those who are interested,
I've finished release of 0.4 of pmg and have placed it on my website
at http://www.math.csi.cuny.edu/Statistics/R/pmg.
The pmg package provides some GUI elements using the RGtk package and
friends: RGtk, OOP, RGtkExtra, RGtkHTML, RGdkPixbuf, RGtkViewers and
REventLoop from www.omegahat.org and gtkDevice from CRAN. (These
require a form of UNIX such as linux, OS
2002 Jan 15
Missing XPM
I hate to repost this perennial newbie question, but even after browsing the
archives and trying various remedies, I'm still stuck.
The problem: I've compiled Wine from Wine-20011226 on Mandrake 8.0, and when
I try to run an application, I get the following:
$ wine mspaint
Loading required GL library /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1.0
fixme:x11drv:OBM_CreateBitmaps Xpm support not in
2007 Apr 04
Cannot install iWidgetsRGtk
Dear All
I am trying to install iWidgetsRGtk (on a Linux machine), but getting
the following error:
> install.packages("iWidgetsRGtk",repos="http://www.math.csi.cuny.edu/pmg")
Warning in download.packages(unique(pkgs), destdir = tmpd, available =
available, :
no package 'iWidgetsRGtk' at the repositories
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
2009 Mar 25
how to calcualte Jaccard Coefficient
Does anyone have a good method for calculating Jaccard coefficients now that the dissimilarity() function is no longer an option?
Wen Gu
John Jay College of Criminal Justice445 West 59 StreetNew York, NY 10029
Express your personality in color! Preview and select themes for Hotmail®.
2010 Feb 06
SimpleR and UsingR
Having found the online version of SimpleR, I wanted to to download the
respective data:
"The data sets for these notes are available from the CSI math
department (http://www.math.csi.cuny.edu/Statistics/R/simpleR)
and must be installed prior to this."
There it says:
"The simpleR package is now inside the UsingR package available from
CRAN. In the Windows GUI, this may be
2013 Mar 21
PGLMM in Picante Question
Hi Guys,
Using the PGLMM function in Picante it is theoretically possible to
generate other models (than the 5 flagged ones indicated) by
differently structuring the independent variable (Y), dependent
variables (X), and covariance matrices (VV). I was wondering anyone
could give me some advice (or code) for generating a model that
includes the phylogenetic repulsion model (3) with the traits
2019 Feb 25
New issue of The R Journal
Dear All,
The latest issue of The R Journal is now available at:
Many thanks to all contributors - especially reviewers and authors.
John Verzani
CUNY/College of Staten Island
John Verzani
Department of Mathematics
College of Staten Island, CUNY
verzani at math.csi.cuny.edu
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