Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "SSweibull() : problems with step factor and singular gradient"
2001 Jul 02
nls newbie: help approximating Weibull distribution
Hi folks,
I tried to retain the Weibull distribution using the `nls' function
and proceeding along the lines of the example provided in the
`SSweibull' help (at least I thought so):
t <- (1:200)/100
v <- pweibull(t, shape=3, scale=1)
df <- data.frame(Time=t, Value=v)
Asym <- 1.0; Drop <- 1.0; lrc <- 0; pwr <- 1
df.estimate <- nls(Value ~ SSweibull(Time,
2017 Oct 20
nls() and loop
Hello I?m need fitt growth curve with data length-age. I want to evaluate
which is the function that best predicts my data, to do so I compare the
Akaikes of different models. I'm now need to evaluate if changing the
initial values changes the parameters and which do not allow to estimate
the model.
To do this I use the function nls(); and I randomize the initial values
(real positive number).
2008 May 27
How to test significant differences for non-linear relationships for two locations
Hi List,
I have to compare a relationship between y and x for two locations. I found logistic regression fits both datasets well, but I am not sure how to test if relationships for both sites are significantly different. I searched the r site, however no answers exactly match the question.
I used Tukey's HSD to compare two means, but the relationship in my study was not simply linear. So I
2009 Jun 11
formula for degrees of freedom for nonlinear mixed model in nlme
Dear forum members,
What is the formula to calculate denominator degrees of freedom (den df) for nonlinear mixed-effect models with covariates? My model is similar to a CO2 uptake example from Pinheiro and Bates (2000, page 376). In this CO2 dataset, there are two treatments and two types (84 observations in total), but den df for each parameter of the model is 64. Isn’t it too high?
2010 Sep 02
NLS equation self starting non linear
This data are kilojoules of energy that are consumed in starving fish over a
time period (Days). The KJ reach a lower asymptote and level off and I
would like to use a non-linear plot to show this leveling off. The data are
noisy and the sample sizes not the largest. I have tried selfstarting
weibull curves and tried the following, both end with errors.
Days<-c(12, 12, 12, 12, 22, 22, 22,
2006 Oct 30
Random intercept-slope correlation (nlme)
Dear list members,
I am working with a multilevel growth curve, that in its simplest form goes
like follows:
Yit = Ai + Bi t + eit (the error term is assumed to follow an AR(1)
autorregressive process)
One major topic in my research is the convergence in the values of Y over
time. Thus, I am interested in the relationship between the random effects
for the intercept and the slope, and I
2002 Aug 28
sourcing a file with the plot.lme() function
I ran into a problem trying to make a plot from a file that's read using
source. Basically, I have the following code in a file "plot.R" :
fm1 <- nlme(height ~ SSasymp(age, Asym, R0, lrc),
data = Loblolly,
fixed = Asym + R0 + lrc ~ 1,
random = Asym ~ 1,
start = c(Asym = 103, R0 = -8.5, lrc = -3.3))
2006 Jul 18
Using corStruct in nlme
I am having trouble fitting correlation structures within nlme. I would like to
fit corCAR1, corGaus and corExp correlation structures to my data. I either
get the error "step halving reduced below minimum in pnls step" or
alternatively R crashes.
My dataset is similar to the CO2 example in the nlme package. The one major
difference is that in my case the 'conc' steps are
2006 Sep 11
syntax of nlme
How do I specify the formula and random effects without a startup object
? I thought it would be a mixture of nls and lme.
after trying very hard, I ask for help on using nlme.
Can someone hint me to some examples?
I constructed a try using the example from nls:
#variables are density, conc and Run
#all works fine with nls
DNase1 <- subset(DNase, Run == 1 )
fm2DNase1 <- nls(
2013 Feb 17
xtable nlme
Hola a todos
Les consulto por un problema con xtable y nlme, tomando un ejemplo del
manual de nlme para obtener los resultados en latex utilizando xtable,
se puede utilizar el siguiente código, pero hay un problema y causa
fm1 <- nlme(height ~ SSasymp(age, Asym, R0, lrc),
data = Loblolly,
fixed = Asym + R0 + lrc ~ 1,
2017 Aug 23
strange nlme augpred behaviour
Dear all
I encountered strange behaviour of augPred with virtually the same data
First I made groupedData object.
> mar.g<-groupedData(rutilizace~doba|int, data=mar)
When I perform nlme on complete dataset I get an error with augPred
> fit<-nlsList(rutilizace~SSasymp(doba, Asym, R0, lrc), data=mar.g)
Warning message:
c("1 error caught in nls(y ~ cbind(1 - exp(-exp(lrc) * x),
2006 Aug 24
my error with augPred
Dear all
I try to refine my nlme models and with partial success. The model is
refined and fitted (using Pinheiro/Bates book as a tutorial) but when
I try to plot
I obtain
Error in predict.nlme(object, value[1:(nrow(value)/nL), , drop =
Levels (0,3.5],(3.5,5],(5,7],(7,Inf] not allowed for
Is it due to the fact that I have unbalanced
2017 Aug 23
strange nlme augpred behaviour
Well, yes I tried it about two weeks ago but my post did not get through as it still awaits moderator approval. I could check which column is offending but actually it is only minor nuisance, I can live with selection of columns before fitting a model. What seems to me strange is that both full dataset and only selected colums gave me identical fit results but only one works within augPred.
2023 Aug 20
Issues when trying to fit a nonlinear regression model
Dear Bert,
Thank you so much for your kind and valuable feedback. I tried finding the
starting values using the approach you mentioned, then did the following to
fit the nonlinear regression model:
nlregmod2 <- nls(y ~ theta1 - theta2*exp(-theta3*x),
start =
list(theta1 = 0.37,
theta2 = exp(-1.8),
theta3 =
2012 Aug 14
self-starter functions for y = a + b * c^x
there are some predefined self-start functions, like SSmicmen, SSbiexp,
SSasymp, SSasympOff, SSasympOrig, SSgompertz, SSflp, SSlogis, SSweibull,
Quadratic, Qubic, SSexp (nlrwr)
Btw, do you know graphic examples for this functions?
The SSexpDecay (exponential decay) for y = (y0 - plateau)*exp(-k*x) +
plateau from
2017 Aug 23
strange nlme augpred behaviour
Better posted on r-sig-mixed-models , no?
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
and sticking things into it."
-- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )
On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 5:17 AM, PIKAL Petr <petr.pikal at precheza.cz> wrote:
> Dear all
> I encountered strange
2017 Apr 25
R-3.4.0 and recommended packages
Am Dienstag, 25. April 2017, 08:50:34 schrieb Dirk Eddelbuettel:
> On 25 April 2017 at 14:58, G?ran Brostr?m wrote:
> | hello,
> |
> | I just installed R-3.4.0 from scratch:
> |
> | $ sudo apt install r-base
> |
> | but when I try
> |
> | > library(survival, lib.loc = "/usr/lib/R/library")
> | > fit <- coxph(Surv(exit, event) ~ x, data =
2006 Nov 23
nonlinear regression-getting the explained variation
I'm trying to teach myself R, and by the way, re-learning statistics using
Crawley's "Statistics: an introduction using R".
I've reached the regression chapter, and when it deals with non-linear
regresion using the nls library I face the following problem:
I follow the steps---
---data available at
2005 Apr 23
start values for nls() that don't yield singular gradients?
I'm trying to fit a Gompertz sigmoid as follows:
x <- c(15, 16, 17, 18, 19) # arbitrary example data here;
y <- c(0.1, 1.8, 2.2, 2.6, 2.9) # actual data is similar
gm <- nls(y ~ a+b*exp(-exp(-c*(x-d))), start=c(a=?, b=?, c=?, d=?))
I have been unable to properly set the starting value '?'s. All of
my guesses yield either a "singular gradient" error if they
2017 Aug 24
strange nlme augpred behaviour
> On Aug 23, 2017, at 8:08 AM, PIKAL Petr <petr.pikal at precheza.cz> wrote:
> Hi
> Well, yes I tried it about two weeks ago but my post did not get through as it still awaits moderator approval.
It got through just fine. It appeared on Aug 15. It just didn't get any replies.
As I read your original question in this thread, it was not clear to me that you had