similar to: Error in "Writing R Extensions"

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Error in "Writing R Extensions""

2013 Feb 15
Suggestion: Custom filename patterns for non-Sweave vignettes
Hi, as far as I understand it, the new R devel feature of processing non-Sweave vignettes will (a) locate any "[.][RrSs](nw|tex)$" or ".Rmd" files, (b) check for a registered vignette engine, (c) process the file using the registered "weave" function, (d) and possibly post process the generated weave artifact (e.g. a *.tex file). I'd like to propose to extend
2013 Aug 23
packages with Sweave and knitr vignettes?
Now that R 3.0.0+ supports non-Sweave vignettes, R-exts \S 1.4.2 seems to imply that it is possible to include both Sweave and knitr vignettes in a single package. I'm wondering if anyone has tried this and/or if there are some hidden gotchas putting this into practice, and concerned about creating problems with CRAN checks if I try this. Consider two vignettes: pkg/vignettes/vign1.Rnw,
2014 Aug 25
vignette index going AWOL
I?m preparing a package (fastR) for submission to CRAN, but the vignette index keeps going AWOL, or at least R CMD check ?as-cran thinks so. I?ve tried several things and gave myself the weekend to think of other things, but I can?t figure it out. Perhaps someone on the list can lend a hand. Here?s one example situation, where I build the index.html file myself and put it in inst/doc/index.html
2014 Jun 14
Should a package that indirectly Suggests: a vignette engine pass R CMD check?
A package uses VignetteEngine: knitr; the package itself does not Suggests: knitr, but it Suggests: BiocStyle which in turn Suggests: knitr. Nonetheless, R CMD check fails indicating that a package required for checking is not declared. Is it really the intention that the original package duplicate Suggests: knitr? This is only with a recent R. In detail, with $ Rdev --version|head -3 R Under
2014 Dec 09
UTF8 markdown vignette
Dear all, I'm trying to use a Markdown vignette with UTF-8 encoding. It compiles well when knitting the vignette in RStudio, but it fails to recognize the UTF-8 settings when building the source package. Can someone point out what I'm doing wrong? I tried to put the relevant information below. Best regards, Thierry Details: Using 64-bit R 3.1.2 with encoding = "native.enc"
2013 Jul 17
SweaveParseOptions, quoted commas, and knitr vignettes
I haven't figured it out entirely, but it looks like there are a couple of small glitches with knitr-based vignettes and SweaveParseOptions. I posted the tarball of a package with a knitr vignette with (as far as I can tell) everything properly coded in the DESCRIPTION file (VignetteBuilder: knitr, Suggests: knitr) and the vignette itself (%\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr}). When Windows
2014 Mar 05
Sweave provides a misleading error when vignette engine not fully specified
Trying to Stangle / Sweave a file $ cat vignette.Rnw %\VignetteEngine{knitr} \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \end{document} results in a misleading error message: ~/tmp$ R CMD Stangle vignette.Rnw Error: Vignette engine package not specified Execution halted when what is missing is the full specification knitr::knitr; 'vignette engine package and function not specified' ?
2014 Dec 09
UTF8 markdown vignette
Dear Duncan, The UTF-8 characters aren't properly rendered in the pdf version of the vignette. $?? ????? ?????? ?????? ????? ?? ?? is rendered as $????? ?????????? ???????????? ????? ?????? ? ???????? ???????? The same problem occurs when I use render("", output_format = "mypackage::mystyle"), instead of render("", output_format =
2014 Dec 09
UTF8 markdown vignette
A few things to clarify: 1. You do not necessarily have to keep the \usepackage{} line if you use %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}, because Pandoc will use UTF-8 anyway in its LaTeX template. 2. Perhaps the vignette engine in R has done something clever to convert utf8 to UTF-8, but I'd recommend %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} instead of %\VignetteEncoding{utf8} to make sure it is a valid encoding name,
2015 Jan 25
R CMD check message: "The following files should probably not be installed"
I am doing [R version 3.1.2 (2014-10-31) -- "Pumpkin Helmet?; Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0 (64-bit)] > R CMD build DAAGviz > R CMD check DAAGviz_1.0.3.tar.gz Without a .Rinstignore file, I get: <<< The following files should probably not be installed: ?figs10.pdf?, ?figs11.pdf?, ?figs12.pdf?, ?figs13.pdf?, ?figs14.pdf?, ?figs5.pdf?, ?figs6.pdf?, ?figs9.pdf?
2013 Mar 26
Execution halted when I use knitr and Rscript with opts_chunk
Hello all, I wrote a bash script in Mac OS that takes my .rnw file, knit it and then makes a .pdf. To knit my file, I'm using the command Rscript -e "library(knitr); knit('file.rnw', encoding='utf8')" and everything works fine. However, I don't want the ## characters in my final document. I tested, using R prompt, the following commands library(knitr)
2013 Jul 01
Error al correr archivo markdown
Si, ya habia hecho un archivo markdown y lo habia corrido hace unos cuantos meses El sistema es windows 7 y R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16) el mensaje es el siguiente: > require(knitr); knit('Quiz1Markdown.Rmd', encoding='ISO8859-1'); Loading required package: knitr Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]) : there is no package called
2018 Feb 19
Include pre-existing PDF files as vignettes in an R package?
On 19/02/2018 5:47 AM, Michael Hannon wrote: > Thanks, Duncan. The files in question are Emacs Org-mode files, and I > think these are more or less isomorphic to Rmd files, but I haven't > used Org-mode in a long time, so I think the mapping (Org-mode ==> > Rmd) would be painful. If they aren't LaTeX then they won't be able to masquerade as Sweave files, so things are
2013 Jan 28
Setting inline hook to a function identical to default in knitr turns of exponential formatting
Hello List, while dealing with a questin of 'xiaodao' ( I noticed that copying the default inline hook function obtained by knit_hooks$get("inline") into a knit_hook$set(inline = <...>) call turns off exponential fomatting in the resulting .tex file. I used a stripped version of
2013 Jul 01
Error al correr archivo markdown
Gracias, si uso R estudio, cree un documento nuevo, deje el ejemplo que el Restudio trae y me volvio a aparecer el mismo error, que puedo hacer para solucionarlo? El 1 de julio de 2013 15:21, Marcuzzi, Javier Rubén <> escribió: > Estimada Gaby Nieves > > Si usted usa Rsutudio puede crear un archivo nuevo, le sugiero crear este, > sin colocar
2014 Dec 09
UTF8 markdown vignette
On 09/12/2014, 4:48 AM, ONKELINX, Thierry wrote: > Dear all, > > I'm trying to use a Markdown vignette with UTF-8 encoding. It compiles well when knitting the vignette in RStudio, but it fails to recognize the UTF-8 settings when building the source package. Can someone point out what I'm doing wrong? I tried to put the relevant information below. You don't describe the
2018 Feb 19
Include pre-existing PDF files as vignettes in an R package?
> On 19 Feb 2018, at 12:25, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at <mailto:murdoch.duncan at>> wrote: > > On 19/02/2018 5:47 AM, Michael Hannon wrote: >> Thanks, Duncan. The files in question are Emacs Org-mode files, and I >> think these are more or less isomorphic to Rmd files, but I haven't >> used Org-mode in a long time, so I think
2014 Mar 13
Manuales de knitr
Hola: Efectivamente, hicimos este taller el 24 de julio de 2012 y quedo grabado. Aquí está la información. El vídeo. En las 5ª jornadas de R hicimos una versión de taller actualizada y los materiales está aquí <> aunque también puedes ir aquí <> y descargar todos los materiales, pues se trata de
2016 Aug 30
Problemas para delimitar chunks con la fucnción spin en el paquete knitr
Muchas gracias Carlos. Tengo las mismas versiones pero no logro separar los chunks cuando uso #+, pero si lo logro cuando uso #". Mi script es spin("prueba.R", knit = FALSE) y si me hace un Rmd. #+ a = c(1,2,3) #+ mean(a) Ejecuto, > spin("prueba.R", knit = FALSE) y obtengo un prueba.Rmd ```{r } a = c(1,2,3) ```{r } mean(a) ``` Pero si escribo: #' a =
2014 May 30
R CMD check for the R code from vignettes
Hi, Recently I saw a couple of cases in which the package vignettes were somewhat complicated so that Stangle() (or knitr::purl() or other tangling functions) can fail to produce the exact R code that is executed by the weaving function Sweave() (or knitr::knit(), ...). For example, this is a valid document that can pass the weaving process but cannot generate a valid R script to be source()d: