similar to: What is the motivation for choosing nVidia?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "What is the motivation for choosing nVidia?"

2008 Apr 30
Can R do rts (Regular Time Series) like S-Plus?
Dear readers, S-Plus have a rts function (Regular Time Series), which is used like so: fveks<-read.csv('',header=TRUE,sep=',') attach(fveks) acf(ts.intersect(rts(HC.f),rts(Ta.f),rts(GR.f),rts(W.f))) Warning the csv file is 750kB. Can the same be done in R? Lots of love =) Louise
2008 Mar 02
Need help to locate my mistake
Dear readers I would like to make General Linear Model (GLM) for the following data set The code I have written is fuelData<-read.table('fuel.csv',header=TRUE, sep=',') n<-dim(fuelData)[1] xOnes<- matrix(1,nrow=n,ncol=1) x<-cbind(xOnes,fuelData[,3]) y<-fuelData[,4] theta<-((t(x)%*%x)^(-1))%*%t(x)%*%y which gives
2007 Mar 19
What files do I need from Windows?
Dear readers, I am using Fedora Core Linux 6 and Wine installed from rpm packages. I haven't got Windows installed, so what files should I copy from a working Windows? I assume XP is best? Lots of love, Louise
2007 Jul 14
REnouveau crashed my computer
Hi, When REnouveau came to "74/75 test_interesting_registers" the CPU used 100% and I could only use the mouse, but not interact witt anything. What could be wrong? I am using GeForce 6150 and Fedora 7. Love, Louise
2007 Jul 12
Does Nouveau break the nVidia drivers?
Dear developers I would like to submit dumps, but I spend ~4 hours last time on installing the nVidia drivers, and ended up with the RPM's. So can I install the Nouveau driver without damaging the nVidia drivers? I am using Fedora 7 and integrated NVIDIA GeForce 6150. That's the C51 core, right? Hugs, Louise
2019 Feb 24
Samba Won't start after upgrading Operating system
I ungraded my Linux Operating system from Ubuntu 16.04 LTS to 8.04 LTS Samba will not start after an upgrade to 18.04. My samba is running as an NT style member server server with smbd nmbd and winbindd all running. None of them will start. It worked this morning. This morning it was running Version 4.3.11-Ubuntu This afternoon after the upgrade it's Version 4.7.6-Ubuntu The logs in
2015 Mar 29
Invalid memory access / read stack overflow when reading config with zero bytes
Hi, When ssh accesses a config file that contains a zero byte it'll expose a stack overflow. This can only be seen with valgrind or with compiling ssh with address sanitizer. I'll attach the address sanitizer and valgrind output. Reproduce: dd if=/dev/zero of=zero bs=1 count=1 valgrind -q ssh -F zero x This was found while fuzzing ssh with american fuzzy lop. (Please CC me on replies,
2015 Mar 29
Invalid memory access / read stack overflow when reading config with zero bytes
On Mon, 30 Mar 2015 09:19:02 +1100 (AEDT) Damien Miller <djm at> wrote: > What version of OpenSSH is this? 6.8 portable on Linux. > Also, when reporting fuzzer-derived problems it really helps to > include the test-case. The "test case" is a one byte file containing a zero byte. But here it is :-) -- Hanno B?ck mail/jabber: hanno at
2012 Aug 29
Bonferroni correction for multiple correlation tests
Please can someone advise me how I can adjust correlations using bonferroni's correction? I am doing manny correlation tests as part of an investigation of the validity/reliability of a psychometric measure. Help would be so appreciated! Cheers, Louise
2006 Jun 28
Strange stuff in
Hi, In compiz', there are these lines: # work around bgo 323968 ln -s ../po config/po intltoolize --force --copy --automake || exit 1 rm config/po Now, I'm not really familiar with that intltoolize/autotools/etc.-stuff, but am courious what this is for? What does bgo 323968 mean? Is this a bug number? It isn't in the fdo-bugzilla. The reason I'm investigating this
2007 Aug 25
Strange window flipping around
Hi, I have a glitch in all latest compiz versions (tried 0.5.2, 0.5.4 and git head+compiz-0.6 branch). When enabling cube and wobbly windows and moving a window left out of the screen (so the cube turns) the window seems to flip to the other side of the screen and back. This doesn't happen with 0.5. If required, I could try to make a film out of it. Any ideas what is wrong? I'd
2012 Oct 12
ks.test not working?
Hi, I am performing GEV analysis on temperature/precipitation data and want to use the ks.boot function but I am unsure of how to implement it using the pgev distribution. For example: ks.test(data,pgev,shape,location,scale) ks.boot(data,(distribution parameters?),alternative="pgev",nboots=1000) Any advice? Apologies in advance if I have used the wrong email address. Regards, Louise
2011 Feb 03
Double user name
I have two samba servers running Ubuntu 10.04 Samba Version 3.4.7 One server acts as domain controller and stores user ids in a .tdb Somehow I've ended up with a duplicate user name. On the Domain Controller # pdbedit -w -L|grep debbie debbie:1005:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:84DEC6FE3B018B0FB977EDDF5009742C:[U ]:LCT-4D4B086F: On the other Server running winbind I get #
2006 Sep 28
configuration tools
Hi, I was looking around for configuration tools for compiz. I don't really need anything special, but situation seems a bit problematic at the moment: - gset-compiz: Used it in the past, website is dead. - compiztools: Never seen it, but from what I read seems ok, but website defaced and download dead - csm: doesn't work with vanilla compiz So: Is there any tool atm to set the compiz
2016 Apr 22
Unexpected values obtained when reading in data using ncdf and ncdf4
Dear R Users, I am encountering a problem when reading nc files into R using the ncdf and ncdf4 libraries. The nc files are too large to attach an example (but if someone is interested in helping out I could send a file privately via an online drive), but the code is basic: for(i in 1:length(thesenames[,1])){ data <- nc_open(paste(INDIR, thesenames[i,c("wholename")],
2007 Jul 08
[PATCH] Correct linking for png-plugin
If compiled with LDFLAGS="-Wl,--as-needed", compiz fails to correctly link the png-plugin. Attached patch fixes it (though I don't know if this is the correct way to do this in autotools). -- Hanno B?ck Blog: GPG: 3DBD3B20 Jabber: jabber at -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name:
2016 Apr 22
Unexpected values obtained when reading in data using ncdf and ncdf4
On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 1:32 AM, Louise Mair <louise.mair at> wrote: > Dear R Users, > > I am encountering a problem when reading nc files into R using the ncdf > and ncdf4 libraries. The nc files are too large to attach an example (but > if someone is interested in helping out I could send a file privately via > an online drive), but the code is basic: > ?[...]?
2007 Aug 01
Kernel module indispensable?
I don't need 3D acceleration but I'm interested in the nouveau driver because I hope it'll be able to properly set the mode of my card: currently nv is unable to make my card display 1600x1200 via DVI (it works OK via VGA but the quality is bit less stunning). So I compiled and installed it, but now I encountered a problem: it seems that (contrary to both the nv and the nvidia
2011 Jan 27
creating categorical frequency tables from continuous data
Hello, I am working with a dataset which essentially has only one column - a list of distances in metres, accurate to several decimal places. eg distance 1000 6403.124 1000 1414.214 1414.214 1000 I want to organise this into a frequency table, grouping into categories of 0 - 999, 1000 - 1999, 2000-2999 etc. I'd also like the rows where there are no data points in that category to
2012 Mar 14
Creating polygons from scattered points
Hello, I have a distribution dataset for species consisting of xy coordinates at the 1km resolution, with only presence data. So a simplified example of a species distribution might be: y <- rbind(as.integer(rnorm(100,50,20)), as.integer(rnorm(200,100,30)), as.integer(rnorm(100,180,15))) x <- rbind(as.integer(rnorm(200,50,20)), as.integer(rnorm(200,100,20)), as.integer(rnorm(100,200,15)))