similar to: NT_STATUS_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED for a single user

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "NT_STATUS_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED for a single user"

2009 Jun 05
R: Re: R: Re: PXEbooting very slow
I made other tests. It's not a matter of Win98 versus WinXP, things change passing from tftpd32 v310beta to v3.33. This version seems to work fine, but the logs show problems. Here is the complete log with pxelinux 3.82-pre4: Rcvd DHCP Discover Msg for IP, Mac 00:1E: 68:A6:9E:A9 [05/06 18:24:43.816] DHCP: proposed address [05/06 18:24:43.816] 1356 Request 2 not
2009 Jun 19
Cisco 7941G & Auth
Hi, I use Asterisk-1.4.22-3 (on Trixbox) and I have a problem with Cisco 7941G with firmware SIP41.8-0-2SR1S (but also with SIP41.8-3-1S), my problem is that Cisco phone isn't authenticated on Asterisk. In tftp directory I have: apps41.1-1-1-15.sbn cnu41.3-1-1-15.sbn cvm41sip.8-0-1-18.sbn dialplan.xml dsp41.1-1-1-15.sbn jar41sip.8-0-1-18.sbn load115 load308 load309 load30018
2006 Apr 21
errors in abld build wins udeb
I am trying to compile speex.1.1.12 for Symbian OS but I get lots of errors: C:\Programmi\Symbian\7.0s\Series60_v21\Series60Ex\speex-1.1.12\symbian>abld buil d wins udeb make -r -f "\Programmi\Symbian\7.0s\Series60_v21\EPOC32\BUILD\PROGRAMMI\SYMBI AN\7.0S\SERIES60_V21\SERIES60EX\SPEEX- 1.1.12\SYMBIAN\EXPORT.make" EXPORT VERBOSE =-s Nothing to do make -r -f
2006 Apr 21
error in abld build wins udeb
Le vendredi 21 avril 2006 ? 12:12 +0200, Paola Ruo Rui a ?crit : > I am trying to compile speex.1.1.12 for Symbian OS but I get lots of > errors: I think you might (no guaranty) have a better chance of getting help if your error messages are in a language people on this list understand. Jean-Marc > > C:\Programmi\Symbian\7.0s\Series60_v21\Series60Ex\speex-1.1.12 >
2006 Apr 21
error in abld build wins udeb
I am trying to compile speex.1.1.12 for Symbian OS but I get lots of errors: C:\Programmi\Symbian\7.0s\Series60_v21\Series60Ex\speex-1.1.12\symbian>abld buil d wins udeb make -r -f "\Programmi\Symbian\7.0s\Series60_v21\EPOC32\BUILD\PROGRAMMI\SYMBI AN\7.0S\SERIES60_V21\SERIES60EX\SPEEX- 1.1.12\SYMBIAN\EXPORT.make" EXPORT VERBOSE =-s Nothing to do make -r -f
2018 May 22
Samba/NT mode and roaming profiles...
A collegue of mine, in a different office branch of my organization, suffer continuous troubles on roaming profiles, troubles thta in my site, with rather similar setup, does not happens. Trouble last some month, but 'till now we have thinked was the network, and we had worked checking cables, switches, configurations. But trouble continues... and seems frequent but not with a specific
2020 Feb 21
preexec with win 10
Il 21/02/20 13:02, Rowland penny via samba ha scritto: > On 21/02/2020 11:39, Roberto Tagliaferri - Tosnet srl via samba wrote: >> This is an extract of smbstatus >> root at robytnuovo~# smbstatus |grep 246 >> 1877????? emissionefatture? emissionefatture? >> (ipv4: SMB3_00 > root preexec is running the /usr/bin/log_access.php
2013 Sep 09
Where does the info of smbcacls comes from?
hi. sorry for the "dumb" question, but I'm failing to figure out where the information printed by smbcacls come from. I have a 3.4.x server with basic settings, few shares and not much more. Share's access is controlled by unix file permissions. Filesystem has "acl" enabled, but no acl set up, so the standard unix permissions are being used. Still I have problem for a
2004 Feb 04
Problem browsing my unix-client - session setup failed: NT_STATUS _CANT_ACCESS_DOMAIN_INFO
I installed samba 3.0015. I have a problem when I try to browse my machine from a windows client. In effect I am not able to "open" my unix-client. I checked nmbd and smbd and they are running. If I try from my unix-clinet: smbclient -L my_user -W my_domain -L my_PDC I can see shares. If I try from my unix client: smbclient -L my_user -W my_domain -L my_unix_client I get session setup
2006 Feb 01
Configure Apache 2.0.55 and FastCGI
I''m installing a Rails App under Apache 2.0.55 with FastCGI. I have this config under httpd.conf ------------------------ LoadModule fastcgi_module modules/mod_fastcgi.dll ... Alias /fatturails/ "C:/Programmi/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/fatturails/public/" <Directory "C:/Programmi/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/fatturails/public"> AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi
2009 Sep 03
R: "biplot" graphical options?
Thanks Andris, Michael and Petr for your prompt and kind feedbacks. I will try generating my own biplot from low-level graph commands... I hope it will work. Best regards, Marco -- Marco Manca, MD University of Maastricht Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) Cardiovascular Research Institute (CARIM) PO Box 616 6200 MD Maastricht E-mail: m.manca at Office
2005 Jun 29
Dear all, I hope this is the right place to post? I have just installed Samba 3.0.13, and unable to have any users connect to any shares. My smb.conf is this: # Samba config file created using SWAT # from ( # Date: 2005/06/29 10:18:35 # Global parameters [global] workgroup = GEMINI-INT guest account = samba log level = 2 ldap ssl = no
2001 Apr 17
Unable to find the Domain Master Browser name
I have just installed Samba on RedHat Linux 6.2 which is working fine. However, I've noted that for every 20 minutes, the following error message being logged under log.nmb, [2001/04/17 14:29:27, 0] nmbd/nmbd_browsesync.c:find_domain_master_name_query_ fail(362) find_domain_master_name_query_fail: Unable to find the Domain Master Browser name HOME<1b> for the workgroup HOME. Unable
2008 Mar 11
error allocating core memory buffers with certain iconv args
rsync 3.0.0. MacOSX 10.5.1 Server/Intel. Trying to detect files with funny chars in their name, as I cannot find them with "find", I use the error (Illegal byte sequence) given by rsync when the target charset cannot reproduce them. While doing this I have met this error: /usr/local/bin/rsync -an --rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync -- iconv=UTF8-MAC,437 /db /tmp/ rsync:
2009 Sep 02
"biplot" graphical options?
Dear R-help fellows good afternoon. I am struggling in the attempt to impose some graphical conditions (changing point symbols, colors, etc) to biplot function (I am using it to visualize the results of princomp) but I can't apparently manage to change anything but the axis... and I have been browsing manuals and vignettes without finding any explicit suggestions on how to operate... Can
2012 Nov 22
lapack routines cannot be loaded [Help request]
Dear BioConductor and R fellow users I apologize in advance for double posting, but I am not sure which list would actually be best fit for this message. I am experiencing a weird error with my R installation on Ubuntu 10.04.4 (LTS) 64bit: When I run R on the terminal everything goes smoothly: $R R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26) -- "Trick or Treat" Copyright (C) 2012 The R Foundation
2020 Feb 21
preexec with win 10
Il 19/02/20 10:22, Rowland penny via samba ha scritto: > On 19/02/2020 08:05, Roberto Tagliaferri - Tosnet srl via samba wrote: >> Sorry for the english :) >> >> Good morning, i've a little network with samba 4.2 on centos 6, NT style >> domain and win7 client. > > Excuse me, but do you not believe in updating things ? > > Samba 4.2.x went EOL at the end
2007 Nov 22
samba, openldap e centos
ciao a tutti, sto provando ad installare samba + openldap su centos. ho un problema: quando cerco di aggiungere un privilegio ad un gruppo ho il seguente errore: [2007/11/22 17:55:48, 1] lib/smbldap_util.c:add_new_domain_account_policies(77) add_new_domain_account_policies: failed to add account policies to dn= sambaDomainName=2TSAMBA2,dc=duet,dc=it with: Undefined attribute type f
2011 Oct 28
winbind nsswitch resolving names issue
Hi, I manage have a mixed enviroment, which is composed by a BDC win2k3 plus fileserver linux Suse with samba ver. 3.0.22-13.16, an old one I know... :( I'm facing an odds behaviour with wbinfo querying by bash console from my linux desktop (ubuntu 11.04 smb 3.5.8, joined in domain and regularly I authenticated to). For my purpose I've written this tiny script "" :
2004 Jan 19
[leadership/opensource] invitation to online survey
Dear all, I have just put online a survey addressing the topic of "good leadership in the open-source environment". Basically, my objective is to identify the personal conceptions of good leadership that reside in the minds of the contributors, in terms of leaders' _behaviors_ and _characteristics_. What is a good open-source project leader, from the contributor's point