Displaying 20 results from an estimated 110 matches similar to: "[shoulda-matchers gem] validate_numericality_of_matcher strange behaviour"
2011 Sep 04
should validate_numericality_of with greater_than_or_equal_to
I have this in my spec
it { should
validate_numericality_of(:amount).greater_than_or_equal_to(0) }
but I get error:
Failure/Error: it { should
validate_numericality_of(:amount).greater_than_or_equal_to(0) }
undefined method `greater_than_or_equal_to'' for
this page
2008 May 11
validates_numericality_of and greater_than* doesn't appear to be working
I''m using Rails 2.0.2 and I have been trying to take advantage of the
"validates_numericality_of" with the ":greater_than" option with
something like this:
validates_numericality_of :users, :greater_than => 0, :only_integer =>
true, :allow_nil => true, :message => "The number of allowed users
must be a whole number greater than zero."
But this
2008 May 17
validates_numericality_of with greater_than* less_than* simply don't work
It seems that the validations for:
Simply do not work (Rails 2.0.2). I''ve tried every combination I can
think of and these never seem to fire.
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2009 Jun 24
At my wits end ! Controlling passed in negative values from a form
I am trying to validate a numeric value passed in from a form, which
is saved in a MySQL db as decimal(9,2)
Now problem is I need to ensure people don''t enter a form value like -.
003. In my validations, I have a validates_numericality_of check being
done. Furthermore, in validate method, I have a check using an if
statement such as :
((an_object[n].nil? or an_object[n] < 0) and
2011 Jul 28
RSpec, shoulda-matchers and Rails model attributes validations
I was trying out RSpec framework in a project and got stopped doing the unit
test of a model. In particular, doing the test for the associations and the
ActiveRecord validations.
I started writing the validations but my tests didn''t look DRY at all.
Before refactoring the tests checked out and look for other people
I found out shoulda-matchers and Shoulda (which if I
2011 Sep 05
undefined method `dependent' - rspec and shoulda
Getting this error when using shoulda and rspec for model tests.
my gemfile
gem "shoulda-matchers"
spec file
it { should have_many(:balances).dependent(:destroy) }
User shoulda validations
Failure/Error: it { should
have_many(:balances).dependent(:destroy) }
undefined method `dependent'' for
2011 Jun 30
How to play with shoulda with functional testing
I am new in rails testing, and now i try to use shoulda to test the
functional section.
can anyone give me some advice, example or recommend tutorial site to
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2010 Jan 11
test examples using authlogic with shoulda
Is there functional testing examples availbale? This for both login
and nonlogin users with or without admin privileges.I Dont know where to
start. Kindly help.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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2011 Oct 15
shoulda installation troubles
I cannot manage to have shoulda working.
I''m using rvm with rails 3.1 and ruby 1.9.2
I added
group :test do
gem "shoulda"
to the Gemfile, and then run bundle install, thus the gem is installed,
and it is featured in the list running gem list --local.
but whenever I add something like
class ModelTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
2009 Mar 03
shoulda tested better
We''ve made quite a few contributions in our facebooker fork (http://github.com/collectiveidea/facebooker
), but unfortunately, one thing some of our contributions have in
common with many others is the lack of testing. I want to change
that. I''d like to help lead an effort to make the facebooker tests
One thing that I think would help is a little better
2010 Aug 11
rspec2 not working with shoulda
I am using rails edge. I am using gem "rspec-rails", "= 2.0.0.beta.
19" .
I have following code at spec/models/user_spec.rb
require ''spec_helper''
describe User do
it { should validate_presence_of(:email) }
it { should validate_presence_of(:name) }
Here is my gemfile
group :development, :test do
gem ''factory_girl_rails'',
2010 Dec 22
Shoulda issue: no more "should have_instance_methods" ?
I''m using Shoulda.
After copying the code here....
.... http://joshuaclayton.github.com/code/2009/07/14/should-act-as-list.html....
into my test_helper file so I can test acts_as_list, I came across
issues. For one I realized I had to get rid of the _ between the
"should" and "have" in past cases, but here, I get this error when I
run my unit test:
2011 Mar 01
Did rails or shoulda go insane on the inflection of 'taxes'?
I have a model ''xp_jurisdiction_taxes'' which rails (3) created correctly.
Another model ''xp_jurisdiction_states'' has many :xp_jurisdiction_taxes.
In my spec I am using a shoulda helper to test the association but get the
following error. BTW, greped the whole project just in case and the string
''taxi'' exists nowhere.
2008 Jan 10
Hey, we''re currently using shoulda (http://dev.thoughtbot.com/
shoulda/) on a project and I saw some things that would be really nice
to see in rspec, namely the should_ methods, and especially the
should_be_restful method. Do these go against the rspec goals at
all? Or could an ambitious programmer go to town implementing these
for rspec_on_rails?
Nathan Sutton
fowlduck at
2007 May 03
predicate matchers
Hey all,
If any of you are using the new predicate_matchers feature, I just
committed a change to it in trunk. See
for more details, but the high level is that instead of this:
predicate_matchers[:method_on_object] = :method_in_spec
It now (as of rev 1898 - soon to be released in 0.9.2) does this:
2008 Mar 04
Matchers tutorial ...
I am looking for a good a - z matchers tutorial . Anyone got a url
for one?
Anthony Broad-Crawford
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2010 Aug 16
RSpec 2 matchers 'code-spec' and 'file-spec' released
Spec your generated Ruby code files
code-spec at: http://github.com/kristianmandrup/code-spec
Spec your file structure (files, dirs, symlinks)
file-spec at: http://github.com/kristianmandrup/file-spec
More to come...
2010 Sep 08
Re-using Rspec Matchers
Hey Everyone,
Is it good practice to call matchers from within matchers? Kinda like this pattern:
See: http://gist.github.com/570467
2008 May 26
Mocking Models in Controller Specs...
I find myself doing this kind of thing a lot in Controller Specs:
@vacancy = mock_model(Vacancy)
2007 Aug 02
Do the :attributes and :content matchers work
[Rails plugin 1.0.5]
I am looking for some guidance.
When working on a partial which looks like this
<div class="bug" style="width: 100%;" />
I have some examples which should fail - I think - but do not:
it '' should fail'' do
response.should have_tag( ''div.bug'', :content => ''There is no