Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "model.frame(), model.matrix(), and derived predictor variables"
2012 Jan 09
Joint confidence interval for fractional polynomial terms
Dear R users,
The package 'mfp' that fits fractional polynomial terms to predictors.
f <- mfp(Surv(rfst, cens) ~ fp(age, df = 4, select = 0.05)
+ fp(prm, df = 4, select = 0.05), family = cox, data = GBSG)
To describe the association between the original predictor, eg. age and
risk for different values of age I can plot it the polynomials
2003 Apr 07
spline with multiple predictor vars?
Hi, is there a way in R to generate a polynomial spline with multiple predictor
variables? I have one response and two predictors and I'm trying to fit a
spline model for this...
Please cc me on the reply..
2006 Nov 13
wishlist: xlim in lines.polynomial (PR#9362)
Full_Name: Tamas K Papp
Version: 2.4.0
OS: linux
Submission from: (NULL) (
I was using the lines.polynomial method for plotting piecewise polynomials
(parts of splines). I needed a feature to limit the range of plotting using a
parameter given to the function (as opposed to par("usr")). I think that the
following changes would be a nice addition:
2008 Oct 16
defining a function using strings
Hi All,
I need to evaluate a series expansion using Legendre polynomials.
Using the 'orthopolinom' package I can get a list of the first n
Legendre polynomials as character strings.
> library(orthopolynom)
> l<-legendre.polynomials(4)
> l
-0.5 + 1.5*x^2
-1.5*x + 2.5*x^3
0.375 - 3.75*x^2 + 4.375*x^4
But I can't figure out how to
2006 Nov 07
multivariate splines
I am looking for an R package that would calculate multivarite (mostly
2d and 3d, tensor) cubic interpolating splines, so that I could
evaluate these splines (and their derivatives) at many points (unkown
at the time of calculating the spline polynomials) repeatedly.
To make things concrete, I have an array V with
dim(V) = k
and gridpoint vectors grid=list(...), length(grid[[i]])==k[i],
2007 Feb 12
How to get the polynomials out of poly()
Hi Folks!
Im using the function poly to generate orthogonal polynomials, but Id like
to see the actual polynomials so that I could convert it to a polynomial
in my original variable. Is that possible and if so how do I do it?
2011 Sep 20
Multivariate spline regression and predicted values
I am trying to estimate a multivariate regression of Y on X with
regression splines. Y is (nx1), and X is (nxd), with d>1. I assume the
data is generated by some unknown regression function f(X), as in Y =
f(X) + u, where u is some well-behaved regression error. I want to
estimate f(X) via regression splines (tensor product splines). Then, I
want to get the predicted values for some new
2003 Apr 29
polynomial fitting
I'm trying to find a way to fit a polynomial of degree n in x and y to
a set of x, y, and z data that I have and obtain the coefficients for
the terms of the fitted polynomial. However, when I try to use the
surf.ls function I'm getting odd results.
> x <- seq(0, 10, length=50)
> y <- x
> f <- function (x, y) {x^2 + y}
> library(spatial)
> test <-
2004 Aug 26
Why terms are dropping out of an lm() model
Hi all!
I'm fairly new to R and not too experienced with regression. Because
of one or both of those traits, I'm not seeing why some terms are being
dropped from my model when doing a regression using lm().
I am trying to do a regression on some experimental data d, which has
two numeric predictors, p1 and p2, and one numeric response, r. The aim
is to compare polynomial models in p1
2011 Feb 06
playback problems with oppo BDP-95
Thanks for bringing up this aspect, Nicholas. I seem to recall that
specific hardware has a problem with certain compression levels, but
I cannot recall whether that was limited to just encoding, or
decoding as well. It could very well be true that I am conflating my
vague memory of encoder limitations with decoder limitations.
It does seem to be that the oppo BDP-95 is exhibiting
2002 Oct 08
Orthogonal Polynomials
Looking to the wonderful statistical advice that this group can offer.
In behavioral science applications of stats, we are often introduced to
coefficients for orthogonal polynomials that are nice integers. For
instance, Kirk's experimental design book presents the following
coefficients for p=4:
Linear -3 -1 1 3
Quadratic 1 -1 -1 1
Cubic -1 3 -3 1
In R orthogonal
2009 Dec 08
coefficients of each local polynomial from locfit
Hi list,
This was asked a couple of years ago but I can't find a resolution. Is
there any way to get the coefficients from one of the local polynomial fits
in locfit. I realize that locfit only constructs polynomials at a handful
of intelligently selected points and uses interpolation to predict any other
points. I would like to know the terms of the polynomials at these points.
It seems
2001 Sep 30
non linear models
Dear Members of the Help List,
Honestly, I feel a little bit stupid - I would like to do something rather
simple: fit a non linear model to existing data, to be more precise I wanted
to start with simple higher order polynomials.
Unfortunately, I do not quite understand the examples in the helpfiles for
the nlm, nls and nlsModel commands.
Could anyone please provide a simple example to get me
2013 Apr 27
Polynomial Regression and NA coefficients in R
Hey all,
I'm performing polynomial regression. I'm simulating x values using runif() and y values using a deterministic function of x and rnorm().
When I perform polynomial regression like this:
fit_poly <- lm(y ~ poly(x,11,raw = TRUE))
I get some NA coefficients. I think this is due to the high correlation between say x and x^2 if x is distributed uniformly on the unit interval
2008 Jul 01
Orthogonal polynomials and poly
Dear All,
I have found in the poly help this sentence:
The orthogonal polynomial is summarized by the coefficients, which can be
used to evaluate it via the three-term recursion given in Kennedy & Gentle
(1980, pp. 343–4), and used in the predict part of the code.
My question: which type of orthogonal polynomials are used by this function?
Hrmite, legendre..
[[alternative HTML
2013 Jan 03
interpreting results of regression using ordinal predictors in R
Dear friends,
Being very new to this, I was wondering if I could get some pointers
and guidance to interpreting the results of performing a linear
regression with ordinal predictors in R.
Here is a simple, toy example:
y <- c(-0.11, -0.49, -1.10, 0.08, 0.31, -1.21, -0.05, -0.40, -0.01,
-0.12, 0.55, 1.34, 1.00, -0.31, -0.73, -1.68, 0.38, 1.22,
-1.11, -0.20)
x <-
2012 Mar 03
interpreting the output of a glm with an ordered categorical predictor.
I'm a Master's student working on an analysis of herbivore damage on plants.
I have a tried running a glm with one categorical predictor (aphid
abundance) and a binomial response (presence/absence of herbivore damage).
My predictor has four categories: high, medium, low, and none. I used the
"ordered" function to sort my categories for a glm.
ah <-
2001 Jul 09
polynomial regression and poly
When doing polynomial regression I believe it is a good idea to use the poly
function to generate orthogonal polynomials. When doing this in Splus there
is a handy function (transform.poly I think) to convert the coefficients
produced by regression with the poly function back to the original scale.
Has somebody written something similar for R ?
2005 Nov 08
Need advice about models with ordinal input variables
Dear colleagues:
I've been storing up this question for a long time and apologize for the
length and verbosity of it. I am having trouble in consulting with
graduate students on their research projects. They are using surveys to
investigate the sources of voter behavior or attitudes. They have
predictors that are factors, some ordered, but I am never confident in
telling them what
2009 Feb 08
recursive derivative a list of polynomials
Dear list,
This is quite a specific question requiring the package orthopolynom.
This package provides a nice implementation of the Legendre
polynomials, however I need the associated Legendre polynomial which
can be readily expressed in terms of the mth order derivative of the
corresponding Legendre polynomial. (For the curious, I'm trying to
calculate spherical harmonics [*]).