Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Inconsistency between eval and withVisible (with patch)"
2015 Feb 09
WISH: eval() to preserve the "visibility" (now value is always visible)
Sorry to intervene.
Argument passed to 'eval' is evaluated first.
eval(x <- 2)
is effectively like
{ x <- 2; eval(2) } ,
which is effectively
{ x <- 2; 2 } .
The result is visible.
eval(expression(x <- 2))
eval(quote(x <- 2))
evalq(x <- 2)
gives the same effect as
x <- 2 .
The result is invisible.
In function 'eval2',
res <-
2013 Mar 19
source, sys.source and error line numbers
is there a way to retrieve the line number of where en error occurred when
sourcing a file in a tryCatch statement? Is it stored somewhere accessible?
It is not found in the error object.
Consider the following code/output and note the difference in the traceback
between source (has line number) and sys.source (has no line number).
Thank you,
# code
codefile <-
2015 Feb 07
WISH: eval() to preserve the "visibility" (now value is always visible)
Would it be possible to have the value of eval() preserve the
"visibility" of the value of the expression?
# Invisible
> x <- 1
# Visible
> eval(x <- 2)
[1] 2
> withVisible(x <- 1)
[1] 1
> withVisible(eval(x <- 2))
[1] 2
[1] TRUE
eval2 <-
2014 Jun 17
PATCH: Avoiding extra copies (NAMED bumped) with source(..., print.eval=FALSE) ...and with print.eval=TRUE?
To update source(..., print.eval=FALSE) to not use withVisible()
unless really needed. This avoids unnecessary increases of reference
counts/NAMED introduced by withVisible(), which in turn avoids
unnecessary memory allocations and garbage collection overhead. This
has an impact on all source():ed scripts, e.g. pre-allocation of large
matrices to save memory does *not always* help in
2013 Jul 15
pmatch inconsistency
The pmatch help (see also section 4.3.2 in the R Language Definition)
claims that pmatch with duplicates.ok=FALSE provides the same
functionality as R's argument matching algorithm, modulo how empty
strings are matched.
Here's an undocumented inconsistency between pmatch and R's argument
matching algorithm:
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16)
2014 May 12
traceback does not show source line number of long calls when truncating output
in R-3.1.0 (Linux), traceback() does not show the source file line
number for the truncated calls, when limiting the number of lines
output for each call with argument max.lines. See sample code, output
and session info below (in particular, output for call number 5).
I guess this is not intended.
Thank you.
## File: traceback.R
a <- function(...){
2013 Sep 13
inconsistency/bug in recordPlot/replayPlot
Hey all,
I've run accross what seems to be a bug in the recordPlot/replayPlot
functionality (or at least the lack of a feature which seems pretty
reasonable to expect to be there)
When drawing to a file-based graphics device (I tested with png()), the
file resulting from calling replayPlot on a recordedplot object does not
contain an identical image to that captured by the same graphics
2007 Apr 06
wishlist: additional argument in R_tryEval (Rinternals.h)
R_tryEval, exported in Rinternals.h but not part of the API, is
currently defined as:
R_tryEval(SEXP e, SEXP env, int *ErrorOccurred);
I'm trying to embed R in an application (basically yet another GUI),
and this has been very helpful to catch errors. It would be even more
helpful if it also gave access to the visibility flag. I can wrap this
in a call to withVisible, and that works
2018 Mar 20
WISH: Sys.setlocale() to return value invisibly
Contrary to, say, Sys.setenv(), Sys.setlocale() returns it's value
visibly. This means that if you for instance add:
Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", "C")
to your .Rprofile file, it will print:
[1] "C"
at startup. The workaround is to wrap the call in invisible(), but I'd
argue that any "setter" function should return invisibly.
Some more details:
2015 Nov 26
Inconsistency in treating NaN-results?
This question is more out of curiosity than a complaint or suggestion, but
I'm just wondering.
The behavior of R on calculations that result in NaN seems a bit
# this is expected:
> 0/0
[1] NaN
# but this gives a warning
> sin(Inf)
[1] NaN
Warning message:
In sin(Inf) : NaNs produced
# and this again does not
> exp(NaN)
[1] NaN
Conceptually, I like to think that R
2011 Apr 18
help with eval()
I've narrowed my scope problems with predict.coxph further.
Here is a condensed example:
fcall3 <- as.formula("time ~ age")
dfun3 <- function(dcall) {
fit <- lm(dcall, data=lung, model=FALSE)
The final call fails: it can't find 'dcall'.
The relevant code in model.frame.lm is:
env <- environment(formula$terms)
2012 Jan 09
serializing recordedplot object
I use recordPlot() to save plots to disk that I render later to a
variety of formats. This works fine for base R plots and ggplot2
plots, and also used to work for lattice plots. However somewhere in
version 2.14 things stopped working for lattice plots. Here is an
x <- recordPlot();
saveRDS(x, "myplot.rds");
y <-
2015 Jan 13
R CMD build looking for texi2dvi in the wrong place (R-devel)
R CMD build fails with recent R-devel because it is looking for texi2dvi in /usr/local/bin, but on this system, MacTex has installed it in /usr/bin.
$ R CMD build IRanges
* checking for file 'IRanges/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* preparing 'IRanges':
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* cleaning src
* installing the package to build vignettes
* creating vignettes ... ERROR
2015 Nov 30
Inconsistency in treating NaN-results?
As a side note, Splus makes sin(x) NA, with a warning, for
abs(x)>1.6*2^48 (about
4.51e+14) because more than half the digits are incorrect in sin(x)
for such x. E.g.,
in R we get:
> options(digits=16)
> library(Rmpfr)
> sin(4.6e14)
[1] -0.792253849684354
> sin(mpfr(4.6e14, precBits=500))
1 'mpfr' number of precision 500 bits
2015 Mar 30
nested parallel workers
On 03/25/2015 07:48 PM, Simon Urbanek wrote:
> On Mar 25, 2015, at 3:46 PM, Valerie Obenchain <vobencha at fredhutch.org> wrote:
>> Hi Simon,
>> I'm having trouble with nested parallel workers, specifically, forking inside socket connections.
> You simply can't by definition - when you fork *all* the workers share the same connection
2006 Mar 17
collation order
The following caused a hard-to-diagnose problem for a user of the survey
package. Presumably this is a strange Unicode thing, but is there a
convenient reference for how the collation order is determined? I am
surprised that adding the same character to the end of two strings of the
same length can change the sorting order.
in en_US.utf8 locale
> "1//"<"10/"
2007 Apr 28
normalizing affy data caused an error
Hi all,
I tried to do normalization of affymetrix data with bioconductor on a
Linux server. When I read in the cel files all seemed ok. But the next
step caused an error. With Win XP all works fine. Did anyone experience
similar problems?
> PI <- ReadAffy()
> PI
AffyBatch object
size of arrays=712x712 features (14 kb)
cdf=ATH1-121501 (??? affyids)
number of
2015 Mar 25
nested parallel workers
Hi Simon,
I'm having trouble with nested parallel workers, specifically, forking
inside socket connections.
When mclapply is called inside a SOCK, PSOCK or FORK worker I get an
error in unserialize().
cl <- makeCluster(1, "SOCK")
fun = function(i) {
mclapply(1:2, sqrt)
Failure occurs after multiple calls to clusterApply:
> clusterApply(cl, 1,
2016 Feb 16
iconv to UTF-16 encoding produces error due to embedded nulls (write.table with fileEncoding param)
If I execute the code from the "?write.table" examples section
x <- data.frame(a = I("a \" quote"), b = pi)
# (ommited code)
write.csv(x, file = "foo.csv", fileEncoding = "UTF-16LE")
the resulting CSV file has a size of 6 bytes which is too short
The problem seems to be the iconv function:
2013 Oct 30
Huge performance difference between implicit and explicit print
Hi all,
Can anyone help me understand why an implicit print (i.e. just typing
df at the console), is so much slower than an explicit print (i.e.
print(df)) in the example below? I see the difference in both Rstudio
and in a terminal.
# Construct large df as quickly as possible
dummy <- 1:18e6
df <- lapply(1:10, function(x) dummy)
names(df) <- letters[1:10]
class(df) <-