similar to: GGplot 2 – cannot get histogram and box plot axis to match.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "GGplot 2 – cannot get histogram and box plot axis to match."

2007 Jul 10
Having trouble using data returned by Ajax.request
Hello everyone, I''m new here. I''ve been working with prototype and plotr for about a month now, off and on, and I have pretty much hit the wall on using the data returned by Ajax.Request. I''m using some php code to return a string: {''foo'': [[0,0.0865334429075127], [1,0.0828179861705063], [2,0.0828173042602942], [3,0.0841707718624196]]} But I keep
2012 Oct 10
impossible to fill point glyphs in a lattice plot
(sorry for repetition: the previous mail resulted from a weird manipulation in the forum) With the following code : dat1 <- matrix(nrow=4, ncol=2) dat1[1,] <- c(-2, 1) dat1[2,] <- c(-1.7, 0.9) dat1[3,] <- c(0.1, 0.6) dat1[4,] <- c(0.5, 0.5) theplot <- xyplot(V2 ~ V1,, pch=c(4,1,5,4)) plot(theplot, prefix="theplot") # for a predictable name
2012 Oct 10
Filling points in a trellis object
With the following code : I would like to plot 4 points, and have the circle and diamond shapes filled with grey. What am I missing ? Thanks by advance for your help, Pierrick Bruneau Research Fellow CRP Gabriel Lippmann -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2007 Jan 26
Use a text variable's value to specify another varaible?
Greetings guRus -- If a variable, e.g., 'varname', is a character string, e.g. varname <- "datavector", and I want to apply a function, such as table(), to datavector, what syntax or method will do so using only the variable varname? This seems similar to indirect addressing, but I have not seen a method for it in the R manuals. Is there a general name for such indirect
2010 Jul 08
Duda con orden Cars93
Cordial saludo, Estoy haciendo una grafica de la base de datos Cars93 conde relaciono Manufacturer con Price con este codigo library(MASS) with(Cars93,plot(Manufacturer, Price, las=2, ylab="Precio (en $1,000)")) necesito el comando para que queden ordenados de manera ascendente como en la grafica 2, muchas gracias por su ayuda Grafica 1 [image: M-P.JPG] Grafica 2 [image: M-P
2009 Jul 31
help in using gsub and ?
Hi all, I would like to strip the R prompt from a series of code lines and copy the resulting text into a R script. For example, consider the following : ##### str1<-" > library(MASS) > data(Cars93) > attach(Cars93) > imosaic(data.frame(AirBags,Cylinders,Origin))" str2<-gsub('>','',str1) ###### This gives, as expected .? > str2 [1] "\n
2013 Jan 28
gigFit problems
Hi, I am having some problems with gigFit and would like confirmation on other platforms; mine is mint; basically Debian. Although I got a good fit for the density function with the GIG equation in another curve fitting program, I would really like to use R's tools for confidence intervals and manipulations; but the problems below make me uneasy. Problem one (from examples with parameter
2004 Feb 10
make check in 1.8.1.
I just (finally!!!) got R version 1.8.1 to configure and build under Solaris 9 (after much travail; there were funnies in my environment variables that mucked things up, but that's another story). Anyhow, when I ran ``make check'' I got an error right toward the end. Looking in the directory ``tests'' I found that the error was associated with the file reg-tests-3.R, and the
2001 Sep 08
Basic SPSS commands in R ?
Hello, i'm newbie of R and think it is a really good alternative to SPSS. But i have more problems using elementary things comparable with using advanced methods. (1) How can i value label i.e the variable X in data.frame DATA with the labels ( 1=very good ) (2=good). spss syntax when DATA is in Spreadsheet is: value labels X 1 'very good'. 2 'good'. execute. (2) How can i
2009 Jul 02
Quantitative Risk Management by McNeil
Dear Specialists in R, May be somebody has experiment in using pakage for the book Quantitative Risk Management by McNeil? This package is writen in R. I have run this package for fitting the data to Nornal Inverse Gaussian distribution and fased with following problem. > Return<-read.csv("data.csv") > Transpose<-t(Return) > fit.NH(Transpose, case="NIG",
2004 Apr 08
Why are Split and Tapply so slow with named vectors, why is a for loop faster than mapply
First, here's the problem I'm working on so you understand the context. I have a data frame of travel activity characteristics with 70,000+ records. These activities are identified by unique chain numbers. (Activities are part of trip chains.) There are 17,500 chains. I use the chain numbers as factors to split various data fields into lists of chain characteristics with each element of
2008 Nov 25
row labels in heatmap.2(package gplots)
Dear R users, I have a question regarding how to make row labels readable in a heat map. I have successfully made a heat map using function "heatmap.2" in the package "gplots". However, as there are many rows in the heat map, I have difficulties labeling them (heatmap.2 provides a parameter "labRow" to label the row names, but as I have too many rows, I can not make
2000 Apr 26
plotting question
I would like to plot two different samples on the same scatterplot in R using different symbols for the different groups. Could someone please let me know how this can be done? Thank you very much. Thad ***************************************************************************** Thaddeus Tarpey Phone: (937) 775-2861 Wright State University
2009 Oct 02
ggplot2: proper use of facet_grid inside a function
Hello Again R Folk: I have found items about this in the archives, but I?m still not getting it right. I want to use ggplot2 with facet_grid inside a function with user specified variables, for instance: p <- ggplot(data, aes_string(x = fac1, y = res)) + facet_grid(. ~ fac2) Where data, fac1, fac2 and res are arguments to the function. I have tried p <- ggplot(data,
2011 Aug 15
ggplot in a function confusion!
Whats going on here? df<-data.frame(x=1:10,y=1:10) ggplot()+geom_point(data=df,aes(x=x,y=y)) ## this is the normal usage right? ggplot()+geom_point(data=df,aes(x=df[,1],y=df[,2])) ## but I can also feed it column indices ggplot()+geom_point(aes(x=df[,'x'],y=df[,'y'])) ## or column names. ## but if i wrap it in a function...<-function(dff,x.var,y.var){
2007 Dec 13
use ggplot in a function to which a column name is given
Hi everyone, Hi ggplot users in particular, ggplot makes it very easy to plot things given their names when you use it interactively (and therefore can provide the names of the columns). qplot(x,foo,data=A) where A has columns (x,y,foo,bar) for example but I would like to use this from inside a function to which the name of the column is given. I cannot find an elegant way to make this
2008 Mar 26
ggplot2 argument handling odd
Hello there, I'm trying to do lots of plots in one for-loop. But somehow ggplot does not evaluate arguments as expected. Here is an example: library(lattice) library(ggplot2) pl <- list() pl2 <- list() cDat <-,x2=0:10,x3=1:20)) for(obs in c("x1", "x2")) { pl[[obs]] <- xyplot(cDat[,obs] ~ cDat[,"x3"], main=obs)
2008 Mar 25
ggplot2 - facetting
Dear All, After having overcome the issue of legends (thanks, Thierry, once more), I am trying to use facetting, but here also I can not find how to do this. I do not want to use qplot, but rather the more flexible options. However, it seems I am doing still something pretty stupid, because I always get an error, even if it seems I am doing everything like the examples. My code is below.
2009 Apr 07
Re ading Excel 5.0 files with RODBC?
Hi, i'm trying to read some data from excel files but it seems that neither xlsReadWrite nor sqlFetch (RODBC) doesn't like the format (Excel 5.0). When i open the file in Excel and save it in a new format Excel 97 -2003 everything works fine. Is it possible to use ODBC connection to open old format files, or i guess i will have to open and save every file in Excel in new format, which
2000 Jun 13
problem with aperm? (PR#568)
R version 1.0.1 OS RedHat Linux 6.1 In attempting to test for numeric vectors in a data frame, I tried: apply(dataframe,2,is.numeric) and found that it returned FALSE for all vectors whether they were numeric or not. I tracked this to the fact that as.array() was converting the data frame to character vectors, and thought I could solve it by using array(), which preserved the mode of the