similar to: Enviroment variables or Java startup -D arguments

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Enviroment variables or Java startup -D arguments"

2012 Oct 22
Duplicate class declaration because of counterintuitive class scoping
Hi, I bumped into the following this afternoon (on a 2.7.19 puppet master/agent combo): consider a class profile::tomcat in module profile with the following content: $ cat modules/profile/manifests/tomcat.pp class profile::tomcat { class { ''tomcat'': } notice(''Class profile::tomcat in module profile'') } and $ cat modules/tomcat/manifests/init.pp
2010 May 07
Apache Tomcat/5.5.23
I have a new instllation of tomcat on centos. My $CATALINA_HOME is /usr/share/tomcat5 and tomcat is running. http://localhost:8080 brings up the tomcat page & one of the option is "Administration". I would like to use this web interface and even give some of the test webapp users ability to restart tomcat. According to the home page, users are defined in
2005 Oct 17
Tomcat 4 on Centos 4.1
I use OpenNMS and this is how I install it. So far it's worked every time (6 installs). Make sure you open up your IPTables as needed. Let me know how it goes. --Todd -------------- Installing DAG RPM Repository nano -w /etc/yum.repos.d/dag.repo [dag] name=Dag RPM Repository for RHEL baseURL=$releasever/en/$basearch/dag gpgcheck=1 enabled=1 rpm --import
2010 Mar 15
Tomcat 5.23 help - http://hostname:8080 is an empty page.
I installed tomcat 5.23 from the yum install of centos5.3 and have started tomcat on port 8080 . The http://hostname:8080 shows a blank page. In a standard Tomcat distribution, the default application is located in the ROOT directory /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps: From centos installation, this directory is empty. Please help us to bring up the apache-tomcat installation page. tomcat5.conf has the
2007 Feb 15
use of $name
Hello The following chunk is within a class definition. ${name} is being exchanged with an empty string: remotefile { "/${server_xml}": owner => tomcat, group => tomcat, mode => 600, source => "${ftoe_src_prefix_dev}${name}.jvm1" } However in the following chunk, lower down in the same class definition, ${name} is being exchanged
2012 Sep 04
Module critique
I''ve gotten an install of solr working, but it''s pretty much a hack job at the moment. If y''all could give me your thoughts on how to improve my setup, I''d appreciate it. apache-tomcat is an rpm of Tomcat 7 that references the oracle jdk instead of openjdk. Thanks. class solr { service { ''iptables'' : ensure =>
2006 Jul 17
AW: executable on /etc/rc.local doesn't start
Do you have any logfile output? First check whether the environment (JAVA_HOME for example) is set before calling /usr/apache-tomcat-5.5.17/bin/ For example <<<< snip #!/bin/bash export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.5.0_05_x86_64 bin/ >>>> snip -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- Von: centos-bounces at [mailto:centos-bounces at] Im Auftrag
2011 Dec 06
module can't find other modules
I have these three modules with the following structure: |-- modules | |-- create_resources | | |-- LICENSE | | |-- Modulefile | | |-- README | | |-- lib | | | `-- puppet | | | `-- parser | | | `-- functions | | | `-- create_resources.rb | | |-- spec | | | |-- spec.opts | | | |-- spec_helper.rb | | | `-- unit
2020 May 25
child killed by signal 6
Hello, from time to time I keep getting problems with some emails causing signal 6. I've already reported those, but it seems not to be easy to find the cause. From the logs, it seems to occur in sieve implementation. I've checked the email envelopes tody by accident, probably this part of my telnet session might help: a11 fetch 1 all * 1 FETCH (RFC822.SIZE 16750 INTERNALDATE
2004 Dec 06
Help: Apache2, Tomcat5 and jk2_connector
Hello, Does any have Apache 2.0.49 with tomcat 5.5.4 and jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-2.0.4 working??? Apache was allready installed with CentOS 3 I installed tomcat with it's tar.gz file and instalation was good. but I installed first the j2sdk-1_4_2_06-linux-i586 java version... everything was OK... but when I try to install the jakarta-tomcat-connector I get an error when executing the
2011 Mar 26
Verify tomcat config
I'm going to retire an old RHEL3 server and move the services to CentOS5. In particular, the web server is giving me a headache. On the old box, there's a hacked-up httpd/mod_jk/tomcat setup, and CentOS is perfect for the new box because the required components are included and the whole setup "just works" straight from installation. There seems to be surprisingly little
2020 Apr 28
Tomcat or what on CentOS 8?
Hi, We're running some web apps on CentOS 6 on Tomcat 6 shipped by the distribution. As time goes by we'd like to move on to CentOS 8 and Tomcat 9 or whatever is appropriate. My question is, what do others use now that Tomcat is not shipped anymore with CentOS? Do you run some JBoss/WildFly instead or still running Tomcat? And, how do you install/manage those installations. Do you
2020 May 25
child killed by signal 6
On 25/05/2020 12:06, Aki Tuomi wrote: >> On 25/05/2020 13:00 Peter Nabbefeld <peter.nabbefeld at> wrote: >> >> >> Hello, >> >> from time to time I keep getting problems with some emails causing >> signal 6. I've already reported those, but it seems not to be easy to >> find the cause. From the logs, it seems to occur in sieve
2006 May 03
Starting tomcat on bootup
I just installed Tomcat and when I run the chkconfig -add tomcat, it tells me that tomcat does not support chkconfig. Suggestions? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
2013 Jan 21
How to watch a logfile in Puppet?
Hi! I''m a newbie in Puppet with some Chef experience. Now trying to convert my pet project from Chef to Puppet. When I start a Tomcat is takes some time (several seconds). I need to wait a line "Server startup in" in Tomcat''s log before proceeding. Here is a way which I used in Chef:
2023 Jun 21
Tomcat 7 in CentOS 7.9
I know Tomcat 7 has reached the EOL. Still it is available as the only option for Tomcat in the CentOS 7.9 repository. How can I know whether security backports are available in CentOS 7 for all packages related to Tomcat 7? Are those rpm packages still safe? Thanks in advance! Andrea Grillini
2008 Jan 06
tomcat still sees jvm version 1.4.2 in Cent OS 5
i chose to install tomcat during the OS install as well as java....however, since I needed to use a different jvm, i used the method described in for Sun jdk 1.5.0_13 and it worked fine as I can tell, as using the alternatives --config java command, i see both 1.4.2 and 1.5.0 versions and choosing the 1.5.0 version yields the right version when doing a
2013 Mar 02
Tomcat query from complete newbie
I'm a complete tomcat beginner - (I installed it on my CentOS-6.3 server this morning.) According to the web-interface on port 8080 tomcat is running fine. Basically, I want to allow a Java program I have written (which works well) to be run over the internet. This is to test students understanding of Turing machines. The student has to enter a short "program" (consisting of 20-80
2013 Aug 09
Copying multiple files to multiple locations
Hi, I''m, still relatively new to Puppet, so there might be something I am overlooking. Anyway, my situation is that I can install 1 or multiple tomcat instances on a machine, and in order for me to ensure that they can talk to all databases we run (test environments) I want to copy all DB drivers into each instance. So basically I have a defined type for my tomcat instance, which
2005 Nov 01
Installing Tomact as a service... update
So I've been trying to use this site and the daemon script here. It works so far. I mean, at least the server starts, I can get to the site, etc. So far, so good. The only problem is, for some reason when I start tomcat using root everything runs fine. When I start tomcat using this script, however, I get this.... FATAL [http-8080-Processor25]