similar to: problem loading large xlsx file into r

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 110 matches similar to: "problem loading large xlsx file into r"

2005 May 12
Batch mode problem: figure margins too large (code corrected for word wrap)
First of all, I apologize for the triple post, but I did not see that the word wrap on the r-help list site would render my code unusable. So here it is again. Hoping that this time it will work if you cut and paste it in your Rgui. I have a program that works well in Rgui but that does not work in a batch file (Execution halted). Here's the code (it will work on your R, but you need
2014 Jun 20
EOF error reading csv file
Hi, I am confronted with this error while trying to read csv file into R session. Though it is warning message, I noticed that the whole file was not read properly. After having gone through the whole file, unable to identify error in file. I am copying the last 2 rows in original csv file after which the reading was not proper. (cannot enclose file because of big size) TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS -
2011 Sep 19
text matching
Hi All, I have a character vector by name tickers > head(tickers,10) V1 1 ADARSHPL.BO 2 AGR.V 3 AGU 4 AGU.TO 5 AIMCO.BO 6 ALUFLUOR.BO 7 AMZ.V 8 AVD 9 ANILPROD.BO 10 ARIES.BO I would like to extract all elements that has ".BO" in it. I tried > grep("\.BO",tickers) Error: '\.' is an unrecognized
2013 Sep 06
Java exception error (Jcheck) while running an R script
Dear all, I am facing a problem with running a script that i have written in R and i hope you can help me spot which exactly is the problem and how i can solve it. The error I get is the following: ---- Error in .jcheck(silent = FALSE) : Java Exception <no description because toString() failed>.jcall(row[[ir]], "Lorg/apache/poi/ss/usermodel/Cell;", "createCell",
2005 May 18
Why can't I download "window binary" zip packages
Hello there, I tried so many times to download windows binary zip package but it told me that I don't have the access to do so. It worked for me a few months ago. Please help me with it. Thank you Lisa Wang Msc. Princess Margaret Hospital Toronto , Canada tel: (416) 946 4501 ext.5201
2013 Nov 19
XLConnect error - "not implemented yet"
When using XLConnect's readWorksheet, instead of it correctly reading string and numeric columns, I receive NA's with the following message: " Error when trying to evaluate cell A2 - not implemented yet" I do not know what this means. Can anyone please assist? -- __________________________ *Barry E. King, Ph.D.* Chief Modeler Qualex Consulting Services, Inc.
2012 Oct 30
rJava Out of Memory Error
I'm running XLConnect 0.2-1 that depends on rJava 0.9-3. I am only able to work with 2 workbooks before I get this error... > SppRich = wb["SpeciesRichness"] # This command calls an Excel > spreadsheet Error: OutOfMemoryError (Java): GC overhead limit exceeded I have tried... > rm(list = ls()) ... to clear the workspace, but it doesn't help. I am using RStudio
2011 Jun 07
error with geomap in googleVis
Hi All, I am unable to get the plot geomap in googleVis package. data is as follows > head(index.ret) country ytd 1 Argentina -10.18 2 Australia -3.42 3 Austria -2.70 4 Belgium 1.94 5 Brazil -7.16 6 Canada 0.56 > map1 = gvisGeoMap(index.ret,locationvar = 'country', numvar = 'ytd') > plot(map1) But it just displays a blank page, showing an
2012 Mar 13
customizing help, how to replace r.css of all packages
Hi All, I would like to replace default r.css that is found in "C:\Program Files\R\R-2.14.2\doc\html" and "C:\Program Files\R\R-2.14.2\library\<package name>\html" with a custom r.css file. I have some 71 packages installed and want to replace r.css across all packages. Windows explorer can aggregate the files into a single window based on search criteria, but
2024 Mar 25
Wish: a way to track progress of parallel operations
Hello, thanks for bringing this topic up, and it would be excellent if we could come of with a generic solution for this in base R. It is one of the top frequently asked questions and requested features in parallel processing, but also in sequential processing. We have also seen lots of variants on how to attack the problem of reporting on progress when running in parallel. As the author
2005 May 12
Batch mode problem: figure margins too large
Hello, I have a program that works well in Rgui but that does not work in a batch file (Execution halted) Here's the code (it will work on you side, but you need internet access through R as it will download a table from a US gov site) download.file("", "c:/", "internal", quiet = FALSE, mode =
2005 May 12
RE: Batch mode problem: figure margins too large (aligned R code to the left)
> Hello, I have a program that works well in Rgui but that does not work in > a batch file (Execution halted) > > Here's the code (it will work on you side, but you need internet access > through R as it will download a table from a US gov site) > > download.file("", > "c:/", >
2013 Jan 21
Problema gWidgets & XLConnect
Hola. Tengo una especie de "poltergeist"... a ver si alguien es capaz de echarme un cable.... sucede al usar los paquetes XLConnect ( y gWidgets ( simultáneamente en R 2.15.2 (de 32 bits bajo Windows 7) ... con la versión anterior (2.15.1), en las mismas condiciones, no pasa. Caso 1: #
2019 May 06
rTRNG: Advanced and Parallel Random Number Generation via TRNG
We are happy to announce the first CRAN release of rTRNG version 4.20-1. rTRNG is a package for advanced parallel Random Number Generation in R. It relies on TRNG (Tina?s Random Number Generator, <>), a state-of-the-art C++ pseudo-random number generator library for sequential and parallel Monte Carlo simulations. In particular, parallel random number generators
2019 May 06
rTRNG: Advanced and Parallel Random Number Generation via TRNG
We are happy to announce the first CRAN release of rTRNG version 4.20-1. rTRNG is a package for advanced parallel Random Number Generation in R. It relies on TRNG (Tina?s Random Number Generator, <>), a state-of-the-art C++ pseudo-random number generator library for sequential and parallel Monte Carlo simulations. In particular, parallel random number generators
2005 Feb 17
Multiple Fstats/breakpoints test using Panel data
Hi, I have recently use the strucchange package in R with a single time series observation. I found it extremely useful in the testing of change points. Now, I am thinking of using the strucchange package with panel data (about 500 firms, with 73 monthly time series observations each). For each firm, I have to conduct the Fstats and breakpoints tests. Based on the test of each firm, I have to
2013 Sep 13
Problema con el tamaño de las letras en R en gráficos multiples
Hola buenas, Actualmente me hayo haciendo unas gráficas que han de tener un tamaño de letra determinado. Para ello empleo los parametros ps de las funciones x11() y en par(). Mientras hago gráficas de uno y gráficas de dos plots todo va bien. Pego las gráficas en power point y veo que las gráficas son del tamaño recomendado (pego una caja de texto y compruebo que todo es correcto de manera
2011 Apr 06
Problemas con Rgraphviz
Hola a todos..!! Necesito trabajar con el package classGraph, entiendo que dicho package requiere como previo a Rgraphviz. Pues bien, al tratar de cargarlo aparece el siguiente mensaje de error: Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'Rgraphviz', details: call: value[[3L]](cond) error: unable to load shared object
2013 Sep 13
Problema con el tamaño de las letras en R en gráficos multiples
Estimando Javier Villacampa González Yo guardo las gráficas en un archivo, no las copio. Javier Marcuzzi -----Original Message----- From: Javier Villacampa González Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 12:43 PM To: R ayuda Subject: [R-es] Problema con el tamaño de las letras en R en gráficos multiples Hola buenas, Actualmente me hayo haciendo unas gráficas que han de tener un tamaño de letra
2008 Oct 05
ggplot2 - version 0.7
ggplot2 ------------------------------------------------------------ ggplot2 is a plotting system for R, based on the grammar of graphics, which tries to take the good parts of base and lattice graphics and avoid bad parts. It takes care of many of the fiddly details that make plotting a hassle (like drawing legends) as well as providing a powerful model of graphics that makes it easy to produce