Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Different x-axis scales using c() in latticeExtra"
2010 Oct 20
problem with predict(mboost,...)
I use a mboost model to predict my dependent variable on new data. I get the following warning message:
In bs(mf[[i]], knots = args$knots[[i]]$knots, degree = args$degree, :
some 'x' values beyond boundary knots may cause ill-conditioned bases
The new predicted values are partly negative although the variable in the training data ranges from 3 to 8 on a numeric scale. In order to
2005 Mar 10
Logistic regression goodness of fit tests
I was unsure of what suitable goodness-of-fit tests existed in R for logistic regression. After searching the R-help archive I found that using the Design models and resid, could be used to calculate this as follows:
d <- datadist(mydataframe)
options(datadist = 'd')
fit <- lrm(response ~ predictor1 + predictor2..., data=mydataframe, x =T, y=T)
resid(fit, 'gof').
I set up a
2009 Jul 15
strategy to iterate over repeated measures/longitudinal data
Hi Group,
Create some example data.
wide_data <- data.frame(
predictor1 = sample(c("a","b"),10,replace=TRUE),
predictor2 = sample(c("a","b"),10,replace=TRUE),
predictor3 = sample(c("a","b"),10,replace=TRUE),
2017 Aug 15
ANOVA test to decide whether to use multiple linear regression or linear mixed effects model
I am trying to decide between using a multiple linear regression or a linear mixed effects model for my data:
model1 <- lm (responsevariable ~ predictor1 + predictor2 + predictor3 + predictor4, data= data)
model2 <- lme (responsevariable ~ predictor1 + predictor2 + predictor3 + predictor4, random = ~1 | site, data= data)
anova (model1, model2)
but I keep getting the
2010 May 18
lattice::panel.levelplot.raster too picky with unequal spacing
Dear all,
I got a couple of warnings using panel.levelplot.raster,
In panel.levelplot.raster(..., interpolate = TRUE) :
'y' values are not equispaced; output will be wrong
although I was quite sure my data were equally spaced (indeed, I
created them with seq()). A closer look at the source code reveals
that the function tests for exact uniformity in grid spacing,
2009 Dec 10
different randomForest performance for same data
I came across a problem when building a randomForest model. Maybe someone can help me.
I have a training- and a testdataset with a discrete response and ten predictors (numeric and factor variables). The two datasets are similar in terms of number of predictor, name of variables and datatype of variables (factor, numeric) except that only one predictor has got 20 levels in the training
2015 Feb 26
como eliminar los nombres de las series en el grafico
Estimada comunidad, estoy haciendo un grafico con la funcion xYplot
(paquete Hmisc) para agregar barras de error a los puntos del grafico.
Pero pasa algo que no me gusta: aparece el nombre de las series en el
Alguien sabe como puedo eliminarlas ? no quiero usar ggplot porque ya
tengo hechos todos los graficos con lattice.
Aqui el codigo que uso y los datos (estan separados por tab, no
2013 Jul 24
Query on R plot : Unequispaced label on x-axis
Dear R users,
I want to plot a one variable continuous function f(x) vs x, x=[0,1]. Say
for example: f(x)= x^2. Now, using the command plot(f~x) I will get a
curve where the range of x-axis is [0,1] with all equispaced label. But, I
need something else, and that is: my curve will be such that 80% on x-axis
the range would be [0,0.5] and the rest 20% would contain [0.5,1]. Let me
draw informally
2018 Nov 04
trivial typo in src/library/stats/man/ts.Rd
"vector[s]" should be plural in line 54 ...
Ben Bolker
Index: ts.Rd
--- ts.Rd (revision 75540)
+++ ts.Rd (working copy)
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
The function \code{ts} is used to create time-series objects. These
- are vector or matrices with class of \code{"ts"} (and additional
2010 Nov 03
NFFT on a Zoo?
I have an irregular time series in a Zoo object, and I've been unable to
find any way to do an FFT on it. More precisely, I'd like to do an NFFT
(non-equispaced / non-uniform time FFT) on the data.
The data is timestamped samples from a cheap self-logging
accelerometer. The data is weakly regular, with the following
- short gaps every ~20ms
- large gaps every ~200ms
2014 Nov 06
diferentes escalas en el X de un grafico con varios paneles
Estimados, tengo el siguiente problema:
Tengo que graficar la concentracion de un metabolito en algunas muestras
contra la concentracion del solvente con que fue extraido. Las
concentraciones varian desde cero (para un control) hasta varios miles
de unidades de concentracion (miliMolar).
Para que se puedan diferenciar los puntos en el eje X, se ha usado una
escala logaritmica. Hasta ahi todo
2005 Nov 13
correlating irregular time series
I have some time stamped events that are supposed to be unrelated.
I have plotted them and that assumption does not appear to be valid.
http://metrak.com/tmp/sevents.png is a plot showing three sets of events
over time. For the purpose of this exercise, the Y value is irrelevant.
The series are not sampled at the same time and are not equispaced
(just events in a log file).
The plot is
2009 Oct 19
Spatstat: xy binary data into mask type to use in owin(mask=)
Dear users,
I am trying to export polygons from Arcmap into Spatstat to run some
simulations using functions available in Spatstat package.
One particular area to be exported is formed by a number of polygons
defining the external boundaries of the area (as a groups of islands) and a
number of polygons inside the previous ones, as ?holes? not to be
considered as part of the area.
I have
2010 May 10
Plotting residuals from a sem object
R experts -
I'm using John Fox's sem package to analyze a simple path model (two correlated predictor variables directly influencing a single criterion variable):
Predictor1 -> Criterion
Predictor2 -> Criterion
Predictor1 <-> Predictor2
I'm giving a presentation on this material next week, and I'd like to use component-residual plots (i.e., partial residual plots)
2002 Oct 14
log10(), floor() combo issue?
Hi all,
in my search for a nice binary2decimal method, I received this nice
code (thanx to Uwe Ligges):
bindec <- function(b)
sum(as.integer(unlist(strsplit(b, ""))) * 2^(floor(log10(b)):0))
It fails, however, with:
> bindec(1000)
[1] 4
Warning message:
longer object length
is not a multiple of shorter object length in:
as.integer(unlist(strsplit(b, "")))
2011 Aug 28
-log10 of 0
Dear R users:
Sorry for this simple question:
I am writing a function where I would need to pickup p values and make
-log10 of it.
The p values are from an anova output and sometime it can yield me 0.
-log10 (0)
[1] Inf
I can not replace Inf with 0, which not case here.
This is restricting me to go further in the function and out me the error.
You help is highly appreciated.
2008 Mar 05
nls: different results if applied to normal or linearized data
Dear all,
I did a non-linear least square model fit
y ~ a * x^b
(a) > nls(y ~ a * x^b, start=list(a=1,b=1))
to obtain the coefficients a & b.
I did the same with the linearized formula, including a linear model
log(y) ~ log(a) + b * log(x)
(b) > nls(log10(y) ~ log10(a) + b*log10(x), start=list(a=1,b=1))
(c) > lm(log10(y) ~ log10(x))
I expected coefficient b to be identical
2002 Oct 22
Draw ellipses in S-PLUS or R?
Dear S-PLUS/R users:
Do you know any default function or a user contributed function that
can draw an ellipse with given axes and origin? Thanks for any help.
Romance, like alcohol, should be enjoyed, but should not be allowed to
become necessary.
-- Edgar Friedenberg
r-help mailing list --
2011 Jun 30
volcano plot.r
My name is Akashah. i work at metabolic laboratory. From my study, i found that volcano plot can help a lot in my section.
i already studied about the volcano plot and get the coding to run in R software, unfortunately, there is may be something wrong with the coding. This is because no graph appear, but no error (blue color text) was shown on the R console. Below is the coding for
2009 Dec 16
rcart - classification and regression trees (CART)
I am trying to use CART to find an ideal cut-off value for a simple
diagnostic test (ie when the test score is above x, diagnose the condition).
When I put in the model
fit=rpart(outcome ~ predictor1(TB144), method="class", data=data8)
sometimes it gives me a tree with multiple nodes for the same predictor (see
below for example of tree with 1 or multiple nodes). Is there a way