similar to: Transfer inventory and filebucket changes to consolidated dashboard server

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Transfer inventory and filebucket changes to consolidated dashboard server"

2011 Apr 12
connecting dashboard to facts/inventory service.....
I''m having all sorts of trouble getting our new puppet-dashboard install to connect/get the facts/inventory from the puppet master. These are separate boxes, and I''m getting (testing): root@puppetdash puppet-dashboard]# curl -k -H "Accept: yaml" https://puppet:8140/production/facts/ Forbidden request:
2011 Jul 23
Dashboard not retrieving inventory
Hi All, Puppet-dashboard appears to be having some trouble. Under inventory, it says: "Could not retrieve facts from inventory service: Permission denied - certs/dashboard.private_key.pem" When I run: curl -k -H "Accept: yaml" https://puppet:8140/production/facts/host.domain I get the expected dump of facts. Versions: puppet-dashboard is 1.1.0 (using passenger) puppet-master
2012 Dec 12
puppet dashboard inventory
I have a puppet master install which uses puppetdb. I also have puppet dashboard installed with the inventory service running. I want multiple puppet masters using a single puppetDB server. Puppetdb is installed on separate vm. How can I get the dashboard inventory to use the puppetdb server to get the inventory records? Where do I configure the dashboard inventory so it uses puppetdb? I
2011 Aug 21
dashboard 1.1.1 with filebucket doesn't show contents of the new file
Am using dashboard 1.1.1 with the use_file_bucket_diffs option. When clicking on the links within a report it will show the old md5 file (on the left) but not the new md5 file (on the right) like; content content changed ''{md5}26a3112822d01f2ce6b3f052bf2809de'' to ''{md5}dd97364ab0559344d73231f517951595'' 26a3112822d01f2ce6b3f052bf2809de ==> is displayed
2011 Mar 18
Inventory service and dashboard 1.1.0 rc1
I just set up the latest dashboard release candidate in hopes of trying out the new inventory service. After modifying the puppet- dashboard config to use the inventory service and after changing my auth.conf I gave it a whirl but ran into some issues.. I initially tried using fact_terminus = yaml and was able to do some queries via curl. I''m currently using storeconfigs so setting up
2012 Sep 27
is it possible to save dashboard inventory searches
Hello: Is it possible to save dashboard inventory searches? I''m a relatively new puppet user. I''ve checked the puppetlabs documentation for an answer to my question - but didn''t turn anything up. Thanks! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To view this discussion on the web visit
2011 Mar 24
puppet-dashboard 1.1.0rc1 - how to enable facts and inventory?
Hi, puppet-dashboard has been great for us, and I appreciate all the hard work from all the developers. I can''t however seem to enable facts or inventory browsing. I have generated, signed and retrieved the certs as per the README. Not sure what else I need to do to get them to display (or where it would be)? I also could not find any relevant info in settings.yaml. Any help is
2012 Oct 05
Puppet Dashboard inventory search problems.
I''m using Dashboard 1.2.10 on an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS system, and Puppet 2.7.19 When I do an inventory search, I get a blank screen. In the logs, I found the following: Processing NodesController#search (for X.X.X.X at 2012-10-05 08:44:57) [GET] Parameters: {"action"=>"search", "controller"=>"nodes",
2011 Jun 02
Server side filebucket issue
I am having issues with filebucket. I have looked through the puppet users google groups with similar issues but have not found a solution that works. I am trying to setup a central filebucket on the puppetmaster server. I am replacing the client''s /etc/puppet/puppet.conf file with a preconfigured version. The server delivers a copy of the puppet.conf file to the client, but the backup
2013 Mar 14
One Dashboard for Multiple Masters
I''m trying to connect multiple masters to one dashboard and I''m having trouble with Facter. I started out initially with one master connected to the dashboard and that one works perfectly fine. Then I added a second master by setting the reporturl to point to the dashboard. The new nodes appeared and it shows the run results without any problems. The issue I''m
2012 Dec 12
puppet dashbaord inventory
I have a puppet master install which uses puppetdb. I also have puppet dashboard installed with the inventory service running. I want multiple puppet masters using a single puppetDB server. Puppetdb is installed on separate vm. How can I get the dashboard inventory to use the puppetdb server to get the inventory records? Where do I configure the dashboard inventory so it uses puppetdb? I
2012 Jun 14
inventory service in Puppet-dashboard
Hi there, I installed puppet-dashboard, which works just fine, and trying to activate *inventory-services *but get this error on the agent: err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: > Please install the mysql adapter: `gem install activerecord-mysql-adapter` > (Could not find RubyGem mysql (~> 2.8.1) > on the master, these are the packages I got
2013 Apr 20
PuppetDB / inventory service configuration problem
Hi, I''ve just been configuring my new Puppet 3.1.1 / Dashboard setup with Passenger to use PuppetDB for the inventory service. I configured it via the puppetdb forge module, and it all seems to be configured correctly as far as the docs describe. When I look at a node in the dashboard, under the inventory section, I just see: Could not retrieve facts from inventory service: 404
2012 Oct 04
Puppet 3.0 + Inventory search
Hello, I am having problems with Puppet since upgrading to 3.0.0. When I call an inventory search I get a Error 400. I have used dashboard + Perl Oct 4 08:58:43 puppet01 puppet-master[7008]: Handling request: GET /production/facts_search/search?facts.lsbdistcodename.eq=lenny Oct 4 08:58:43 puppet01 puppet-master[7008]: header too long ii facter
2010 Dec 22
filebucket questions
Hi everyone, I''ve got several questions that are most probably obvious to some of you but I''m actually a bit ''in the fog'' about filebucket. backup are done on a md5 basis so 1 file is generated whatever the number of clients if it''s the same md5. That a really good option. On the other hand let''s say that after 3 months I need to restore a /
2012 Feb 22
Announce: Puppet Dashboard 1.2.6 Available
This is a maintenance release of Puppet Dashboard. It includes contributions from Adrien Thebo, Chad Metcalf, Chris W, Daniel Pittman, Daniel Sauble, Devon Harless, Michael Stahnke, Moses Mendoza, Randall Hansen, Josh Lifton, and Nick Fagerlund. This release is available for download at: We have included Debian and RPM packages as well as a tarball
2012 Mar 08
How to fully remove a node from Puppet Dashboard (v1.2.4)
I can delete a node in dashboard fine, but when I do a search with the Inventory Search the node shows up again and also then shows up under "Unreported". Any way to get rid of all references to the node? Thanks, -- Romeo -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to
2011 Aug 06
Announce: Dashboard 1.2rc6 available
Greetings, Welcome to another Release Candidate for Puppet Dashboard (number 6). This release is available for download at: We have included Debian and RPM packages as well as a tarball. See the Verifying Puppet Download section at: Please report feedback via the Puppet Labs
2012 Sep 27
Retrieve initial content of files when using audit => content
Hi, I want to audit some files on content and planned to do this with puppet filebucket. Lets say for example that I have a list of audit_files as a parameter from puppet dashboard with a list of files to audit. Output from ENC for this particular parameter: audit_files: "[\"/etc/passwd\",\"/etc/resolv.conf\", \"/tmp/mawi\",
2012 Jun 12
Dashboard with RackbaseURI / and RailsAutoDetect off
Hi all I am testing an installation on SLC 6.2 I am trying to configure my Vhost so that RailsAutoDetect is set to off, and RackBaseURI / However I keep in getting an error as follows: *Error message:* No such file or directory - *Exception class:* Errno::ENOENT *Application root:* /usr/share/puppet-dashboard If I take out the RackBaseURI statement and return the