Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "glmnet on Autopilot"
2012 May 28
Hello -
I am using glmnet to generate a model for multiple cohorts i. For each i, I
run 5 separate models, each with a different x variable. I want to compare
the fit statistic for each i and x combination.
When I use auc, the output is in some cases is < .5 (.49). In addition, if
I compare mean MSE (with upper and lower bounds) ... there is no difference
across my various x variables, but
2011 Feb 17
cv.glmnet errors
I am trying to do multinomial regression using the glmnet package, but the
following gives me an error (for no reason apparent to me):
The error i get is:
Error in if (outlist$msg != "Unknown error") return(outlist) :
argument is of
2011 May 01
Different results of coefficients by packages penalized and glmnet
Dear R users:
Recently, I learn to use penalized logistic regression. Two packages
(penalized and glmnet) have the function of lasso.
So I write these code. However, I got different results of coef. Can someone
kindly explain.
# lasso using penalized
2011 Aug 10
Hi All,
I have been trying to use glmnet package to do LASSO linear regression. my x data is a matrix n_row by n_col and y is a vector of size n_row corresponding to the vector data. The number of n_col is much more larger than the number of n_row. I do the following:
fits = glmnet(x, y, family="multinomial")I have been following this
2011 Jul 22
glmnet with binary logistic regression
Hi all,
I am using the glmnet R package to run LASSO with binary logistic
regression. I have over 290 samples with outcome data (0 for alive, 1 for
dead) and over 230 predictor variables. I currently using LASSO to reduce
the number of predictor variables.
I am using the cv.glmnet function to do 10-fold cross validation on a
sequence of lambda values which I let glmnet determine. I then take
2011 Mar 25
A question on glmnet analysis
I am trying to do logistic regression for data of 104 patients, which
have one outcome (yes or no) and 15 variables (9 categorical factors
[yes or no] and 6 continuous variables). Number of yes outcome is 25.
Twenty-five events and 15 variables mean events per variable is much
less than 10. Therefore, I tried to analyze the data with penalized
regression method. I would like please some of the
2013 Jul 06
problem with BootCV for coxph in pec after feature selection with glmnet (lasso)
I am attempting to evaluate the prediction error of a coxph model that was
built after feature selection with glmnet.
In the preprocessing stage I used na.omit (dataset) to remove NAs.
I reconstructed all my factor variables into binary variables with dummies
(using model.matrix)
I then used glmnet lasso to fit a cox model and select the best performing
Then I fit a coxph model
2012 Dec 18
how to get a value from a list (using paste function)?
Dear my R friends,
I want to get a number from a list using paste function.
In my example,
lambda.rule <- "lambda.1se"
cvtest is a list (result from cv.glmnet)
[1] 1.308973
I want to call the value using paste function.
I used get function but there was an error.
test <- get(paste("cvtest$",lambda.rule, sep=""))
Error in
2013 Dec 07
combine glmnet and coxph (and survfit) with strata()
Dear All,
I want to generate survival curve with cox model but I want to estimate the
coefficients using glmnet. However, I also want to include a strata() term
in the model. Could anyone please tell me how to have this strata() effect
in the model in glmnet? I tried converting a formula with strata() to a
design matrix and feeding to glmnet, but glmnet just treats the strata()
term with one
2010 Jun 02
glmnet strange error message
Hello fellow R users,
I have been getting a strange error message when using the cv.glmnet
function in the glmnet package. I am attempting to fit a multinomial
regression using the lasso. covars is a matrix with 80 rows and roughly 4000
columns, all the covariates are binary. resp is an eight level factor. I can
fit the model with no errors but when I try to cross-validate after about 30
2009 Apr 24
Can't install package "glmnet"
Hi, I was trying to install package glmnet in R, but failed and it show such messages:
* Installing *source* package glmnet ...
This package has only been tested with gfortran.
So some checks are needed.
R_HOME is /home/username/R/R-2.9.0
Attempting to determine R_ARCH...
Attempting to detect how R was configured for Fortran 90....
Unsupported Fortran 90 compiler or Fortran 90
2011 Sep 21
glmnet for Binary trait analysis
I got an error message saying
Error in lognet(x, is.sparse, ix, jx, y, weights, offset, alpha, nobs, :
NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 5)
when I try to analysis a binary trait using glmnet(R) by running the
following code
Xori <- read.table("c:\\SNP.txt", sep='\t');
Yori <- read.table("c:\\Trait.txt", sep=',');
2010 Feb 24
Opaque error message and R GUI crashing while using glmnet
Hello all,
I am having trouble with the glmnet package. I used it for the first
time last week, after updating R to the current version (2.10.1,
running in Windows XP). It seemed to be working fine as I explored
what it could do with one of my datasets. A day or two later, using
the exact same dataset, it suddenly stopped working.
I get the following error every time I try to use glmnet with
2011 Nov 01
predict for a cv.glmnet returns an error
Hi there,
I am trying to use predict() with an object returned by cv.glmnet(), and get
the following error:
no applicable method for 'predict' applied to an object of class "cv.glmnet"
What's wrong?
my code:
Thanks so much,
View this message in context:
2012 Mar 21
glmnet() vs. lars()
dear all,
It appears that glmnet(), when "selecting" the covariates entering the
model, skips from K covariates, say, to K+2 or K+3. Thus 2 or 3
variables are "added" at the same time and it is not possible to obtain
a ranking of the covariates according to their importance in the model.
On the other hand lars() "adds" the covariates one at a time.
My question
2011 Dec 27
differences between 1.7 and 1.7.1 glmnet versions
Dear All,
I have found differences between glmnet versions 1.7 and 1.7.1 which, in
my opinion, are not cosmetic and do not appear in the ChangeLog. If I am
not mistaken, glmnet appears to return different number of selected
input variables, i.e. nonzeroCoef(fit$beta[[1]]) differes between
versions. The code below is the same for 1.7.1 and 1.7, but you can see
that outputs differ. I would
2011 Jun 23
gcc-4.5.2 and install.packages("glmnet")?
is there any chance to install glmnet with gcc-4.5.2? For me it fails on
all systems with:
trying URL
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 522888 bytes (510 Kb)
opened URL
downloaded 510 Kb
* installing *source* package ?glmnet? ...
This package has only
2012 Jul 12
using glmnet for the dataset with numerical and categorical
Dear R users,
if all my numerical variables in my datasets having the same units, may I
leave them unnormalized, just do cv.glmnet
i know normally if there is a mixture of numerical and categorical , one has
to standardize the numerical part before applying cv.glmnet with
standardize=fase, but that's due to the different units in the numerical
2011 Aug 04
Can glmnet handle models with numeric and categorical data?
Dear All,
Can the x matrix in the glmnet() function of glmnet package be a
data.frame with numeric columns and factor columns? I am asking this
because I have a model with both numeric and categorical predictors,
which I would like to study with glmnet. I have already tried to use a
data.frame, but with no success -- as far as I know, the matrix object
can only have data of a single type. Is
2011 Apr 13
I?m trying to in install the package 'glmnet' but I get always the error massage "package ?Matrix? is not available". I search on you site, but I coundn?t find the package there either. Is their still a package called "Matrix"? Or how can I use "glmnet"?
Thank You in advance.
Kind regards