similar to: Importing data by odbcConnectExcel in 64 bit

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Importing data by odbcConnectExcel in 64 bit"

2010 Jul 22
64 bit use of odbcConnectExcel
Hi All, I'm using R 2.11.1 on 64 bit windows XP. The little function I wrote below I use often to import the first 1001 lines in an excel sheet to R. This works fine on the 32 bit version of R but fails on the 64 bit [both on the same machine, using the same function, importing the same .xls file]. The message from 64 bit R is: Error in sqlTables(channel1) : first argument is not an
2011 Dec 04
RODBC connect to Excel (64-bit Windows 7)
Hi to all. I have a problem to connect to an Excel database using RODBC. Namely, I am using 64-bit R 2.14.0, under Windows 7 and I tried following: library(RODBC) > channel <- odbcConnectExcel("results.xlsx") Error in odbcConnectExcel("results.xlsx") : odbcConnectExcel is only usable with 32-bit Windows # ok this is clear why it doesn't work > channel
2010 Nov 21
R help
Dear All, I'm a beginner user in R and I would like to make a quadratic and plateau model in R. Can you help please with an example? Thanks so much -- Ahmed M. Attia Assistant Lecturer El-Khattara farm Station Agronomy Dept., Zgazig Univ., Egypt Visiting Scientist Haskell Agricultural laboratory Agronomy and Horticultural Dept., Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln ahmedatia at
2013 Jan 12
Getting the R squared value in asymptotic regression model
Please help getting the R squared value in asymptotic regression model I use the code below model1<-nls(GN1~SSasymp (nrate,a,b,c), data = data.1 ) and R produced the modell coefficients without the R squared value? -- Ahmed M. Attia Research Assistant Dept. Of Soil&Crop Sciences Texas A&M University ahmed <> Cell phone:
2013 Jan 14
Fwd: Help with nonlinear regression
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <> Date: Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 12:31 AM Subject: Help with nonlinear regression To: The message's content type was not explicitly allowed ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ahmed Attia <> To: Cc: Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 00:31:41 -0800
2009 Apr 07
Re ading Excel 5.0 files with RODBC?
Hi, i'm trying to read some data from excel files but it seems that neither xlsReadWrite nor sqlFetch (RODBC) doesn't like the format (Excel 5.0). When i open the file in Excel and save it in a new format Excel 97 -2003 everything works fine. Is it possible to use ODBC connection to open old format files, or i guess i will have to open and save every file in Excel in new format, which
2010 Jul 13
RODBC and Excel 2010 xlsx
Hi List, just to know if the issue is only a problem of mine or if it is a general issue due to the new MS Office pack. I'm using R 2.11.1 32 bits in a Windows 7 x64 with the MS office 2010 x64 installed. I can import .xls files normally (the same way I did with my Excel 2007 32 bits). But the function odbcConnectExcel2007 isn't able to import .xlsx files now that I have the new version of
2009 May 28
Read & name multiple excel sheets using RODBC
I'd like to be able to read multiple sheets from an excel workbook and use the sheet name to name the resulting dataframe using RODBC. at the moment i've figured out how to do it the long way (see below) but feel sure that there is a speedier & possibly automatic way to do it in R. i've tried to run a loop using sqlTables but it seemed to break the connection. unless i've
2003 Jul 21
RODBC: problem saving a new table in an "Excel database"
Hi I am using package RODBC version 1.0-1 under R version 1.7.1 on Windows XP Pro. I am having problems writing a new table to an (Excel) database using sqlSave. I connect to an empty Excel spreadsheet using odbcConnectExcel (which, I believe, uses the Microsoft Excel Driver DSN). Then I try and save a new table to the database(spreadsheet) using SqlSave, but obtain an error message. Below is
2015 Mar 26
Conectividad con Excel
Hola amigos, buenos días Esto sigue avanzando. Estoy ahora tratando de establecer la conectividad de R con Excel y he seguido dos viídeos en YouTube de una profesora llamada Bebilda que se explica muy bien. Con ambos tengo el mismo problema así que planteo uno de ellos, éste es: Pero os lo explico brevemente: Cargo el paquete RODBC >
2005 Jun 07
reading non-existing files
Dear all, I'm trying to read to a collection of files in a loop using odbcConnectExcel - but not all of the files exist. This is the code I have for(i in 1:no.of.subs){ channel <- odbcConnectExcel(paste(working.dir, subs[i], ".xls", sep="")) datafiles[[i]] <- as.matrix(sqlFetch(channel, "Data")) close(channel) } I'm not sure how to
2012 Mar 31
Not getting correct graphs
Hi all, Can anybody debug the following programme, as I am getting some Junk graphs in the pdf. Please find the attached raw data file. Thank you Regards Rayalu library(ggplot2) setwd("D:\\General Check list") library(RODBC) conn <- odbcConnectExcel ("Book1.xls") Orange1 <- sqlFetch (conn, "Sheet3") odbcClose(conn) rm(conn) #CDAI Change
2005 Sep 28
Errors in odbcConnectExcel()
Dear R-help I would like to read Excel Spreadsheets using odbcConnectExcel() in RODBC, but data in the first row can not be read. For example, I tried to read Excel file 'Book1.xls' in the current Work Directory with the following data (Range("A1:B5") in Excel), 1 19 2 27 3 61 4 76 5 98 My commands and the result are as follows. > library(RODBC) > Book1 <-
2012 Aug 01
Why the error is coming while extracting the data from sheet?
Even though the sheet name Publication exists. The error is coming. Can anyone help? library("RODBC") cdb_cnct <- odbcConnectExcel("Copy of AZIF_DC_GVK_NSCLC_MSALL_287papers_02072012_141450_v1_4.xls") cdb_frame <- sqlFetch(cdb_cnct, "Publication") odbcClose(cdb_cnct) Error in odbcTableExists(channel, sqtable) : 'Publication': table not found on
2009 Aug 09
odbcConnectExcel on non-Windows?
Hello: What should I do regarding code to write an Excel file in a non-Windows platform? The "sos" package [new version of "RSiteSearch"] on R-Forge includes "writeFindFn2xls", which starts with "require(RODBC)". The next line calls "odbcConnectExcel". This works under Windows but fails under Linux and MacOS. What
2009 Aug 11
How to Import Excel file into R 2.9.0 version
Hi Every one, I have a problem with Reading Excel file into R 2.9.0 version. In older versions it is working with "xlsReadWrite" package. But in 2.9.0 version there is no package like that. so help me out in this aspect. Thanks in Advance. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help
2003 Sep 23
RODBC access to MS-Excel (PR#4266)
Full_Name: Michael Hecht Version: 1.7.1 OS: WinNT Submission from: (NULL) ( I've got a problem with the RODBC library while trying to access to an MS-Excel file. The Excel file was originally exportet by a commercial software, so I cannot influence it. The problem is, that the names of the tables include spaces, e.g. "Scan 1","Scan 2" etc. If I use RODBC, I
2008 Apr 04
RODBC / odbcConnectExcel Issue
Can someone throw light on the following problem I am having with RODBC? There's an Excel file I am trying to read from, it has one sheet named 'nameclass'. Thanks in anticipation. Vishal Belsare > library(RODBC) > con = odbcConnectExcel(file.choose()) > tbls <- sqlTables(con) > tbls TABLE_CAT TABLE_SCHEM TABLE_NAME TABLE_TYPE REMARKS 1
2012 Apr 20
odbcConnectExcel() fails to fetch all columns
Folks, Is there a parameter somewhere in RODBC that enables more columns to be retrieved from an Excel worksheet? # This next bit uses an undocumented call in RODBC z <- odbcConnectExcel("./BBaselinePtQaires_apr2011.xls") BQ <- sqlFetch(z, "BBaselinePtQaires") Gives me: z RODBC[1] And BQ 134 obs. of 59 variables I have all the rows in the worksheet but only the
2009 Jan 18
read a xls file
Hello, i have a xls file. I will read it in r, what library-command i use for this?? any ideas?? Thanks Michele [[alternative HTML version deleted]]