Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "rsync won't hit the target"
2013 Sep 24
Protocol negotiation issue in rsync
I was trying to use rsync to send files to a fileserver using an rssh
restricted server.
It refuses, saying that trying to override the shell with -e is forbidden. I
didn't type "-e".
When I look at the source, I see
/* Checking the pre-negotiated value allows --protocol=29 override. */
if (protocol_version >= 30) {
/* We make use of the -e
2002 Nov 01
Help on rsync delete option
Any help on the following issue will be appreciated.
How do I delete files or directories in my first level of directory that is
specified as host. Here is an example :
rsync -avz --delete ${SOURCE_HOST}:/mlinkfam/extract/sccs/pa/*
Giving above command I find redundant files or directory not getting deleted
from the first level of target directory
2002 Aug 12
--include option
I'm trying to have files to be included during rsync. I have the filesystem
/stor/circuit_design/, with the following subdirectories as its contents:
I would only like to rsync the following 2 subdirectories to the destination
and they're contained in the file called files_included:
# cat
2002 Jul 25
rsync with --exclude files
I'm trying to exclude some files & directories from a filesystem which I
would like to copy to a different site. I did:
# rsync -avz --exclude-file=/fs21/tmp/perl_scripts/exclude.txt
/fs22/a/circuit_design mickey.willow.com:/cpu/store/design
where file /fs21/tmp/perl_scripts/exclude.txt contains the following
directories and files to be excluded from /fs22/a/circuit_design :
2004 Dec 06
rsync: a bit of confusion
This is the first time I have setup rsync.conf like,
max connections = 20
syslog facility = local3
read only = true
hosts allow =
comment = qmail-control
path = /var/qmail/control
read only = yes
list = yes
uid = root
gid = root
Then from, I tried,
rsync -avz -e ssh
2008 Dec 16
logging mechanism in rsync
Hi Friends,
Does rsync V3 has the feature for logging the files which have not been
transferred? Its already logs the file which have been transfered.
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2013 Aug 02
hardlinking and -R (multiple source directories)
hardlinking (-H) works perfectly while using a syntax like -avhxSDH <SRC>
Now I have to mirror multiple SRC directories which contain hardlinks. e.
g: src1/a is a hardlink to src2/b
does not preserve hardlink a and b in DEST. Is there any chance to do that?
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2002 Aug 03
Rsync from windows to unix
I'm trying to use rsync from Windows to Unix.
I've followed the directions on :
I can see ssh running on the windows machine, because
I tested it using telnet localhost 22 and I can see
the result "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_3.4p1".
But when I try
"$ rsync -avz -e ssh user@windowsserver::/rsync/* ."
from the Linux
2001 Nov 20
modules madness / ssh regardless of daemon
I just installed rsync on two machines, I think I'm a complete moron,
and I need a clue bat.
The remote machine's /etc/rsyncd.conf (just for testing):
use chroot = no
log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
pid file = /var/run/rsyncd.pid
lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock
path = /var/www/auth
comment = apache authentication files.
read only = yes
Then for a test, I fired up
2008 Nov 03
[rsync -avz] total size/disk usage difference between source and destination
Hi folks
We migrated storage from local disk to SAN with:
# rsync -avz /mnt/lvol00045/* /lvol00045
Why there is a difference in size? How to explain this? Do we have
inconsistency? What we did wrong?
10321208 3930336 6286016 39% /mnt/lvol00045
10321208 3163852 6633068 33%
2009 Jun 16
Rsync, SSH and authorized_keys problem
I'm trying to backup from one machine to the other (automatically via
cron) using rsync and ssh password-less public key authentication.
I having been trying to set this up following an article in a Linux
magazine[1] by only allowing the specific rsync command to run on the
remote box.
I am using the following rsync command:
$ rsync -avz -e "ssh -i ~/.ssh/backup-key" /backup
2005 Oct 10
Help with sincronizing two directories on remote servers
Dear friends,
a newbie here.
we have two webservers, a and b, both of them with rsync
We would like to rsync one directory on one server with
another directpory on another server.
What I do is to go to one of the server (server a) as root
using ssh, navigate to the directory, and write
rsync -avz username@serverb:directory/ ./
But it does not work.
Am I doing something
2008 Nov 26
rsync command exclude option
I do rsync -avz oldUnicelFiles hostB:/home/kaushal
but it rsynced the excluded files too
my exclude.txt file contains
Any ideas as what am i doing wrong
Thanks and Regards
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2012 Oct 17
Rsync - include only files containing matching string
I have a string, "2012_10_16"; let's call this $YESTERDAY
How can I rsync a file tree from a remote machine to the local one,
including *only* filenames that contain the matching string? I've
read the man page and googled around but can't seem to get the syntax
right. I either end up syncing all the files, or none of them.
Here's how the code looks now (I will remove
2009 Aug 03
the protect flag - P doesn't work with --relative option ?
Basically, I want to preserve some of directories on destination side
conditionally and hence, I choose to use --filter option mentioned in rsync
man pages. I noticed that --filter option works as expected when I don't
have --relative option used but in below case it doesn't work.
rsync -avz --relative --delete --filter='H /mydir2' --exclude='-
/preserve' mydir1/.
2003 Mar 28
Rsync error main.c
Rsync Ver: 2.5.5
Hello List,
I'm using rsync with ssh with this command line:
rsync -avz -e ssh some_file user-b@hostname-b:/home/user-b
Which does work, however I get the following error output:
rsync error: protocol incompatibility (code 2) at main.c(578)
Since the file does transfer, is the error output just some sort of bug? I
looked in the maillist archives, and I found
2002 Sep 06
Error on Solaris 9 (2.5.5)
I'm running into some errors I can't figure out.
I have a Sparc IPX (2.6 Solaris), a Mac OS X box and an Ultra Sparc 1
running Solaris 9.
I am trying to rsync a web site between the IPX and Ultra 1.
All boxes are running 2.5.5 rsync built from source.
Can't get a a sync between the IPX -> Ultra.
IPX = kashmir
Ultra = vortac
Mac = archer
2001 Nov 20
Bandwidth Limits
Has anyone noticed that the --bwlimit doesn't really work?
I have MRTG stats happening, and on a 128Kbps circuit, an rsync
with the following syntax takes up the whole line.
$ rsync -avz -e ssh localfiles.tar.gz user@remote:/path/to/file/arch
Any ideas? It's on an OpenBSD box going to a FreeBSD box. Both are
2002 Feb 19
push data instead of pull
I have a rsync server set up.
Can i push data from the server to another machine
instead of pulling data from that machine.
when i try to do that i get this error.
mkdir tohost:/tmp ; No such file or directory.
But the directory exists. This is the command i
rsync -avz --rsync-path=/usr/bin/rsync
fromhost::test tohost:/tmp
This works fine if iam logged onto "tohost"
2003 Aug 13
Rsync Folder level Synchronizing Problem
I am using rsync for synchronizing two development work areas(geographically
My Task: To copy abc/USER/xyz/123/456/..... to indiavidual developers remote
machines atrting from xyz folder.
here USER will vary, so for that i have created module till directory
structure abc
and the command runs like
rsync -avz --times vangrish@ruskin::MODULE/%USERNAME%