Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Sparse Matrices and glmnet"
2011 Nov 01
predict for a cv.glmnet returns an error
Hi there,
I am trying to use predict() with an object returned by cv.glmnet(), and get
the following error:
no applicable method for 'predict' applied to an object of class "cv.glmnet"
What's wrong?
my code:
Thanks so much,
View this message in context:
2012 Mar 21
glmnet: obtain predictions using predict and also by extracting coefficients
For my understanding, I wanted to see if I can get glmnet predictions
using both the predict function and also by multiplying coefficients
by the variable matrix. This is not worked out. Could anyone suggest
where I am going wrong?
I understand that I may not have the mean/intercept correct, but the
scaling is also off, which suggests a bigger mistake.
Thanks for your help.
Juliet Hannah
2015 Mar 19
RFC: Matrix package: Matrix products (%*%, crossprod, tcrossprod) involving "nsparseMatrix" aka sparse pattern matrices
Hi Martin
I got stung by this last week.
glmnet produces a coefficient matrix of class ?dgCMatrix?
If a predictor matrix was created using sparseMatrix as follows,
one gets unexpected results, as this simple example shows.
My fix was easy (I always convert the predictor matrix to class ?dgCMatrix? now)
> y=Matrix(diag(4))
> y
4 x 4 diagonal matrix of class "ddiMatrix"
2008 Dec 17
glmnet : Error in validObject(.Object) :
Could any one help ? I start to learn the glmnet package. I tried with
the example in the manual.
When I tried to fit the model, I received the error message:
Error in validObject(.Object) :
invalid class "dgCMatrix" object: row indices are not sorted within
Thank you very much!
2010 May 03
Labels in GLMNET
In the ESL(2) (by F-H-T), they have labels on their Lasso graphs
(specifically for the South African Heart Disease data).
So my question is, how do I label each variable in a similar way on my
The following code should produce a plot with 9 enumerated variables:
2015 Feb 09
Proper way to define cbind, rbind for s4 classes in package
Hi Michael,
I've tested your change in r67699 (using r67773) and the function now
correctly dispatches to r/cbind2 within the R-session without
bind_activation(TRUE). However, running unit tests using R CMD check I
figured out that the same function call delegates to r/cbind.matrix
(function uses S4 class as first- and matrix as second argument). Is
this a bug and/or how can I get function
2015 Feb 11
Proper way to define cbind, rbind for s4 classes in package
sorry - I just got irritated by my different R-versions.
The behaviour I described in the previous mail was discovered using R
3.1.2 without bind_activation(TRUE). In r67773 all calls are delegated
to r/cbind.matrix and not r/cbind2.
As a workaround I have now implemented an S3 method for my S4 class
which correctly dispatches for both versions (3.1.2 and r67699+) - see
also the commit for the h5
2015 Feb 20
Proper way to define cbind, rbind for s4 classes in package
>>>>> Mario Annau <mario.annau at gmail.com>
>>>>> on Wed, 11 Feb 2015 20:18:53 +0100 writes:
> sorry - I just got irritated by my different R-versions.
> The behaviour I described in the previous mail was discovered using R
> 3.1.2 without bind_activation(TRUE). In r67773 all calls are delegated
> to r/cbind.matrix and not
2015 Feb 02
Proper way to define cbind, rbind for s4 classes in package
>>>>> Michael Lawrence <lawrence.michael at gene.com>
>>>>> on Sun, 1 Feb 2015 19:23:06 -0800 writes:
> I've implemented the proposed changes in
> R-devel. Minimally tested, so please try it. It should
> delegate to r/cbind2 when there is at least one S4
> argument and S3 dispatch fails (so you'll probably want to
2015 Feb 09
Proper way to define cbind, rbind for s4 classes in package
Are you able to create a reproducible example, somehow?
On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 2:28 PM, Mario Annau <mario.annau at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> I've tested your change in r67699 (using r67773) and the function now
> correctly dispatches to r/cbind2 within the R-session without
> bind_activation(TRUE). However, running unit tests using R CMD check I
2015 Mar 20
RFC: Matrix package: Matrix products (%*%, crossprod, tcrossprod) involving "nsparseMatrix" aka sparse pattern matrices
Hi Martin,
package arules heavily relies on ngCMatrix and uses multiplication and
addition for logical operations. I think it makes sense that in a mixed
operation with one dgCMatrix and one ngCMatrix the ngCMatrix should be
"promoted" to a dgCMatrix.
The current behavior of %*% and friends is in deed confusing:
> m <- matrix(sample(c(0,1), 5*5, replace=TRUE), nrow=5)
2012 Jan 02
calibration curve for glmnet object
I created a logistic regression model using the glmnet package. This model is of class "glmnet" or "lognet". I wanted to plot a calibration curve for this model using the calibrate() function from rms package, but the objects used are different, rms requires a fit from lrm(). Is there another function for getting the calibration plot for this glmnet object, or can anyone
2010 Jan 25
glmnet in caret packge
Dear all,
I want to train my model with LASSO using caret package
(glmnet). So, in glmnet, there are two parameters, alpha and lambda. How can
I fix my alpha=1 to get a lasso model?
model <- train(X, y, "glmnet", metric="RMSE",tuneLength = 10, trControl =
Alex Roy
[[alternative HTML
2011 Jun 23
gcc-4.5.2 and install.packages("glmnet")?
is there any chance to install glmnet with gcc-4.5.2? For me it fails on
all systems with:
trying URL
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 522888 bytes (510 Kb)
opened URL
downloaded 510 Kb
* installing *source* package ?glmnet? ...
This package has only
2012 May 07
estimating survival times with glmnet and coxph
Dear all,
I am using glmnet (Coxnet) for building a Cox Model and
to make actual prediction, i.e. to estimate the survival function S(t,Xn) for a
new subject Xn. If I am not mistaken, glmnet (coxnet) returns beta, beta*X and
exp(beta*X), which on its own cannot generate S(t,Xn). We miss baseline
survival function So(t).
Below is my code which takes beta coefficients from
glmnet and creates coxph
2009 Mar 17
- help - predicting with glmnet/lars for dataframes with different nrow then the train set
I'm having trouble using lars and glmnet functions to predict on a new data
set with different nrow then the original :
for instance:
log.1 = glm(temp.data$TL~(.),temp.data,family = binomial,x=TRUE,y=TRUE)
nrow(test.data) != nrow(temp.data # == TRUE
Val.frame = model.frame(log.1,test.data) # returns a data frame with the
variables needed to use log.1
2011 Oct 06
linear classifiers with sparse matrices
I've been trying to get some linear classifiers (LiblineaR, kernlab,
e1071) to work with a sparse matrix of feature data. In the case of
LiblineaR and kernlab, it seems I have to coerce my data into a dense
matrix in order to train a model. I've done a number of searches,
read through the manuals and vignettes, but I can't seem to see how to
use either of these packages with sparse
2013 Jun 11
Caret train with glmnet give me Error "arguments imply differing number of rows"
I'm training a set of data with Caret package using an elastic net (glmnet).
Most of the time train works ok, but when the data set grows in size I get
the following error:
Error en { :
task 1 failed - "arguments imply differing number of rows: 9, 10"
and several warnings like this one:
1: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) :
model fit failed for Resample01
My call to train
2012 Feb 10
Choosing glmnet lambda values via caret
Usually when using raw glmnet I let the implementation choose the
lambdas. However when training via caret::train the lambda values are
predetermined. Is there any way to have caret defer the lambda
choices to caret::train and thus choose the optimal lambda
Yang Zhang
2023 Oct 24
running crossvalidation many times MSE for Lasso regression
?s 20:12 de 23/10/2023, varin sacha via R-help escreveu:
> Dear R-experts,
> I really thank you all a lot for your responses. So, here is the error (and warning) messages at the end of my R code.
> Many thanks for your help.
> Error in UseMethod("predict") :
> ? no applicable method for 'predict' applied to an object of class