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2011 Aug 02
xlsx error
Hey All,
I'm trying to use the xlsx package to read a series of excel spreadsheets
into R, but my code is failing at the first step.
I setwd into my the directory with the spreadsheets, and, as a test ask for
the first one:
read.xlsx(file = "Argentina Final.xls", sheetIndex = 1)
I promptly get an error message:
Error in .jcall(row[[ir]],
2013 Sep 06
Java exception error (Jcheck) while running an R script
Dear all,
I am facing a problem with running a script that i have written in R and i hope
you can help me spot which exactly is the problem and how i can solve it.
The error I get is the following:
Error in .jcheck(silent = FALSE) :
Java Exception <no description because toString() failed>.jcall(row[[ir]],
"Lorg/apache/poi/ss/usermodel/Cell;", "createCell",
2011 Jan 28
Error using write.xlsx library(xlsx)
Dear Adrian,
I would like to export a quite large matrix from R to Excel (40 columns, 257 597 rows). After 10 minutes of work, I get the following error message:
Error in .jcall(row[[ir]], "Lorg/apache/poi/ss/usermodel/Cell;", "createCell", :
Java Exception <no description because toString() failed>
This is the code I used:
2012 May 25
Java problem - XLConnect/xlsx package
I hope you guys can help me, I already posted this question on
stackoverflow but did not get any help (which worked). And I need to solve
this problem as quick as possible:
In our firm we migrated to windows 7 (64-bit) and also updated the java
packages (1.6.0_24) and also R (to 2.15). Then I tried to install my
packages which i use daily and one of em is the xlsx package.
But if I load the
2013 Sep 26
Read shortcuts of MS Excel files through R
Dear Rxperts,
Through Windows OS, I created shortcuts (paste as shortcut) to excel
spreadsheets ( with "xlsx" as the file extension). I wasn't able to read
the shortcuts through R and using "read" functions of "xlsx" package.
exf <- "a1.xlsx.lnk"
> read.xlsx(exf,1)
Error in .jcall("RJavaTools", "Ljava/lang/Object;",
2003 Dec 09
build glitches
I hit problems building the tools for both xen-1.1 and xen-1.2-devel.
For xen-1.1, the vmm and linux built fine, but the tools failed with something
called ''ant''. ant -v says ''Apache Ant version 1.5.3 compiled on April 9 2003''
ant -buildfile build-cmdline.xml dist
Buildfile: build-cmdline.xml
java.lang.VerifyError: verification failed at PC
2012 Aug 08
Saving Splitted Series to Excel via XLConnect
Dear R Discussion List,
I would like to save my data as a xlsx file. But at first
I need to split it and then save each series into a Excel
column. Please take a look at the following code:
dados <- data.frame(matrix(c("2012-01-01","2012-02-01",
2016 Jul 26
Exportar datos en formato de Excel
En mi caso, no he podido resolver los problemas con el Java para usar
XLConnect, que en los papeles me parece el mejor. Supongo que algo de la
arquitectura del sistema o bien de la relación entre el Java, el R y el
Así que utilizo
write.xlsx(datos, file = "EDA1.xlsx") #donde datos es el objeto que quiero
Requiere instalar el RTools, según tipo y
2013 Feb 28
conflict between rJava and data.table
Dear devel-listers,
I found a conflct between rJava and data.table. Actually me questions is where to report it?
Should I rather send it directly to the package maintainers or post it on some bug tracker.
The problem is that data.table has a function called "J" and rJava uses the same quite intensively.
I used the xlsx R package which depends on rJava to write .xls files and ran
2009 Jun 01
Hi, When i want load eclipse with wine 1.1.22 I obtained this error :
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x7ec06ec4, pid=27, tid=28
# JRE version: 6.0_14-b08
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (14.0-b16 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [comctl32.dll+0x86ec4]
# If you would like
2016 Jul 26
Exportar datos en formato de Excel
Buenos días a todos!
Estoy trabajando con una base de datos que directamente he descargado de
internet y después de prepararla un poco necesito exportarla a Excel he
intentando con las dos opciones que mencionaré al final pero ninguna
funciona, de qué otra manera puedo exportar esos datos a Excel... muchas
gracias por su ayuda y pronta respuesta!
2005 May 20
mplayer repository for CentOS
Is there a CentOS yum repository for mplayer&dependencies?
2005 May 25
Re: Demonizing generic Linux issues as Fedora Core-only issues -- WAS: Hi, Bryan
From: Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>
> I'm still wondering about that... If anyone except Linus himself
> even suggested that changing kernel interfaces in a way that would
> break device drivers was a good thing, I can't imagine the reaction.
> I could see that the changes through 2.4 were improving things, but
> is there anything that is measurably better in
2015 Sep 17
Fwd: Creación fichero excel con loadWorkbook
> Hola chic en s,
> sigo intentando crear un archivo de Excel pero no hay manera. Sigo los pasos del documento de ayuda siguiente:
> http://altons.github.io/r/2015/02/13/quick-intro-to-xlconnect/#load
> los pasos que hago son:
> install.packages("XLConnect")
> require(XLConnect)
> wb <-
2011 May 30
Question of the XLConnect package
Hi Everybody
I have started to learn how to use the XLConnect package and I think it is
going to be very helpful to help me to operate between Excel users.
Is there a function that can export a dataframe to a Excel sheet and
automatically create a named region for every column (excluding the column
heading) that correspond to the column name? If this is possible one can
then also create formulae
2005 Aug 12
Java Problems
Hi. This post follows on from:
And is possibly related to the bug referenced here:
In summary: Java processes are doing odd things.
1) It appears that number values are mysteriously changing. e.g. if you
look at the Hashtable error there is no way the
2008 May 29
SMC Webconsole 3.1 and ZFS Administration 1.0 - stacktraces in snv_b89
I''ve installed SXDE (snv_89) and found that the web console only listens on https://localhost:6789/ now, and the module for ZFS admin doesn''t work.
When I open the link, the left frame lists a stacktrace (below) and the right frame is plain empty. Any suggestions?
I tried substituting different SUNWzfsgr and SUNWzfsgu packages from older Solarises (x86/sparc, snv_77/84/89,
2012 Sep 18
Appending many different and separate Excel files using R
This is the sort of question that could interess others, so you should
have CCed it to the list.
As for the question, from the package vignette, section 3.3.6:
"writeWorksheetToFile() is a wrapper function, calling loadWorkbook(),
createSheet() and saveWorkbook()
functions subsequently. It therefore allows for writing data into
worksheets of an Excel file in one call."
2012 Dec 30
Sheet index (-2147483648) is out of range (0..15)
Dear useRs,
while working in XLConnect, i noticed a strange error
"Error: IllegalArgumentException (Java): Sheet index (-2147483648) is out of range (0..15)"
there is not much help available about it online. Can anyone please help?
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2005 May 20
Re: mplayer repository for CentOS -- oops, send wrong signal ...
Maciej Zenczykowski wrote:
> is there stuff in livna which isn't in dag/dries
> hmm... will have to take a look
Preston Crawford wrote:
> I haven't found much that I needed that wasn't in dag's repository.
> Only two items. Here's what I've found.
> gtkpod - for iPods, obviously
> xine
> mplayer
> mplayer-plugin
> bittorrent
> gkrellm