similar to: Invert a positive definite symmetric Block Toeplitz Matrix

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Invert a positive definite symmetric Block Toeplitz Matrix"

2012 Apr 26
nearest positive semidefinit toeplitz matrix
hHllo, I'm looking for an algroithm to transform an existing toeplitz matrix (autocorrelation matrix) to the nearest positive semidefinite toeplitz matrix. I merely found an algorithm to transform an correlation matrix via the function nearcor() based on the algorithm of Higham. But as I examined, it destroys the toeplitz structure of my underlying matrix. Does any function already exist
2008 Feb 08
User specified correlation structure (e.g., 2-banded Toeplitz)
Dear All: I am trying to fit a special case of a 2-banded Toeplitz correlation structure. A 2-banded Toeplitz has ones on the diagonal, a correlation, RHO1, on the first off-diagonal, and a correlation, RHO2, on the second off-diagonal, with zeros on all subsequent off-diagonals. After reading relevant sections in Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS (Pinheiro & Bates, 2000) and searching
2008 Feb 08
User-specified correlation structure (e.g., 2-banded Toeplitz)
Dear All: I am trying to fit a special case of a 2-banded Toeplitz correlation structure. A 2-banded Toeplitz has ones on the diagonal, a correlation, RHO1, on the first off-diagonal, and a correlation, RHO2, on the second off-diagonal, with zeros on all subsequent off-diagonals. After reading relevant sections in Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS (Pinheiro & Bates, 2000) and searching
2017 Dec 11
OT -- isotonic regression subject to bound constraints.
Well, I could argue that it's not *completely* OT since my question is motivated by an enquiry that I received in respect of a CRAN package "Iso" that I wrote and maintain. The question is this: Given observations y_1, ..., y_n, what is the solution to the problem: minimise \sum_{i=1}^n (y_i - y_i^*)^2 with respect to y_1^*, ..., y_n^* subject to the "isotonic"
2002 Mar 05
Matrix identification bug (PR#1361)
Full_Name: Hao Yu Version: 1.4.1 OS: Windws and Linux Submission from: (NULL) ( Hi, Recently we did some benchmarks regarding matrix inverse operation and found some strange things. See the following results (the package Matrix is most updated). 1. load the function Toeplitz and library(Matrix) "Toeplitz" function(x) { matrix(x[1 + abs(outer(seq(along = x),
2008 Aug 04
Multivariate Regression with Weights
Hi all, I'd like to fit a multivariate regression with the variance of the error term porportional to the predictors, like the WLS in the univariate case. y_1~x_1+x_2 y_2~x_1+x_2 var(y_1)=x_1*sigma_1^2 var(y_2)=x_2*sigma_2^2 cov(y_1,y_2)=sqrt(x_1*x_2)*sigma_12^2 How can I specify this in R? Is there a corresponding function to the univariate specification lm(y~x,weights=x)??
2000 Sep 22
what do you do for 2SLS or 3SLS
For 2 or 3 stage least squares, what do you R folks do? Follow-up question. My student wants to estimate this. 2 variables are governed by a system of difference equations. His theory is like so. Y_t and X_t are state variables, we want estimates for a, g, b, and h. X_(t+1) = 1 + a X_t + (a/K)* (X_t)^2 - g Y_t X_t Y_(t+1) = b Y_t + h* X_t * Y_t K is perhaps something to estimate, but it
2008 Mar 26
recursive multivariate filter with time-varying coefficients
Hi, I've been searching CRAN and the web for a recursive multivariate filter with time-varying coefficients. What I mean is the following: I have a series of square matrices A_t an initial value vector y_0 and I need to compute y_t =A_t%*%y_t-1 As these y_t may diverge quickly and/or lead to underflow problems, the y_t need to be scaled by eg y_t =y_t/sum(y_t-1) Is anyone aware
2010 Jan 26
Problem with "nls" function
Dear R users, I have a response variable in a csv file called "y" and a matrix of predictor variables in a csv file called "mat". I have used the function "nls" I have specified the nonlinear relation between these variable.The code I have witten is called Rprog which begins with the phrase: L.minor.m1<-nls(Y~a ....etc.. The program when I execute the program, I
2009 Oct 01
Help for 3D Plotting Data on 'Irregular' Grid
Dear All, Here is what I am trying to achieve: I would like to plot some data in 3D. Usually, one has a matrix of the kind y_1(x_1) , y_1(x_2).....y_1(x_i) y_2(x_1) , y_2(x_2).....y_2(x_i) ........................................... y_n(x_1) , y_n(x_2)......y_n(x_i) where e.g. y_2(x_1) is the value of y at time 2 at point x_1 (see that the grid in x is the same for the y values at all times).
2008 Feb 12
nlme & special case of corARMA?
Dear All: I am trying to fit a special case of a 2-banded Toeplitz correlation structure. A 2-banded Toeplitz has ones on the diagonal, a correlation, RHO1, on the first off-diagonal, and a correlation, RHO2, on the second off-diagonal, with zeros on all subsequent off-diagonals. After reading relevant sections in Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS (Pinheiro & Bates, 2000) and searching
2018 Sep 09
Confusion about linear prediction within flac
Hi, I'm researching lossless compression for a highschool mathematics research essay and am fairly confused about how the linear prediction coefficients are solved for within flac. As far as I understand, Levinson Durbin Recursion is used to solve for these coefficients, however, what I don't understand is what the toeplitz matrix is composed of. I found sources using samples from within
2006 Oct 23
likelihood question not so related to R but probably requires the use of R
I have a question and it's only relation to R is that I probably need R after I understand what to do. Both models are delta y_t = Beta + epslion and suppose I have a null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis H_0 : delta y_t = zero + epsilon epsilon is normal ( 0, sigmazero^2 ) H_1 delta y_t = beta + epsilon epsilon is normal ( sigmabeta^2 )
2014 Aug 21
[LLVMdev] Alias Analysis Semantics
Hi Daniel, Sorry for taking so long to respond. I spoke with a colleague more familiar with llvm who thought he could clear up my confusion, but we both came out of the conversation confused. I will try my best to explain the ambiguity. In an DAG, alias queries would be completely unambiguous. Every instruction would only be executed once, and every SSA value really would have a single static
2008 Sep 10
arima and xreg
Dear R-help-archive.. I am trying to figure out how to make arima prediction when I have a process involving multivariate time series input, and one output time series (output is to be predicted) .. (thus strictly speaking its an ARMAX process). I know that the arima function of R was not designed to handle multivariate analysis (there is dse but it doesnt handle arma multivariate analysis, only
2013 Jan 11
Manual two-way demeaning of unbalanced panel data (Wansbeek/Kapteyn transformation)
Dear R users, I wish to manually demean a panel over time and entities. I tried to code the Wansbeek and Kapteyn (1989) transformation (from Baltagi's book Ch. 9). As a benchmark I use both the pmodel.response() and model.matrix() functions in package plm and the results from using dummy variables. As far as I understood the transformation (Ch.3), Q%*%y (with y being the dependent variable)
2007 May 08
statistics/correlation question NOT R question
This is not an R question but if anyone can help me, it's much appreciated. Suppose I have a series ( stationary ) y_t and a series x_t ( stationary )and x_t has variance sigma^2_x and epsilon is normal (0, sigma^2_epsilon ) and the two series have the relation y_t = Beta*x_t + epsilon My question is if there are particular values that sigma^2_x and sigma^2_epsilon have to take in
2008 Sep 10
FW: RE: arima and xreg
hi: you should probably send below to R-Sig-Finance because there are some econometrics people over there who could also possibly give you a good answer and may not see this email ? Also, there's package called mar ( I think that's the name ) that may do what you want ? Finally, I don't know how to do it but I think there are ways of converting a multivariate arima into the
2014 Aug 21
[LLVMdev] Alias Analysis Semantics
Hi Hal, Thank you for your email, that makes a lot of sense to me. I am working on some tools to use memory profiling to speculatively replace memory loads and stores with value forwarding in hardware implementations. I'd like to compare the profiled data to static alias analysis, so it would be super useful if there was a way to answer the questions about aliasing across backedges that
2011 Jan 16
\examples{} in Rd file
[Hope this is the right list where to send...] An attempt to update package 'mnormt' involves the addition of a small new function called 'pd.solve'. When I come to the package checking stage, an error occurs in parsing pd.solve.Rd. The full transcript of the outcome is copied below (it includes details on my installation) but the critical point is where the \examples{} section