similar to: Can't find source of "Removing mount" errors

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "Can't find source of "Removing mount" errors"

2013 Nov 14
Nested parametrized defines
Dear puppet wizards, does not suggest to me that nested parametrized defines would be forbidden, hence I expected the following code to work: add_to_ssh_authorized_keys.pp: -------- define a::ssh_keys::add_to_ssh_authorized_keys($homebasedir="/home", $targetuser="root", $keyowner, $keyownername,
2013 Jun 18
Pushing file updates - taking a long time
Hi. First off my situation is this; I have a module that''s split up in such a way that it runs as follows: Install packages => Ensure files are present => insure service is running. Now say I have a stable cluster up and running. I want to push a new file change on a configuration to all slaves; Is there any reason puppet would try to install packages and start services
2013 Jun 13
How to apply puppet manifests toa remote host?
Hi All, Am new to puppet and started writing simple manifest files. I have setup Server/Client mode for puppet and when I try to apply my manifest to local machine using "puppet agent" everything works well. Is there any option to apply the manifests to a remote machine without ssh into the machine? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2013 Mar 04
I moved my modules and manifest directory in puppet master.
I also made the changes below in the puppet.conf file to tell puppet where to look for the the modules and manifests. I then restart the puppet master then ran puppet command to apply changes to a puppet client it did not find anything to change just got these three lines "info: Caching catalog for pdlnx-adpt03.kareoprod.ent, info: Applying configuration version
2013 Oct 30
Warning: Local environment: "42A" doesn't match server specified node environment "production", switching agent to "production"
Hi, When I run puppet agent --test --environment 42A, I have the following warning : Warning: Local environment: "42A" doesn''t match server specified node environment "production", switching agent to "production". ... The puppet manifest for the environment "42A" isn''t applied. The puppet version is 3.3.1-1puppetlabs1 on agent and
2013 Feb 12
Run Puppet Against Master with Local node.pp Manifest?
Does anyone know if it''s possible to run Puppet as if it''s running with a Master, but using a locally created node.pp manifest? I''m looking into doing some unit tests on applications that are installed by Puppet. To do this, I''m trying to use a test VM server which I''ll deploy applications onto. I figure that the easiest way is probably to
2011 Sep 11
cucumber puppet - ymllookups
Hi all, Firstly, I''m using 2.6.9 and have updated to the latest cucumber puppet gems (cucumber-puppet 0.3.5) that allow for storeconfigs to be tested - thanks to Nikolay and his post ( 2011/09/04/testing-exported-resources-with-cucumber-puppet/). Yay! I have been trying to get some testing of a ''testnode'' which would be a generic node that I can
2013 Apr 08
puppet uninstall package
Hy I m a new user in world puppet I have installed a packge test on a node "screen" without problem Now i want to try to uninstall it but without success. This is the file configuration this is my file init.pp package {"screen-4.0.3-16.el6": ensure=> "absent" } #package and purge its config files package {"screen-4.0.3-16.el6": ensure =>
2011 Mar 31
puppetca and /etc/puppet/ssl
All, I have --confdir=/etc/puppet/common in my /etc/init.d/puppetmaster and /etc/init.d/puppet files, vardir set to /var/lib/puppet in /etc/puppet/common/puppet.conf, and yet, every time I run puppetca it creates /etc/puppet/ssl. Anyone know why? Doug. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email
2013 Aug 29
Hiera and hiera-gpg
I am having a bit of difficulty implementing hiera-gpg; particularly with accomplishing the deencryption in my manifests. Can anyone either provide a simple example or point me to a good resource? I have searched alot and am still struggling. Any help would be very appreciated! Thanks! Bee -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users"
2013 May 07
puppet node clean using SQLite instead of PuppetDB
I have a node that has some bad stored configs (namely the wrong ssh host keys) that I''m trying to clear out. Looking around it seems I''m supposed to do: puppet node clean However, that keeps bailing out because it''s trying to open a SQLite3 db where stored configs are normally kept, but my stored configs are kept in puppetdb (
2013 Jun 12
puppet agent errors for non included module.
Does anyone know why i would get a module error for my ''base'' module that I''m not even including for a node? I''m explicitly NOT include the ''base'', yet puppet-client-t2 still errors when i pull it in. Snips from both are below. Any ideas why this would happen? Thanks, JJ ==== site.pp file [root@puppet-master-t1 puppet]# cat
2013 Oct 07
Force Fact within manifest
I have a requirement where I want a Fact to be stored in PuppetDB during the manifest run and not during the initial fact gathering phase. I know I can, in my manifests, create a file in /etc/facter/facts.d or I can write a Ruby script that will then be distributed by plugin sync. But both of these methods will only publish the fact during the initial phase of the puppet agent run. What I
2013 Sep 11
Puppet ignores hiera completely
I''m not sure at all what''s going on here, but I''ve spent a lot of time reading over the puppet hiera docs and setting everything up, but when I run puppet agent it just seems to ignore the hiera setup completely. Both the puppet master and agent nodes have exactly the same versions of puppet and hiera (installed via the official puppet APT repository). I''ve
2011 Mar 30
trouble with my virtual user setup
Hello, I''m a puppet newbie and I''m having trouble getting my virtual user setup to work. Can someone please tell me what''s wrong with this setup? # virtual.pp # class virtual_users::virtual { @group { "users": gid => "100", ensure => present } @user { "lmoore": password =>
2013 Nov 20
How come that module is not executed in Windows?
I have the following in vagrantfile in WIndows system. config.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet| puppet.manifests_path = "manifests" puppet.manifest_file = "base-hadoop.pp" puppet.module_path = "modules" end when i run vagrant provision, i do see manifest and module folders are mounted and ssh into vm, I can find files in the following path
2011 Aug 07
Workaround to "Provider groupadd does not support features manages_members" ?
Hello, I wanted to manage a couple of groups membership, under RedHat, without managing the users (as they are LDAP users) but found out it is not supported.... Is there a workaround to this? I tried: group { "jbossd": gid => 520, members => ["user1","user2"], } Thanks a lot. Mohamed. -- You received this message because you are
2013 Apr 09
testing static manifests
I would like to know how do people test a manifest that is basically static without any parameter. By testing it, I mean not only check the syntax or any invalid directive, but if the configuration there written is implementing the expected behaviour when used. Of course, one way is just point a machine to my puppet master and see that it has the right configuration. But wouldn''t
2013 Mar 13
Copying a 900 mb file to Windows !!!
Hi, I am writing a puppet manifest to install a service pack on windows, what I observe is that in case the exe file is withing 50 - 70 Mb the transfer to windows happens without any issues. But the current service pack "windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe" is around 900 Mb. My manifest is as follows file { ''c:/temp/windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe'': ensure =>
2013 Jul 29
a different ssh::auth problem
Hi, I am very new to puppet. I installed puppet 3.2.3 (open source) on Debian Wheezy. Everything seems to work fine. Now I want to setup ssh::auth on the puppet master. The documentation states that: "To install ssh::auth, place the file auth.pp<> (attached to this page) into the ssh/manifests directory in your module path: