Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "SAPPLY function for COLUMN NULL"
2006 Apr 12
New class: data.table
Following previous discussion on this list
(http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/devel/05/12/3439.html) I have created a
package as suggested, and uploaded it to CRAN incoming : data.table.tar.gz.
** Your comments and feedback will be very much appreciated. **
>From help(data.table) :
This class really does very little. The only reason for its existence is
that the white book specifies
2013 Apr 30
R Function to extract columnNames
May be this helps:
funcName<- function(df1, x){
?print("Got it")
#[1] "Got it"
#[1] 1 2 3 4 5
? funcName(df,"ColB")
#[1] "Got it"
#[1] A B C D E
#Levels: A B C D E
>I am trying to extract the 2nd column from a dataframe using a function
called funcName. Note this is an
2005 Sep 09
how to do something like " subset(mat, ("col1">4 & "col2">4)) "
Dear all,
I have a problem with the "subset()" function. I spent all day yesterday
with a collegue to solve it and we did not find a satisfying solution (even
in the archived mails), so I ask for your help.
Let's say (for a simple example) a matrix mat:
R> mat
cola colb colc
[1,] 1 4 7
[2,] 2 5 8
[3,] 3 6 9
My goal is to select the lines of the matrix on the basis of the
2009 Jul 12
Nonlinear Least Squares nls() programming help
Hi, I am trying to use the nls() function to closely approximate a vector of
values, colC and I'm running into trouble. I am not sure how if I am asking
the program to do what I think its doing, because the same minimization in
Excel's Solver does not run into problems. If anyone can tell me what is
going wrong, and why I'm getting a singular convergence(7) error, please
tell me. I
2012 Oct 04
Subsetting a group of data
I am making my way down the learning curve of R, and find it a great
language with so many helpful users!
Below is an example of what I'm trying to do, but can't quite figure out the
right path to go down.
Here's what I have:
Main is a time series of data with columns Cola and Colb
Cola Colb
1 1 1
2 1
2011 Aug 05
Which is more efficient?
Greetings all,
I am curious to know if either of these two sets of code is more efficient?
## t-test ##
colA <- temp [ , j ]
colB <- temp [ , k ]
ttr <- t.test ( colA, colB, var.equal=TRUE)
tt_pvalue [ i ] <- ttr$p.value
tt_pvalue [ i ] <- t.test ( temp[ , j ], temp[ , k ], var.equal=TRUE)
I have three loops, i, j, k.
One to test the all of
2008 Jun 27
change values in data frames
Hello every body,
I am quite a new user of R so I beg your pardon for this naive question and
the lake of syntax with wich I ask it:
I have a data frames like this:
cola colb
1 c
1 i
1 i
1 c
2 i
2 c
2 c
2 i
2 i
I would like ,for each level of cola and for x in colb:
-if colb[x]=="i" and colb[x-1] does not exist (first row in dataframes),
then replace colb[x] by
2012 Jul 11
Help with loop
I have two dataframes:
The first, df1, contains some missing data:
cola colb colc cold cole
1 NA 5 9 NA 17
2 NA 6 NA 14 NA
3 3 NA 11 15 19
4 4 8 12 NA 20
The second, df2, contains the following:
cola colb colc cold cole
1 1.4 0.8 0.02 1.6 0.6
I'm wanting all missing data in df1$cola to be replaced by the value of
2011 Aug 03
Error message for MCC
Greetings all,
I am getting an error message that is stifling me.
Any ideas?
> ## Define Directories ##
> load_from <- "/home/mcc/Dropbox/abrodsky/kegg_combine_data/"
> save_to <- "/home/mcc/Dropbox/abrodsky/ttest_results/"
> ###############################
> ## Define Columns To Compare ##
> compareA <- "log_b_rich"
> compareB
2012 Jul 11
sapply question
Why does this sapply code change df3 but not df1?
df1 <- read.table(text="
cola colb colc cold cole
1 NA 5 9 NA 17
2 NA 6 NA 14 NA
3 3 NA 11 15 19
4 4 8 12 NA 20
", header=TRUE)
df2 <-df1*2
df3 <-sapply(names(df1),function(x) {df1[[x]]<- df2[[x]]})
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jun 10
Sorting Data Frame Without Loop
Hello all!
I am currently trying to sort a data frame in a particular way, but I am having some difficulties with this. Specifically I want to sort the below dataset in such a way that there is only one line per ProteinID and if there are multiple GeneID or GeneName entries for a single proteinID, that they be concatenated with a comma separating them. The way I have done it earlier worked fine
2013 Apr 03
Creating data frame from individual files
Dear Group:
I have 72 files (.txt).
Each file has 2 columns and column 1 is always identical for all 70 files.
Each file has 90,799 rows and is standard across all files.
I want to create a matrix 40(rows) x 70 columns.
I tried :
temp = list.files(pattern="*.txt")
named.list <- lapply(temp, read.delim)
files.matrix <-rbindlist(named.list)
2010 Dec 09
Reshape Columns
I have a general formatting question. I have two columns of data:
ColA <- c("m", "m", "m", "m")
ColB<- c("d","d","d","d")
And I would like to reorder them into a new column that looks like this:
2011 May 28
newbie xml parsing question
I am trying to read some data off the zillow site. Newbie to xml, html,
parsing and the xml package. I've been able to load the web page I'm
interested with the following code but I'm not sure of the next step to get
the information I'm interested in into R :
url <- "http://www.zillow.com/homes/511 W Lafayette St, Norristown, PA_rb"
doc <-doc <-
2011 Aug 31
Convert List of Data.Frames to Data.Frame when List has NULL
Dear R gurus,
I trying to convert a list of data frames to one data frame, but one of the values within the list is NULL, so I get the error "arguments imply differing number of rows." Do you know of a quick way to tell R to combine all that are not null? Here is a simple example:
2012 Aug 13
if else elseif for data frames
Hi all,
It seems like I cannot use normal 'if' for data frames. What would be the
best way to do the following.
if data$col1='high'
else if data$col1='Neutral'
else if data$col='low'
#chuch a warning?
Note that col2 was not an existing column and was newly assigned for this
2015 Feb 24
intercalar elementos de vectores
Gracias, Carlos.
Habia pensado en algo similar usando sapply():
sapply(seq(1, ncol(vtmp), by = 2), function(i) c(rbind(as.character(vtmp[,
i]), as.character(vtmp[, i+1]))))
Dependiendo de la dimension de los datos, quizas mapply() sea mas eficiente
que sapply().
Saludos cordiales,
2015-02-25 1:01 GMT+11:00 Carlos Ortega <cof en qualityexcellence.es>:
> Hola,
> Este
2018 Mar 05
Help with apply and new column?
Comments interspersed, and some code at the end.
On Mon, 5 Mar 2018, Sariya, Sanjeev wrote:
> Thanks. I think nabble is good for programming questions. Bear with me
> if I'm incorrect.
You may have found R-help archives at Nabble, but R-help has nothing to do
with Nabble.
> Data: Genomics SNP information
I know almost nothing about using R for genomics.
> Goal: I need
2018 Feb 01
Error while working with png output on linux server
This is not an R issue so this is not a good venue... it has to do with which support software you have (not) installed. Try the R-sig-debian mailing list. Please clarify to them how you installed R... for Debian there are relevant deb packages and a corresponding Debian repository that provide the simplest route to a working system, but if you compile it yourself it is easy to miss dependencies.
2018 Nov 27
Subsetting row in single column matrix drops names in resulting vector
Dmitriy Selivanov (selivanov.dmitriy at gmail.com) wrote:
> Consider following example:
> a = matrix(1:2, nrow = 2, dimnames = list(c("row1", "row2"), c("col1")))
> a[1, ]
> # 1
> It returns *unnamed* vector `1` where I would expect named vector. In fact
> it returns named vector when number of columns is > 1.
> Same issue applicable