similar to: Greetings, first remarks about trying to do customizable drop-shadows

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Greetings, first remarks about trying to do customizable drop-shadows"

2006 Apr 06
g-w-d.c -> my head spins
Greetings everybody! I started looking more thoroughly at gnome-window-decorator.c and now my head spins and "hurts" and believe that I'm not going to achieve anything serious in terms of tweakable shadows anytime soon. It's far more difficult than I expected. While I (believe) to understand now the shadows are drawn, I currently don't get why there are 12 shadow-quads and
2006 Apr 03
first entanglements with custom drop-shadows
Hi there again! I wanted to give a brief glimpse of the look of the new/customizable drop-shadows for compiz. In contrast to my earlier post today I currently follow the brute-force approach. 9 elements for the shadow... top-left top top-right left middle right bottom-left bottom bottom-right For the middle shadow-part there is a 2D-vector as parameter to allow growing or shrinking
2006 Apr 25
patch for colored drop-shadow
Greetings everybody! Here's a patch (against compiz from CVS-head about 30 min. ago) that adds a shadow_color option to the parameters of the decoration-plugin. I only needed to add a few lines to decoration.c and gnome-window-decorator.c. The only thing missing is the compiz.schema. I dare not touch that XML-file manually. So after you applied the patch, recompiled compiz and restarted
2007 Mar 13
[BUG] blurred decoration for gwd causes drawing artifacts
Greetings everybody! For anybody working on blur-related things, take a look at this glitch I encountered: Best regards... Mirco "MacSlow" M?ller -- email - www - lowfat -
2006 May 04
[Fwd: Re: patch for colored drop-shadow]
Argl... I'm to stupid to hit the right buttons in evolution. -- email - www - lowfat - -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: Mirco =?ISO-8859-1?Q?M=FCller?= <> Subject: Re: [compiz] patch for colored drop-shadow Date: Wed, 03 May 2006
2007 Mar 06
decoration flashing with current upstream
Greetings everybody! I just git pull'ed compiz and after compiling and installing it, I started experiencing the decorations flashing and windows not being updated correctly. Sofar I was not able to revert to a state identifying which commit introduced this flaw. This is happening to me on an i915 and a GeForce7900GT. Using git revert <some commit> is the right way to work oneself
2006 Sep 29
issues with non /usr install-prefix
Greetings everybody! I'm trying to figure out how to get compiz install error-free in a prefix other than /usr. Because I currently don't "trust" compiz-packages on Ubuntu EdgyEft I have it install upstream to /home/mirco/compiz. I call configure like this: ./configure --prefix=/home/mirco/compiz --enable-librsvg --enable-gtk --enable-metacity --enable-dbus
2006 Oct 14
patch to set start- and end-color-stop for the skydome fallback gradient
Greetings everybody! I was asked by someone (from the beryl-forum) if/how one could alter the values for the two color-stops used by the fallback-gradient of the skydome (for the case the supplied image could not be found). Up to now they were hardcoded, but with this patch they can be set via... /apps/compiz/plugins/cube/screen0/options/skydome_gradient_start_color
2006 Oct 06
[Fwd: Re: compiz coding style]
Argl, this was meant to go to the list and not only to Hanno! -- email - www - lowfat - -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: Mirco =?ISO-8859-1?Q?M=FCller?= <> Subject: Re: [compiz] compiz coding style Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2006 01:53:46 +0200 Size:
2006 Jul 30
patch: libsvg/libsvg-cairo to librsvg
Greetings everybody! I've created a patch to get compiz (upstream about 2 hours old) away from libsvg and libsvg-cairo. Those two libraries, which are regarded as "dead meat" by their initial developer Carl Worth, are replaced with librsvg 2.14.x (e.g. part of Gnome 2.14.x) by this patch. The patch is rather small and only touches these three files: compiz/
2006 Nov 29
reason for bad performance on i915 (AIGLX)
Greetings everybody! For about two weeks I'm now a happy owner of an intel-powered laptop (chipset, wifi, gfx) and wanted to give it a full test-drive of compiz and other GL-intensive programs. The laptop runs Xorg 7.1.1 and the i810 driver that comes with it (stock rpm from FC6). I'm forced to start compiz 0.3.4 with these options... --use-cow --strict-binding --indirect-rendering
2006 Apr 24
I've now added configurable drop-shadows to g-w-d. You'll need current CVS version of Xgl, which includes important convolution filter fixes for properly rendered shadows. -David
2006 Jan 10
Autoscrolling for Draggables and Sortables
Hi all, I''ve applied an experimental patch today to the scripaculous trunk. Setting the scroll option on Draggables or Sortables to an element (or an element id) will attempt to auto-scroll this element when dragging. See test/functional/dragdrop3_test.html for a demo/usage. It''s modelled after the behaviour in the Mac OS X finder, with variable scrolling speed depending
2007 May 31
linksys pap2 version2 ata DTMF issue
My asterisk box doesn't recognize DTMF from my analog phone, plugged into my ATA(linksys pap2 version2). I can make/receive calls fine... it's just that, for example, I cannot login to my asterisk voicemail. Softphones (such as x-lite) are fine. I've turned up a few articles via google where some people have this trouble, but have not seen suggestions on how to fix. I presume
2009 Mar 27
[LLVMdev] Connecting JITted code to gdb
On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Evan Cheng <evan.cheng at> wrote: > Run with -debug-only=jit. OT: I take it the recommended model for tools that embed LLVM is for them to accept all of LLVM's command line arguments on their own command lines? For Python, it'd be much nicer to make this stuff tweakable through a module at runtime, or even, for thread-safety reasons, as
2009 Mar 27
[LLVMdev] Connecting JITted code to gdb
On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 2:25 PM, Jeffrey Yasskin <jyasskin at> wrote: > On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Evan Cheng <evan.cheng at> wrote: >> Run with -debug-only=jit. > > OT: I take it the recommended model for tools that embed LLVM is for > them to accept all of LLVM's command line arguments on their own > command lines? Well, sort of...
2015 Sep 04
Running tests on OS X 10.10 vs "Killed: 9"
Hi, building 'check-all' on any of my machines running OS X 10.10 usually fails because a few tests fail due to some processes being killed by the kernel (there's always "Killed: 9" somewhere in lit's error output). Everything's fine on 10.9. How do folks deal with this? Don't use 10.10 for building llvm? Is there some tweakable to tell the kernel "please
2006 Dec 28
updating the AUTHORS file
Hey everyone, I like to get the AUTHORS file updated before the next release. I suggest that we add the name and email of anyone who contributed some piece of code to compiz. For people who have contributed such a significant piece of code that it can be considered an algorithm or some functionality (e.g. Mirco's sky dome support in the cube plugin or S?ren's plane plugin), that should
2006 Oct 02
[ANNOUNCE] compiz-0.2.0
0.2.0 release of compiz. Git tag: compiz-0.2.0 (568a0434f8a958800b2f0255b012c4b5a691ab82) MD5 Sums: 286a36ddb5d5b05534eb809eab541ec8 compiz-0.2.0.tar.bz2 41625de6c2a2b5109b420d7523446f54 compiz-0.2.0.tar.gz SHA1 Sums:
2008 Aug 20
liboggplay and overlay video
> I think adding an RGB/RGBA frame type to liboggplay should *also* > happen. yuv2rgb is tedious at best and hard to get right at worst, so I'd added an RGBA type, but if this is going to also carry video, it might be better to merge this with the existing video type, and have a 'type' enum, or just several pointers, only one set being non NULL (makes client code simpler). Would