similar to: possible workspacehandling bug

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "possible workspacehandling bug"

2007 Aug 05
Using Compiz in KDE
I have had a rather hard time enabling Compiz on my Dell laptop, as it has an ATI X1400 video card. I found a tutorial which helped me configure Compiz in Gnome, but I'm not about to switch to Gnome. I hope that someone here can help me translate the scripts used in the tutorial to start KDE instead of Gnome. I myself have been unable to do so, after a good day googling the subject. These are
2006 May 07
3 xgl/compiz problems
Looking deeper to compiz/xgl I found three problems in my system that I report to you hoping to be somehow a little useful. I didn't find any of them using Xorg 7 First my testing environment: KDE 3.5 latest XGL cvs - XORG-7.0 Nvidia FX5200 64Mb Latest nvidia drivers Kernel XGL problems: 1) xine is somehow broken with xgl, even with no composite managers: it is very slow even when
2007 Jun 28
Install XGL under CentOS 5 with ATI X600 and dual-head configuration
Hi again. I've got a laptop with an ATI X600 inside, perfectly working xorg with dual head configuration, 2 desktops (without xinerama). I've got 2 xorg.conf files, one for propietary ATI (fglrx) driver, and other to use the open source driver. The difference is very notorious. The problem I have is that I read (Saint Google) that to work with compiz/beryl and dual-head configuration, I
2006 Sep 29
undeclared identifier 'space' in function MetaButtonSpace
if gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../.. -DORBIT2=1 -pthread -I/opt/Xgl/include -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include -I/usr/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/gconf/2 -I/usr/include/orbit-2.0 -I/usr/include/libwnck-1.0 -I/opt/Xgl/include -I/usr/include/metacity-1 -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0
2006 Apr 07
[PATCH] Add GLX 1.3 + conformant GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap support
As promised awhile ago... This patch makes compiz conformant with the latest published version of the GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap specification. It has been tested to be fully backwards compatible as well, so it will still work with current versions of Xgl. If GLX 1.3 support isn't available, it just falls back to the existing use of XVisualInfo. However, my version of Xgl is a bit
2007 Nov 09
Compiz starts, but no 3D effects
I just installed Compiz on Ubuntu Feisty (Gutsy does not work on my hardware as per the release notes) via the repo, which is the repo suggested in the compiz-fusion website. The machine is a Dell Inspiron E1505 / 6400 with the horrible ATI X1400 graphics card and 1680x1050 monitor. I installed XGL and the proprietary ATI driver, a combination that worked
2006 Aug 01
technical low-end possibilities of xgl?
Hello. I know this is off topic but sorry I cannot google out where xgl people discuss things (don't find an xgl mailing list) nor documents about this. Currently xgl supports modern ATI/Nvidia cards, is there any reason why older cards are not supported? Is it because old cards are not powerful enough, or is it because xgl is using some new 3D technologies? (OpenGL 2.0?) How about cards
2006 Jun 20
Bug with evdev corepointers
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello everybody, Those who are active in #Xgl on freenode know that I've had segfaults when starting Xgl during the last few weeks (which is also why there was no progress on my g-w-d rewrite). Today I found the time to debug Xgl and to find the bug. My mouse was configured as evdev device in xorg.conf, and to use it, it was set as the
2008 Apr 29
Running Compiz in XGL
I have a Dell Inspiron with the ATI x1400 video card. In Ubuntu 7.04 I ran Compiz-Fusion in XGL with the fglrx drivers and the system was very responsive. I noticed no performance penalties at all. In Ubuntu 8.04 I am running Compiz natively with the current fglrx drivers, and the system is sluggish. Disabling Compiz makes the system very responsive. So I am interested in running Compiz in XGL
2006 Jul 11
Patch for Java app and Compiz
Hi to all: My name is Mauricio and I write from Chili, I new on the list, so hi to all. I'm using Xgl and compiz and is an amazing technologie, also even as a "alpha" software work allmost perfect on my inspiron 6400-ATIX1300. I only have 2 problems. The first related to some java app and compiz (like limewire), so I read on the list something about a patch to try to solve this, I
2007 Mar 02
Xvideo and on Intel GMA
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hiho, I already reported this in <> and found time to reinstall compiz yesterday and the problem still persists. I have Ubuntu's 7.1.1 running on a Intel GMA 950 and latest compiz. When watching Xvideo files, the overlay window remains black. If I slightly move the video window, the video appears with
2006 Apr 06
Two XGL questions
I know this list is meant for discussion of compiz specifically, but .... 1) I sometimes see compiz spit out "Could not bind pixmap to texture" messages, even though it _appears_ to be working fine. I randomly guess that this is due to me running out of video memory (iirc I have 64mb of vram). Is that possibly a problem? I think Vista and OS X manually manage video
2007 Jun 12
Compiz porting plan, for help
David & All, As you might have heard, Intel recently introduced a new low-power device called a Mobile Internet Device (MID). We're working in Intel's Open source Technology Center on the Linux Desktop UI. Given the small screen we're planning on using a stack-based window manager where each application runs full-screen (think Matchbox). We think it would be very cool to get a
2006 Jul 16
compiz developers
Hi Colin Gutrie: Thanks for your repply about alt-gr problem. And great!!!! I'm also a developer (opengl developer), so I very happy to find a developer list of compiz...I'm working in some ideas for pluggins (for now only in a opengl format without nothing about compiz or xgl), so I very interesting in work with you, is this posible??, please guide me on this...what I have to do to set
2006 Apr 11
Using glitz directly vs using XRender
Hi, In the past I've found that using the glitz backend to Cairo with Xorg made some simple animation tests I wrote go much faster. I haven't yet tried them with Xgl but I was wondering which backend is theoretically 'best' in this configuration? My understanding is that Xgl feeds everything drawn to the screen via OpenGL - a bit like Quartz 2D Extreme will when Apple get it
2006 Apr 21
Rotate/edge-flip and jumping mouse pointer
Hi, I'm using running Xgl/compiz on Gentoo/AMD64/2006.0, with xgl-0.0.1_p20060418 and compiz-quinnstorm- on Gnome 2.14. I love the edge-flip feature of rotate, but I sometimes have a problem where, after edge-flipping the mouse pointer seems to jump to the opposite window edge which starts rotating the cube to the next desktop, so I start moving the pointer back, whereupon it jumps
2008 May 02
Java animations, Google Earth flashing with Compiz enabled
On a Dell Inspiron E1505 / 6400 with the ATI x1400 video card running the fglrx driver on Kubuntu 8.04, I have some video problems while running Compiz. I am not using XGL, in fact, I removed it from the system as it was causing performance issues. The symptoms I describe here were present before removing XGL, as well as after. The test applet on flashes (as if it disappears between
2008 May 04
. Re: Java animations, Google Earth flashing with Compiz
Dear Dotan, The problem of flashing/flickering in 3D apps/ videos with Xv enabled on account of non-redirection is limited to AIGLX and not an issue at all with XGL and compiz. fglrx till date has many mem leaks and crappy 3d performance on linux especially with compiz enabled. If you want to use these apps with compiz, for now use XGL. Else just disable compiz temporarily when
2006 May 11
compiz without a desktop window
Running compiz without a desktop window has some unexpected behavior. It is not possible to grab the cube with the mouse. The pointer needs to be over a window for it to work. In display.c the XSelectInput call in addDisplay is missing ButtonPressMask and ButtonReleaseMask, so it makes sense why this doesn't work. Is there a reason why they have been left out? Lower window with Button2 on
2006 Sep 24
AIGLX Support with nVidia 9625 Drivers
Hello, I'm on a Gentoo machine with the latest beta nVidia 9625 Drivers, trying to get Compiz to work with AIGLX... simply running 'compiz', or even with the addition of any options other than version, causes compiz to detect that it is indeed not XGL, and then segmentation faults... please note that I have only currently tried this with Compiz-Quinnstorm (the latest package available