similar to: create object after before_filter :authenticate_user!

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "create object after before_filter :authenticate_user!"

2006 May 25
Setting a global before_filter action in application.rb
Can you set a global before_filter action in application.rb? So, for example, you could control authentication for all of the controllers in an app.? Obviously, you would need a way to reference actions by controller within this "global before-filter". Thanks, Wes -- Posted via
2012 Sep 04
How to get contact list from yahoo in rails using OAuth
I can successfully get the contacts from google using OAuth gem in rails. my gmail configuration is : :google=>{ :key=>"***", :secret=>"***", :expose => true, :scope=>"" } now i want to get contact from yahoo and hot mail. How to get that contact I have given following configuration in my
2012 Feb 07
nested route not receiving :id parameter within controller spec
I''ve got a share method in my controller, and I have the following spec: describe PostsController do describe "#share" do it "doesn''t blow up" do post :share, :id => end # ... etc And... It blows up! Failures: 1) PostsController#share shares Failure/Error: post :share
2011 Jun 11
"Stack level too" deep with @controller.hi
Hi again, sorry for many questions. In mi HomeController, I have the "hi" method, in this method I use an "if" for show a different message for a registered user or a guest. When I call in "home/index" my method "hi", show me this error message: "Stack level too deep" class HomeController < ApplicationController def hi if (current_user)
2011 Apr 30
"uninitialized constant PostsController::Post"
This time i read scaffold tutorial very carefully and finally try to generate a form without using the scaffold(just used a controller and view ).what i have done till now ,is as follow.Using rails 3.0.7. "rails generate controller posts index" 1) post_controller.rb class PostsController < ApplicationController def index
2006 Mar 04
Submitting data to two different tables with two different models
I''m very new to Rails. I''ve been reading Agile Web Dev for a while and read up on ruby, but I''m still learning. I designed a website for someone for an engineering shop. New projects had to be added manually. Well, I figured this would be a great canidate for railifying! I have the form working perfectly, you can add your data and get it in a table, and listing
2012 Dec 03
Stop User from Changing URL
I have an authentication and autherization system built on the same lines outlined by Michael Hartl, rails tutorial. Here is the employees_controller.rb: class EmployeesController < ApplicationController before_filter :signed_in_employee, only: [:index, :edit, :update] before_filter :correct_employee, only: [:edit, :update] etc etc
2009 Feb 24
Error going through the "Getting Started" tutorial
Hi, I get this error on step 9 of the Getting Started tutorial: NoMethodError in PostsController#index undefined method `accepts_nested_attributes_for'' for #<Class: 0x23fbc48> Does someone know if it''s a bug? Cheers, Beren --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on
2006 Dec 10
model-controller-paradigm: What about admin controllers?
Hi all We all know the model-controller-paradigm: I have a model "News" which has a corresponding CRUD-controller "NewsController". But now I''m quite unsure about the following... Guess we have normal visitors that visit our site www.??.com/news and we have administrators that create and modify news items. The admin should see an "Edit" link and a
2008 Jun 02
Cannot log in/authenticate within RSpec Story
I''ve been slamming my head against a wall for a while now, and would like some help. I believe this is session related. I have a story that looks like: -------------------------------------------------- Given that a post exists And I am logged in When I visit the post details page Then there should be a link to add a new comment
2011 Nov 02
getting devise to return json data when signing out
Hi all, In curl (the command line program), I can successfully log a user in using devise: def create respond_to do |format| format.json { if user_signed_in? return render :json => {:success => true, :errors => ["Already logged in."]} end resource = warden.authenticate!(:scope => resource_name, :recall =>
2012 Apr 09
Rails Functional Testing Problem
I''m trying to run some functional tests on Rails. However I am coming up with the following error. RuntimeError: Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 -- if you really wanted the id of nil, use object_id app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:11:in `create'' posts_controller_test.rb:5:in `test_should_create'' Here is my test file require
2009 Jul 20
Hitting unknown error with "can't dup NilClass"
Hi, My system has been encounter this problem, and I couldn''t find solution after debugging. My scenario is stated below: class user has_many :posts has_many :comments end class post belongs_to :user has_many :comments, :as => :commentable end class comment belongs_to :post belongs_to :user end For this case, I am trying to retrieve each post''s comment
2008 Jul 07
How to get a users screen name into a hidden field in a PostsController action?
Instead of the user entering a name, I want to pass their screen name along with supplied :title and :content fields. here is what I''ve got.. f.hidden_field :author, user.screen_name here is the create method from Posts controller: def create @title = "Gravity" @user = User.find(params[:id]) # this does not work, and I don''t know why if
2011 Jul 30
Get the current user as Json with Devise
Hi! I use Devise and Basic HTTP Authentication to access user areas from a mobile app. When the user enters its details in the app and it tries to "login" (you don''t actually login with basic auth as you send the credentials with each request) I want to get a response back with the user info, like user ID, email (not password) etc. - So, is there a way to do this out of
2010 Aug 30
undefined method `route_for' for #<RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::Nested_1::Nested_1:
Hello, all, I have this error with my rspec - controller - test, and yes, I do found the thread with the same error here, but it isn''t helped me, think it''s not my case. i have rails -v = Rails 3.0.0.rc, rspec -v = 2.0.0.beta.18 (hope they should match each other). my test is here: spec/controllers/posts_controller_spec.rb and i ran it with command: rspec
2011 Aug 04
Creating form for associated has_many model
This example shows how to create a form for an associated model ''Comment'', where ''Comment'' belongs_to ''Post'' and ''Post has_many ''Comments''. How might I modify that to display all the comments in the form, and still have it call the
2012 May 23
received unexpected message :id= with (20)
Please help me to understand this error message: 1) PostsController#create when logged in should create a new post and redirect to a successful message page Failure/Error: post ''create'', { post: {title: ''New post'', Mock Post(id: integer, title: string, description: text, location: string, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime, status: string,
2013 Jan 12
showing posts in blog
When I make a new post in my blog, it returns this when I try to view my current posts: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::Error in PostsController#create Can''t mass-assign protected attributes: text Rails.root: C:/Users/Josh Koloff/Desktop/Programming Stuff/Rails Stuff/blog Application Trace | Framework
2006 Jul 04
writing to many_to_many table
I have three tables. users, posts, users_posts. This last one is to mark a post as read. How do I write to the users_post table? Here''s what I have: In model ''User_Post'' belongs_to :post belongs_to :user In post/view/show: <%= link_to "Mark As Read", :controller => ''post'', :action => ''post_read'', :user =>