similar to: Vide: bug with minimize+wobbly

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Vide: bug with minimize+wobbly"

2007 Jan 01
Get pixmap of minimized windows?
Is it possible to get pixmaps of minimized windows? I don't want to use ugly hacks like "temp unminimize" just to get it. Stjepan
2007 Jan 26
Get window textures even when they're transformed.
If I wobble a window and quickly initiate switcher or cube, this can cause weird artifacts. I had a look at Beryl's switcher.c In switchPaintThumb they use this: static void switchPaintThumb(...) { DrawWindowGeometryProc oldDrawWindowGeometry; AddWindowGeometryProc oldAddWindowGeometry; WindowPaintAttrib sAttrib = *attrib; int wx, wy; float width, height; CompIcon *icon = NULL; /*
2007 Jan 05
Put a window on top
I'm developing a new plugin, based on switcher. I have a window created with XCreateWindow. Can I put a window totally on top, even over panels? These are my atoms: state[nState++] = s->display->winStateAboveAtom; state[nState++] = s->display->winStateStickyAtom; state[nState++] = s->display->winStateSkipTaskbarAtom; state[nState++] =
2007 Jan 25
New configuration system
I see many people hate Compiz (and use Beryl) just because it needs gconf + many other GNOME deps. I think this is the biggest advantage of Beryl over Compiz. Yes, users don't have to compile compiz with gconf, but how will they configure things? They'll modify the sources? Compiz needs a new configuration plugin. A text-based one, independent of tons of libraries would be great.
2007 Jan 08
Thumbnail plugin
Hi, With some help from Quinn_Storm, iXce, maniac103, mikedee and KristianLy :), I've managed to modify switcher.c and make a new plugin: thumbnail. The plugin shows thumbnails of windows when cursor is moved over a task button in taskbar. Screenshot: Download:
2007 Jan 28
A patch for minimize plugin.
I've added a new option in minimize plugin, called "Disable Fading". To prevent tearing, damageScreen is used minDonePaintScreen (only if the option is used). The patch is attached. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: minimize-fading.patch Type: text/x-patch Size: 1855 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2006 Apr 28
Wobbly settings
I have created a patch to wobbly that gives you friction and spring_k settings for each effect type. It seems to be very popular. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: compiz-wobbly-kf-options.bin Type: application/octet-stream Size: 9875 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2007 Jun 06
[PATCHES] Fixes for java apps and firefox in scale, switcher and wobbly
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I've made these patches that basically, make the java apps and firefox items well being recognized by some compiz plugins (scale, switcher and wobbly), I don't know if those can be considered workaround, but this helps in using your desktop tools. Basically java apps are seen as: * name=sun-awt-X11-XFramePeer (default windows = Normal) *
2006 Dec 28
Patch: switcher's window is a splash window
Hi, I made a simple patch which makes switcher's window a splash window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH). This way I can easily add effects for it. The window is a splash window, so why not use this type instead of Unknown? Beryl's switcher window is a Splash window too. Is there a reason why Compiz uses Uknown for it? Patch: --- switcher.c 2006-12-28 10:14:52.000000000 +0100 +++
2007 Jan 27
Annoying Scale and DnD behaviour
Current behavior terminates scale when not moving cursor _between windows_. Shouldn't scale be terminated only when not moving cursor _at all_ for the specified time? Stjepan
2007 Apr 29
Wobbly jerkyness
About a month ago, David made a commit to wobbly to the spring engine which has introduced some bugs. They are hard to explain so bear with me. In a sense, the wobbly plugin does not seem as smooth as it used to be and the windows jerk all over the place. For example, I sometimes notice that when I move a large window (around 2/3 of the size of the desktop window), If I moved it down, the top of
2015 Jan 26
[Bug 88801] Xorg causes a critical error while playing a vide on kaffeine causing immediate logout Alan Coopersmith <alan.coopersmith at> changed: What |Removed |Added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Component|* Other |Driver/nouveau Assignee|xorg-team at |nouveau at lists.freedesktop.o
2006 Dec 08
Patch to wobbly snap for outputs
Here's a patch to wobbly.c to handle edge snapping with multiple outputs... Also, I tweaked the window edge snapping to include dock window types, to support the case where dock windows may be on the inner edges of multiple monitors (and thus currently ignored as struts in the output workarea setup). I personally think we should include these "inner" struts when calculating the
2006 Jun 12
Scale & Wobbly bug
Hi. Most of you might not have noticed this bug: I have Shiver as focus effect, set for normal windows too. This way, whenever I select a window it "bounces" to the front. Quite pleasant, and it works while in scale mode too. But scale gives a bug when focus effect and sloppy focus are activated: the emblem icon changes its size and location (it gets smaller and moves to the centre),
2008 May 27
Strange slapd behavior...
Hi all, I have problems on one CentOS 4.6 with slapd. Namely, after trying to start it (via /etc/init.d/ldap start) it waits for very long in configuration check. Interestingly, when I try to start it manually, but without "-u ldap" option it starts immediately. What puzzles me more is the use of NETLINK socket when started with -u option that doesn't appear in strace output
2007 Oct 01
[ANNOUNCE] compiz-0.6.0
A new compiz release 0.6.0 is now available from: which can be verified with: c296f9ccf0e35c582760880a6f0ac4fd34ee1bbf compiz-0.6.0.tar.gz
2007 Apr 12
minimize download bandwidth techniques
I know of a few techniques for minimizing server bandwidth when bittorent is not an option. 1) If you have the beta isos, you can rename them as centos 5 isos and then rsync from a mirror that allows rsync (such as Then only changes from beta to centos 5 plus some overhead is downloaded. I suppose you could use this technique with bittorrent too. 2) Instead of downloading both cd
2008 Mar 04
persistent window wobble at screen edges
Hi, This is a bug of sorts, relatively minor. When clicking on the title bar of a window and moving the mouse slightly, there will be a wobble that seems to propagate in coordination with window snapping which results in a feedback cycle. I'm sure other people have experienced this. 3 others in the Ubuntu channel last night knew what I was talking about. Is there any way to resolve this? A
2007 Apr 26
[PATCH]Make wobbly's bezier patch to work with grids that aren't 4x4.
Hi, Recently, I started taking a look at wobbly's source (I was interested in it's physics... ;-)) I noticed that GRID_WIDTH and GRID_HEIGHT were defined to be 4, and I wanted to see how the physics look like with grid sizes that aren't 4x4. I changed the defines to my new grid size, but unfortunately it didn't work. I investigated this "bug" (it's not exactly a bug
2010 Sep 02
Minimize log file: get rid of ".d...p..... send"
I'm just starting with rsync, googled and experienced a lot, but get stuck with minimizing the log-file: I only want to see the "real" changes: new, updated and deleted files/directories in the log-file. The LOG-file always contains a lot of lines like: 2010/08/31 20:19:01 [24573] .d...p..... send home/hans/Desktop 2010/08/31 20:19:05 [24573] .d...p..... send