similar to: RecordSelect does not work in nested pages (Rails 3.2.8)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "RecordSelect does not work in nested pages (Rails 3.2.8)"

2010 Nov 09
How to fill other fields with RecordSelect
Hello everyone, I am using RecordSelect ( to associate a user to a appointment. The auto-complete have already worked and when I save the appointment the user is associated. But I wold like to get others user''s attributes to show in form when he is selected, link phones and e-mail. So when a user is selected the hidden field id and text fields
2012 Sep 18
NoMethodError with rake db:migrate
Hi! First of all, this is my first application on Rails, and i''m stuck at a migration. i created a demo app (the demo_app from michael hartl''s tutorial) as usual: rails new demo_app, rails generate scaffold User name:string email:string, and when i do rake db:migrate, this stack appears: rake db:migrate --trace ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time) ** Invoke environment
2013 Apr 15
Rails' scaffold controller generator - should it test json format also?
(Forgive me if this is incorrect, because I recognized this initially as something in Rails 4.0.0.beta1 and have just done a cursory look over the latest generator code.) Noticed in Rails 4 that the test generated for a scaffold controller only tests the html format instead of both html and json:
2012 Dec 13
make rails connect with database
i''m newbie in rails. i have problem with how to connect rails with database. before i can connect it with command "rake db:create" to create database. and "rake db:migrate" to migrate schema to database. but, i want to connect rails with database that i have before, not create it via rails. can you help me? -- Posted via -- You received
2006 Jan 20
Calendar date picker for use with rails.
Howdy folks, As I was putting together a rough form for a rails app, I got to thinking how much smoother (in my siytuation) a little calendar widget would be than the default date picker selects. Does anyone know if such a thing exists ? I suspect it would have to be somewhat designed with rails in mind to populate the right kind of post params for convenient use at the controller end.
2008 Jul 09
Problem with ActiveScaffold+RecordSelect
Hello, i''m using this two plugins. But i have some problems. My model is USER belongs_to :avatar. Error is the follow: NameError in Admin/avatarsController#browse undefined local variable or method `field'' for #<Admin::AvatarsController:0x68aae98> RAILS_ROOT: C:/Progetti Rails/RNetPortal Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace Request Parameters:
2013 Jan 02
How to move rails 3.2.8 project from ubuntu to windows7?
Currently, I have xubuntu installed on a bootable 16gb usb drive - the rails app lives on this drive. This is for the benefit of a friend that uses a win7 laptop - she boots from the usb drive to run the rails app - works fine. I would like to have this app run in windows, so she doesn''t have to reboot to use it. I see that I can install rails via rubyinstaller
2013 Feb 04
Wicked pdf
Hello Guys I am using rails 3.2.8 and wickedpdf. Its working well in local but not in production.Below is the production logs error. "***************\"/var/www/apps/staging/shared/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/bin/wkhtmltopdf\" -q \"file:///tmp/wicked_pdf_9892_0.html\" \"/tmp/wicked_pdf_generated_file_9892_0.pdf\" ***************" RuntimeError: Failed to
2012 Jul 19
Rails' inflections are messy
Yesterday, I opened a GitHub Issue<> about moving Rails inflections to an initializer. The idea wasn''t received well, understandably, as generating a large initializer with new Rails apps is pretty unappealing. However, the core members seemed open to the discussion of alternatives continuing here. For those of you not in the know,
2012 Jul 19
ActiveScaffold Export file - Send as Email
I am using Rails 1.2.3 and Active scaffold 1.1.1 My requirement is to send the export of users data weekly to the admin as email via cron. How can i automate the process of exporting csv and storing it at a place? So that i can pick it from there and attach to the email before sending? -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the
2012 Nov 12
RSpec: controller POST create
Rails 3.1.3 rspec-rails (2.11.4) rspec 2.11.1 I am new to rspec. I don''t quite understand tests for POST create part. I have generated scaffold, and simultaneously it generated controller_spec.rb as well. it "assigns a newly created plan as @plan" do post :create, {:plan => valid_attributes}, valid_session assigns(:plan).should be_a(Plan)
2012 Sep 04
How to get contact list from yahoo in rails using OAuth
I can successfully get the contacts from google using OAuth gem in rails. my gmail configuration is : :google=>{ :key=>"***", :secret=>"***", :expose => true, :scope=>"" } now i want to get contact from yahoo and hot mail. How to get that contact I have given following configuration in my
2013 Oct 23
rails generate scaffold - ERROR
Hi, I just installed ROR using the rvm using these instructions: Using Ubuntu 12 on VirtualBox I''m trying to create a demo_app rails generate scaffold User name:string email:string gives me this error: -- /home/natmanu/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/gems/execjs-2.0.2/lib/execjs/runtimes.rb:51:in `autodetect'': Could not
2012 Nov 02
[Rails 3.2.8] issue in regex scan
running a scan in irb is fine : 1.9.3p194 :001 > request_url = "" => "" request_url.scan(/^([\S]+)(backoffice\/cms-admin\/site\/)(\d+)(\/pages)$/)[0][2] => "6" however running it in my controller doesn''t gives any result : (rdb:1)
2013 Jan 23
Need to change jquery version in my rails project
Hello everyone, Currently my rails 3.2.8 project loading jquery 1.9.0 In this jquery 1.9.0 live() method not working. How can i change loading jquery version? Please help. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/
2012 Oct 18
routing issue with mounted engine - Rails 3.2.8
I mounted the Forem::Engine in my app MyApp::Application.routes.draw do scope "/:locale" do ... resources :sites, :only => [:none] do get ''home'', :on => :collection get ''events'', :on => :collection end .. mount Forem::Engine, :at => "/forums", :as => :forums, constraints: lambda { |r|
2012 Sep 20
jQueryUI autocomplete (Rails 3.1): can't get source as url to work
Hey, I''m able to duplicate everything in Ryan Bates'' screencast on jQueryUI autocomplete (#102<>), except for the piece that calls the server for completion data. Here is my view html: <input data-autocomplete-source="/searches" id="search-markets"
2013 Feb 07
Rails change default time zone.
Hello everyone, I am using rails 3.2.8. I want to change time zone to New York time. I changed following, but didn''t work #config/application.rb config.time_zone = ''Eastern Time (US & Canada)'' config.active_record.default_timezone = ''Eastern Time (US & Canada)'' If am wrong please clarify. Thank You! -- You received this message
2013 Jul 13
Rails and MySQL
I''m trying to use MySQL instead of SQLite3. I have MySQL installed on my pc. Do I need to ran something in the ruby to use MySQL? C:\>rails new MySQLRestaurant --database=mysql C:\>cd MySQLRestaurant C:\MySQLRestaurant>rails generate scaffold review poster:string date:datetime ar ticle:text C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/mysql2-0.3.11-x86-mingw32/l
2012 Jul 17
Static Pages from Railcast
Hi everyone, I need several pages to be static but also modify when requested. I try following the railcast from Ryan at Here what I have done!! rails g scaffold Pages name:string permanentlink:string title:string author:string access_level:string is_published:boolean meta_description:string meta_keyword:string