similar to: Rails 3 + fb_graph how to get access token to post to my own Facebook page

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Rails 3 + fb_graph how to get access token to post to my own Facebook page"

2011 May 01
Hi All, Am new to rails ,am using fbgraph gem in rails 3 having the follwoing error { "error": { "type": "OAuthException", "message": "Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration." } } In my controller, def start redirect_to client.authorization.authorize_url(:redirect_uri =>
2011 Aug 19
How to post a file via HTTP as multipart/form-data to Facebook?
I would like to post a new photo to a user using `Net::HTTP::multipart` from a Heroku application to Facebook. I have the following JSON object: {"message"=>"My message", "image"=>#<ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile:0x00000004242490 @original_filename="neEZYMAnBI.jpg", @content_type="application/octet-stream",
2010 Dec 08
how to get access token facebook
i am using facebooker and i have session keys need to use Graph API that requires access_token Please suggest me how to get that or how to exchange session keys into access_token of all users Thanks in advance -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2012 Feb 29
Fetch Facebook fanpage in rails
Hi, I am newbie to rails , I need access facebook page information like wall, subscription,picture etc. I have apps in rails 3, it has list of artist users he upload songs, videos within my application, when the public (No Need to Login) can hear the list of songs,videos. i decide to fetch the facebook/twitter basic fanpage information and shown to the public in the popups. i
2012 Feb 24
Need Suggestion: how to Fetch Facebook information using the facebook_id in rails 3.1
Hi, I am the Newbie to rails and fb_graph.I have a rails3.1 app with authlogic authentication. all of users can the register with the facebook_id in my app. what i am suppose to do means if any one user can see the others facebook profile using the facebook_id. if there is any possiblity or not. Any samples like this or some example are available. . Thanks in advance. -- You received
2010 Sep 17
ruby's oauth2 grant_type
Hi, i started using oauth2 gem by intridea ( and don''t know how to fix this problem. I have developed both client and server and on request for access_token i see no grant_type parameter. My code from client callback controller class CallbackController < Devise::OauthCallbacksController def accounts access_token =
2011 Sep 26
undefined method `options' for #<EventMachine::HttpClien
Hi , I am writing a rake task to consume twitter stream API. The task contains the following code: consumer =, CONSUMER_SECRET, :site => '''') access_token =,ACCESS_TOKEN,ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET) oauth_params = {:consumer => consumer, :token => access_token} do # now,
2020 Jul 08
Dovecot - Xoauth2 - keycloak
Hello, Still trying to make roundcube / Dovecot works with Keycloak. Dovecot can't seem to validate the access_token that Roundcube gave. ----- Jul 08 20:48:05 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: request [Req1: GET
2013 May 30
Import friends
Hi friends, I need send invitation to my facebook friends. i can import all my facebook friends. but when i send a message to particular user this message send all my friends. how can i solved it. Please help me. this is my code def facebook_invite friend_id= params[:mail] logger.debug(''CURRENT'') logger.debug(
2011 May 13
"message": "Error validating application."
Hi I''m using omniauth to authenticate whith facebook and twitter Twitter is ok But when i push facebook button and log in facebook account it returns me message { "error": { "type": "OAuthException", "message": "Error validating application." } } How can i fix it? -- You received this message because you are
2013 May 14
Instagram Redirect error
Hi Folks, In just integrate instagram to my app. I got an error while redirect from instagram. {"code": 400, "error_type": "OAuthException", "error_message": "Redirect URI does not match registered redirect URI"} Please advise. Thank you -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on
2011 Jan 02
fb-connect -Missing client_id parameter
Hi, I used facebook connect in my application for login and registration process using authlogic + authlogic connect gem. It works good in local machine, but in server it shows the error message like this. { "error": { "type": "OAuthException", "message": "Missing client_id parameter." } } Pls provide some solution to fix
2010 Jul 01
Close Modalpopup with RJS
hi guys: I''m scratching my head on this one: I have a twitter app where I''m trying to open a modalpopup with a twitter sign in, get them to sign in, then close the popup and refresh the main window. My code however refreshes the main window with the popup window result, which I thought was really strange: application.html.erb function OpenModalPopUP() {
2013 Nov 22
Descargar tweets con package twitteR
Hola a tod@s! Estoy dando mis primeros pasos con R, y mi objetivo es conseguir descargar tweets de cuentas concretas de twitter. Encontre documentación sobre el package twitteR, y he intentado aplicarlo, pero siempre tengo problemas a la hora de conseguir la autentificación con OAuth. Este es el código que estoy utilizando: options( RCurlOptions = list(verbose = TRUE, proxy =
2013 Sep 26
Fetch the user albums and photos
Hi, I am using omni-auth for the user authentication and logged in the user via access token. But like facebook i want to fetch the user profile information and all the albums he/she uploaded and images belongs to that albums, than save the public url to my own database. I found fb_graph a very good gem to use FB Graph search but i could not find any Gem that helps me to extract images,albums from
2012 May 01
uninitialized constant LoginController in Ruby
This is my environment.rb # Load the rails application require File.expand_path(''../application'', __FILE__) # Initialize the rails application Qstack::Application.initialize! require ''koala'' This is my application_controller.rb class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base # protect_from_forgery before_filter :parse_facebook_cookies def
2010 Sep 02
Error No such file or directory
Hi, I have a website deployed on heroku, but my local git repository was ereased, so I m trying to create a new local repository pulling my deployed site. I run : git clone -o heroku, but now when I run script/server I get this error msg: pedro@ubuntu:~/proj/my_app$ script/server => Booting WEBrick => Rails 2.3.8 application starting
2009 Jun 03
System V Init Script
Hey Listees, I have a question (hopefully quite simple) about the system V init scripts in /etc/init.d. I have an app installed and for some reason it had no system V init script. It has been installed a long while now so I can't quite remember whats going on but basically I remember I wrote the init script my self and the app is enabled as a service which chkconfig to run at system levels 3,
2008 May 05
Deploying to a staging server using Capistrano: how to start up BackgrounDRb?
Hi. I am using BackgrounDRb to process thumbnails and upload to S3 - things are hunky-dory in development (thumbs are generated, these are uploaded to S3, the metadata is saved to trhe DB, and I get a nice status page updated by periodic calls via ask_status), but when I tried to deploy to our staging server and stop/start BackgrounDRb via Capistrano, things blew up - well, not exactly,
2014 Nov 01
Pregunta (creo que simple) para usar twitteR
Hola comunidad, ¿Qué tal? Tengo una duda que creo que es sencilla, pero me veo algo torpe. Estoy tratando de darme de alta para poder acceder, vía R a la api de Twitter, soy un poco novato en esto y por esto lanzo la pregunta. Aunque ya me han ayudado y me han pasado alguno link del pasado, aún no consigo dar con la solución que seguro es algo que se me escapa He usado este código